There are no other Possible explanations? I wonder why you posted (1) and (2) if not to try to create a strawman :think:.
Why are you dishonestly asking a question about which your mind is closed to alternatives...
How am I being dishonest? The common Christian fundamentalist creationist tactic of doing battle against strawmen is what is dishonest.
I'm open to all rational and testable alternatives.
Basically, we are all semi-intelligent dirty puddles of slime. While I'm not offended by this I'm certain offense is your intent. However, name calling, while a common defensive tactic for creationists, is never conducive to a polite conversation.
This is basically "The Argument from Personal Incredulity", I can't believe it could happen so I'll believe something even more incredible, (3).
Everything you have is argumentum ex lutum or argumentum ex quod.
Dirt and mud? Aren't we both made of the same "stuff"? Oh, I forget, YOU have a "soul"... but no manners.
The creationist chooses to push the question even farther away by not answering the obvious question, where did (3) come from?
Unknowable, but that's pretty much what you'd expect with a Deity who exists completely outside of and independent of our space/time/matter box, and so exists ENTIRELY beyond our comprehension. That you refuse to even consider that possibility is why you're a retard, dirt boy.
Well, for something (a "deity"?) that is "unknowable" and "ENTIRELY beyond our comprehension" it is amazing how much Christian fundamentalist creationists claim to know about "him".
We "evolutionists" are honest enough to say, "I don't know", when confronted with things "unknowable" and "ENTIRELY beyond our comprehension".
You might as well believe in The Great Green Arkleseizure. The creator of the universe, as claimed by adherents of the faith on planet Viltvodle VI. The Jatravartids of this faith believe that the Universe was sneezed out the Great Green Arkleseizure's nose. Bless you. Bless you all.