There are several internet forums that at least in part address the evolution vs. creationism issue, and in all of them creationists exhibit this specific behavior.
Creationist: Oh yeah? Where's the evidence? SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE!!!
Science advocate: Here's a description of some of the evidence.
Funny you should mention that.
Creationist: My eyes glazed over. I stopped reading after the first sentence. None of it matters anyways. Evidence doesn't matter. All that matters is God's Word.
I mean, the mere fact that they pose science-oriented questions in religious forums provides a pretty good indication that their questions don't stem from a good-faith interest in the actual science.
I think maybe it's not dishonesty. Whenever I ask Mrs. Barbarian about an insurance question, my eyes glaze over, too. She works for a medical school, specializing in difficult cases. Insurance companies write rules so that they can get pretty much any answer they want by citing the right clause.
But it's a double-edged sword, and she knows how to use it.
Some of this stuff might be a little heavy if you haven't had college biology.