Good grief man you claim "science... proves god's word" (goddidit) every chance you get, so, yeah, I'm challenging you on it.
Nope... that is a straw man. If I have said that, then provide a quote and post number for context.
I didn't quote you EXACTLY so you're going to cry "Strawman"? Seriously? You've been called on your "strawman" claims by almost everyone. There were no strawmen then there is no strawman now.
Science absolutely rules out "intelligent design" despite your claim(s) to the contrary:
Like I said a couple posts back, you and Barbarian can't seem to argue against any actual arguments, so you create straw men.
6, you REALLY need to get a grip on what constitutes a "logical fallacy". You should read up on
"proof by assertion" to further your education.
You jump up-and-down, slam your fist on the table, and shout, "Strawman", to every reply all the while totally ignoring your own strawmen as I pointed out in a prior post.
It would be nice if you could actually FOLLOW along and contribute to the discussion instead of trying to deflect, ignore, and evade.
This is what I actually said "However, science and logic does NOT rule out determining if intelligence created something."
Nope, you didn't say that. You said:
"even if someone said 'God did it'; that would be more logical and more scientific than the atheist claim of 'nothing did it. (It is more logical and scientific to conclude an intelligence created everything vs the belief that nothing can create everything)"
I quoted and responded DIRECTLY to this assertion. Do you STILL want to scream, "Strawman"?
Since science rules out "goddidit" as an explanation YOU (the creationist) must find some way to substantiate how "logic" explains "goddidit". My guess is your explanation will include something similar to, "Abiogenesis without my personal concept of deity's involvement is impossible because life from non-life is so incredibly amazing, not understandable, and unimaginable it must be wrong".
Would you like examples how science and logic help determine if intelligence is involved.
And allow you to deflect and avoid answering for your assertion? Not a chance.
BTW.... science involves being willing to follow the evidence no matter where it leads.
I agree. Science strives to identify natural causes for observed natural phenomena.
"Goddidit", by definition, IS NOT a natural cause.
If you come up with a self serving explanation of what science is, that excludes possible outcomes..then you are doing psuedo-science.
"A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested, in accordance with the scientific method, using a predefined protocol of observation and experiment." (Wikipedia)
"Goddidit" is NEVER a possible scientific explanation for ANY natural phenomena.
According to science, everything in the natural world is assumed to have a natural cause.
Well... actually science is usually considered to be making conclusions based on observation and repeated experiments
Are you claiming this to be your personal copyrighted idea?
"A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested, in accordance with the scientific method, using a predefined protocol of observation and experiment." (Wikipedia)
Modern science was largely founded by bible-believing Christians who believed that science could be performed because God created in a logical manner ...making Science possible. Science still operates on those basic concepts that there is laws and order to our universe.
Yeah, so? As science advances it find "goddidit" becomes less and less of a viable explanation for the natural universe.