Evolution... Do we believe?

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Not according to the fundamentalists here. One must believe in the Bible---every word and story. If Jesus did not do what the Bible says he did then the risk is that none of it is true and there is not a Biblical god. It frightens people here to have that possibility.

The fundies here say that YE creationism is science and evolution is faith. I prefer to keep my views right-side up.


It has been clarified many times.
Do you have trouble reading history books if the author uses a figure of speech? Generally it is pretty simple reading any type of literature to determine what is poetic, literal history, geology, prophecy, songs, parables, etc

But the evidence provided by the natural world makes it clear that the earth is more than 6000 years old, that there was no world wide flood just a few thousand years ago. Is it not your position that Genesis is literal---6000 year ago creation in a week, Adam and Eve created and then sinned, Noah's Flood---and that acceptance of those as historical is fundamental to your faith in Jesus? If I am incorrect in your position please clarify. If I am incorrect then I am dumbfounded by what has been your consistent defense of the historical accuracy of Genesis.


New member
Jonahdog said:
But the evidence provided by the natural world makes it clear that the earth is more than 6000 years old, that there was no world wide flood just a few thousand years ago.
The evidence provided by the natural world (genetics, geology, astronomy etc) make it clear that the universe, earth and life can't be billions of years old, found that there was a worldwide flood just a few thousand years ago.

Jonahdog said:
Is it not your position that Genesis is literal---6000 year ago creation in a week, Adam and Eve created and then sinned, Noah's Flood---and that acceptance of those as historical is fundamental to your faith in Jesus? If I am incorrect in your position please clarify. If I am incorrect then I am dumbfounded by what has been your consistent defense of the historical accuracy of Genesis.
I'm impressed! :)
You fairly accurately described my position.


New member
The fundies here say that YE creationism is science and evolution is faith. I prefer to keep my views right-side up.
Evolutionists love their strawman arguments.
Creationism and evolutionism are both beliefs about our origins.


Well-known member
But the evidence provided by the natural world makes it clear that the earth is more than 6000 years old, that there was no world wide flood just a few thousand years ago. Is it not your position that Genesis is literal---6000 year ago creation in a week, Adam and Eve created and then sinned, Noah's Flood---and that acceptance of those as historical is fundamental to your faith in Jesus? If I am incorrect in your position please clarify. If I am incorrect then I am dumbfounded by what has been your consistent defense of the historical accuracy of Genesis.

See my thread on how Gen 1 is more sensible and rational that many people think.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So does that mean the criterion for "kind" is an inability to breed?
Evolutionists hate reading.
Actually, there is no way for "evolutionists" to rule out the possibility that a 6,000 year old earth was created with the appearance 4.5 billion years of age.
Why would you want to rule that out? :AMR:

It's just that there is no rational scientific reason to rule a 6,000 year old earth in.
The source of an idea is irrelevant. Scientists know this, and know it is the testability and falsifiability of the idea that makes it worthwhile.

The Bible is not a source of scientific knowledge, nor does it even claim to be such.
I think we can safely dismiss your opinion of what the Bible says.

There isn't a single scientific breakthrough whose source can be traced back to the Bible. It is strictly a book of faith.
Therefore, something. :idunno:
That is a separate issue from young earth creationism.
Nope. The Bible says "six days" and "the whole Earth." You reject the plain teaching of scripture.

The fundies here say that YE creationism is science and evolution is faith.
To be fair, the fundamentalists have provided a testable and falsifiable idea. The evolutionists have to disguise their assumptions as facts, hoping that the use of their undefined terminology will fool people into thinking their notions are scientific.

What is a "species"?


New member
And ... un-biblical evolutionists love to think?
I was simply countering Stripe's ridiculous statement. The assertion that "evolutionists hate reading" is just as vapid as the claim that "Biblical creationists hate thinking." Then again, if he insists that his post is true, I can just as well claim that mine is as well.

Also, your suggestion that evolution is somehow "unbiblical" merely begs the question in favor of your preferred interpretations of the Bible. In your statement, then, the term "unbiblical" simply refers to "anything that fails to agree with 6days' favored interpretations of Scripture."


New member
Most of the objections to evolution stem from an inability to distinguish one's own desires from God's word.
Do you mean objections to your beliefs in common ancestry that contradict God's Word?
In Genesis 1 & 2 we read how God formed man from the dust of the ground and then formed woman from the rib of the man.

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The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Most of the objections to evolution stem from an inability to distinguish one's own desires from God's word.

6days provides an example:
Do you mean objections to your beliefs in common ancestry that contradict God's Word?

You are not God, and God does not deny the fact of common descent. That is just your revision of His word.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
[FONT="Georgia"]I was simply countering Stripe's ridiculous statement. The assertion that "evolutionists hate [I]reading[/I]" is just as vapid as the claim that "Biblical creationists hate [I]thinking[/I]." Then again, if he insists that [I]his[/I] post is true, I can just as well claim that [I]mine[/I] is as well.

Also, your suggestion that evolution is somehow "unbiblical" merely begs the question in favor of your preferred [B][I]interpretations[/I][/B] of the Bible. In your statement, then, the term "unbiblical" simply refers to "anything that fails to agree with 6days' favored [B][I]interpretations[/I][/B] of Scripture."[/FONT]

My statement was not vapid. The definition of kind has been stated clearly numerous times, yet evolutionists continue to ignore it, preferring to make things up.

Nope. I accept that the Bible says "six days" (Exodus 20:11). I also accept that according to the best scientific dating estimates, the earth appears to be 4.543 billion years old and the universe appears to be 13.772 billion years old.

You "accept that it says" and then you reject what it says.


Well-known member
Yes... Genesis 1 is totally sensible.
Why do you attempt to make it become illogical?

What conclusion there is illogical? I'm not trying to keep the believer interested. I'm trying to keep the unbeliever interested and to realize that all information sketches one history; for there is only one.