You honestly believe that, don't you?
In actual fact, referring to biological processes as Rube Goldberg machines is a nearly perfect analogy - perhaps totally perfect. Evolution's prime directive, to engage a Star Trek idiom, is that all of biology arose from a non-directed process and that any suggestion to the contrary must be rejected without consideration. You do, in fact, believe in randomly and spontaneously created, wildly complex, self-replicating, information based Rube Goldberg machines!
Just think of that for a second...
Wildly complex,
randomly generated, INFORMATION BASED (actually not merely information based but actually symbolic logic / language based) Rube Goldberg machines.
That is what you believe in! There's no denying it. What else would you call it? What else could it be called?
Ignorance is bliss, truly
May I venture to ask where you studied evolution?
I've made an argument, Greg. Can you refute it or not? My education is not relevant to whether the argument I've made is valid. Any third grader is smart enough to understand that complex machines don't just fall into place by accident.
Here's a question for you...
How are proteins made?
No matter what answer you give, no matter how vague or detailed, it will boil down to this...
Proteins are made by other proteins - lots and lots of other proteins.
Please tell me which came first, the proteins that assemble DNA molecules, the proteins that unzip DNA molecules, the molecules that create messenger RNA molecules by snipping specific pieces of the unzipped DNA or the proteins that translate RNA to produce a protein?
And there are several other steps that I've skipped! There are in fact approximately 150 proteins that are required to produce a protein. The actual number varies depending on, for example, what sort of chemical bonds need to be made or broken (e.g. carbon-carbon bonds, oxygen-carbon bonds, nitrogen-carbon bonds, hydrogen bonds, sugar-phosphate bonds, etc, etc, etc.) each of which is handled by a different enzyme (a.k.a catalytic protein). Then there are ribosomes, where proteins are actually synthesized. Ribosomes are made of about two-thirds RNA and one third, you guessed it, proteins! In fact, each ribosome is made up of about 55 different proteins all of which were synthesized in other ribosomes and then assembled into a new ribosome by - wait for it - other proteins!
So the question is this, which came first, a protein or the proteins that made it?
Now, anyone who can think and who hasn't turned off their mind would be persuaded by what I just said. And it would persuade you if it were aimed at any other topic besides evolution. But I know as I sit here typing this that it will not persuade you. It won't even move you an inch toward being persuaded nor will you even make an attempt to refute it. You will right me off as an ignorant fool who doesn't know what he's talking about because I didn't attend a college that is on your approved list of evolutionary education providers. Or if not that, you'll find some other reason to dismiss it from your consciousness - any reason will do. You'll go find your favorite Carl Sagan quote of the day and allow it to eclipse your mind back into the black abyss that permits you to reject the God Who made you in blissful ignorance of the irrefragable truth that some ignorant, uneducated moron showed you on a theology forum.