Evolution... Do we believe?


New member
Evolution doesn't bother me the more and more I understand how the world works and how God could have made things come about


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Evolution doesn't bother me the more and more I understand how the world works and how God could have made things come about

Great. Another moron who has invented his own god.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yeah stripe, that's it. Stop reading scripture as a science textbook

Why? It's got more scientific content than three years of a geology degree.

Ever been schooled in a hard science, or were you just planning on using your feelings as evidence?


New member
No stripe, I just don't care for the false science young earthers use. I would like a honest examination and not that has to be the way it was


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I would like a honest examination.

So you thought you'd open up with a "poisoning the well" fallacy? :AMR:

How about this: You point out one large-scale geomorphological feature in terrain view on Google Maps and I will show you how it points to the Biblical account and denies your nascent evolutionism. :up:
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The Barbarian

Wasn't it a Biblical creationist who is the father of modern taxonomy?

A creationist, but of course not a YE creationist. That wasn't invented until the 20th century. He did discover the nested hierarchy of taxa that only happens in case of common descent.

He was shook when his investigation showed that there was no essential difference between humans and other apes:

I demand of you, and of the whole world, that you show me a generic character, by which to distinguish between Man and Ape. I myself most assuredly know of none. I wish somebody would indicate one to me. But if I had called man an ape, or vice versa, I should have fallen under the ban of all the ecclesiastics. It may be that as a naturalist I ought to have done so.
Carolus Linnaeus

The point is that evolutionists seem to want concise definitions, (no problem)

As you know, evolutionary theory says that there should be no possible definition of "species" that applies in all cases. Stipe claims there is one, (as creationism requires), but can't show it to us. Maybe you will?

Originally Posted by alwight
As far as I know many of us carry Neanderthal DNA, so some viable offspring must have emerged

Not "many"... its pretty much all of us, excluding Africans.*

And many creationists argued that Africans aren't fully human, so it's not surprising you think so.

God's Word correct thousands of years ago...Correct now. All humanity is one blood.

That's not what creationists have said. Agassiz, for example, denied that blacks had a common ancestor with other humans. The director of the ICR claimed that blacks have a genetic character that makes them intellectually and spiritually inferior to other humans.

The Barbarian

How about this: You point out one geomorphological feature in terrain view on Google Maps and I will show you how it points to the Biblical account and denies your nascent evolutionism.

I will assume you mean your revision of the Biblical account.


Hairpin turns and vertical walls close to a kilometer high. Explain how a sudden flood did this.


New Zealand is composed of volcanic islands, formed by eruptions along a convergent boundary between plates. There are no possible ways land animals could have gotten there, no lost land bridges or other routes. And accordingly, until humans got there, only birds and bats among vertebrates, lived there.

So the Moas had to have flown there, and then evolved to a flightless condition.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Blablarian and his "kilometer-high vertical walls" again. :chuckle:

The Barbarian

Stipe challenges:
How about this: You point out one geomorphological feature in terrain view on Google Maps and I will show you how it points to the Biblical account and denies your nascent evolutionism.

(Barbarian shows him two)

(Stipe runs away from his own challenge)



New member
alwight said:
Darwin was a Biblical creationist at one time

Darwin was a creationist perhaps but with poor Biblical knowledge.*

But, that is simply your attempt at moving goalposts. You suggested creationists aren't interested in taxonomy. I asked if it wasn't a Biblical creationist who is considered the father of taxonomy.*

alwight said:
About God and YECism? Seems to me what is actually required is*some*evidence beyond what some people believe from ancient scripture
Evidence is everywhere Alwight.*

Look at the heavens....
"The heavens declare the glory of God "

Look at the world around you.*
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."

*Look at evidence from genetics, archaeology, geology, biology, chemistry, paleontology etc.*

alwight said:
6days said:
Not "many"... its pretty much*all*of us, {descendants of Neandertals}excluding Africans.
Sounds interesting what is your source?
Yes... it is very interesting since evolutionists once claimed Neandertals were dimwitted, stooped over hairy creatures incapable of breeding with humans.*

"If your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal, according to a new study in the July issue of*Molecular Biology and Evolution."

alwight said:
6days said:
Neandertals we're a distinct people group not unlike pygmies and others who are distinct. Neandertal skeletal differences fall within the range of some modern humans. Evolutionists attempt to deny the humanity of Neandertals, even though science has shown we are their descendants. (Not unlike how evolutionists in the past denied humanity of black people calling them savages who would someday be eliminated, or who thought women weren't as highly evolved as men. )

Who and when exactly is attempting to deny their humanity? You wouldn't be going back to the 19th century would you, things have moved on a bit since then?

19th century? No... August 2015 evolutionists still try portray Neandertals as less than ourselves.*

alwight said:
6days said:
God's Word correct thousands of years ago...Correct now. All humanity is one blood.
If you say so.*
No... God's Word says so, and science helps confirm it.


New member
Evolution doesn't bother me the more and more I understand how the world works and how God could have made things come about
Evolution SHOULD bother you as a Christian if you are referring to common ancestry beliefs which contradict God's Word. God's Word explains that Jesus, Last Adam, had to physically die to defeat curse of physical death, caused by sin of first Adam, who was "at the beginning of creation".
Accepting common ancestry beliefs leads to a compromised and illogical gospel. Better to accept God's Word and the science supporting it..


Evolution SHOULD bother you as a Christian if you are referring to common ancestry beliefs which contradict God's Word. God's Word explains that Jesus, Last Adam, had to physically die to defeat curse of physical death, caused by sin of first Adam, who was "at the beginning of creation".
Accepting common ancestry beliefs leads to a compromised and illogical gospel. Better to accept God's Word and the science supporting it..

Except science does not support your particular deity's word. Nice try but remains irrational


New member
I can't accept such nonsense as evolution. The more you listen to their nonsense, the less sense it makes. There are plenty of non Christians that reject evolution as well.


New member
Darwin was a creationist perhaps but with poor Biblical knowledge.

But, that is simply your attempt at moving goalposts. You suggested creationists aren't interested in taxonomy. I asked if it wasn't a Biblical creationist who is considered the father of taxonomy.
My point was really that when Darwin was young most people in his society would probably have been creationists, the Bible was at the time the most accepted explanation for life. But we know better these days of course, modern life evolved over many millions of years and wasn't magically created. ;)

Evidence is everywhere Alwight
Yes, the ground we walk on contains so many different forms of evidence.

Look at the heavens....
"The heavens declare the glory of God "
A view of the distant past is still available to see right now from the depths of space, light from billions of years ago is only just getting here now. Confirmation of the great age of the universe of course, even if a god had something to do with it.

Look at the world around you.*
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."
I think that the world probably accreted rather than was miraculously created. Why that could only mean your version of God I really do not know.

Look at evidence from genetics, archaeology, geology, biology, chemistry, paleontology etc.
Yes a clear record of Darwinian evolution and the great age of the Earth is well evidenced.

Yes... it is very interesting since evolutionists once claimed Neandertals were dimwitted, stooped over hairy creatures incapable of breeding with humans.
I think that view has rather receded somewhat these days.

"If your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal, according to a new study in the July issue of*Molecular Biology and Evolution."
New in 2011 anyway.

19th century? No... August 2015 evolutionists still try portray Neandertals as less than ourselves.
Really, why would they do that do you think? I don't.

No... God's Word says so, and science helps confirm it.
I hear you but I don't hear God. :nono:


New member
Barbarian said:
*...YE creationist. That wasn't invented until the 20th century.
Your argument was shown to be dishonest before... I would think your argument might evolve a bit.

Barbarian said:
He (Carolus Linnaeus )did discover the nested hierarchy of taxa that only happens in case of common descent.
Besides being wrong... its a totally different argument than what was being discussed.