Evil.Eye.<(I)> is actually....

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New member
The POSTER who has made this thread, every day for weeks now, has blown up the chat box, made outrageous threads grandstanding, and trying to rally everyone to snuff the others out. It's been relentless, and is infuriating to have to come on here every time I log in and see and hear the same old garbage over and over.

Freedom of speech, even about religion.


TOL Subscriber
I think it's time someone acknowledged the looming elephant in the room, because this has gotten to a point of just rank stupidity.

This thread is trying to appeal to the head administrator and to other people in an attempt to make Reformed Christians, Presbyterians, and otherwise Calvinists and Protestants on here feel insecure on this site.

If so, it is a big fail . . this poster of many names can not intimidate me in the least. It is his kind of behavior, that builds my faith and security in Jesus Christ, because he fits the bill of those we have been warned will show up in our midst. See Jude 5-19

I just feel that someone else needs to state it so that it can be known that I'm not alone with this issue.

No you are not alone. People with false gospels, who dominate discussion, disgust me also.

Something needs to be said, seriously- because this is no longer theological debate, this is an attempt at some stupid inquisition and I've had it.
I feel like I'm at a liberal rally :rolleyes:

You are correct, and TOL has lost many interesting and intelligent posters, all because of the misguided notion that the Reformers' Gospel is being beaten down by such.

TOL is in a decline; not the Gospel of Jesus Christ . . .


Are posts censored unless deemed inappropiate by moderators?

If a poster is trying to ruin other posters' general experience on these forums by attempting to demonize and harass them constantly, or attempting to rally others on them, then that is a valid cause of concern for moderators.

I think you need to just can it, seriously- stop defending that nonsense.
In fact, why the hell not, welcome to the ignore list. Pretty much snuffing out the pettiness here today :wave2:


You are correct, and TOL has lost many interesting and intelligent posters, all because of the misguided notion that the Reformers' Gospel is being beaten down by such.

Most of them don't even really know what they are talking about- it'd be one thing if they had the goods to back it up but all it ends up amounting to is short-sighted bias handed down virtually by hearsay.

I don't believe half the people on here even heard of Calvinism before coming in. They just eventually follow the same narrative not really understanding that it's Reformation theology. And when it dawns on them, the only thing they can do is embrace irrational nonsense because they have too much pride to concede.

They do their selves in, and then end up having to throw stones at all of Christianity :rolleyes:


Eclectic Theosophist
For Crying Out Loud...............

For Crying Out Loud...............

Most of them don't even really know what they are talking about- it'd be one thing if they had the goods to back it up but all it ends up amounting to is short-sighted bias handed down virtually by hearsay.

I don't believe half the people on here even heard of Calvinism before coming in. They just eventually follow the same narrative not really understanding that it's Reformation theology. And when it dawns on them, the only thing they can do is embrace irrational nonsense because they have too much pride to concede.

They do their selves in, and then end up having to throw stones at all of Christianity :rolleyes:

We all have our own ways at challenging, debating or contesting points of doctrine or philosophy that interest and/or abhor us. In that vein we can dive into discussion on the various points. My critiques so far given of Calvinism or any points in TULIP, available for any to read and contest as well, of course,...are more about principles, rationale or logics behind the doctrines, presuppositions, etc. Hence they stand, until they are forced to undergo revision or modifications. So....my thoughts, being mere perspectives, points of view....sustain,....again, until one can convince me otherwise, or persuade me to see things according their logic, having my 'conscience' agree with the principle being shared. - it does not agree with own inner compass of conscience, I share why, and expound upon it.

While EE may have his own motives concerning orchestrating various points and directing subjects curiously thereby (start twilight zone music), I cannot fully judge, but in the spirit of free discourse and research engage for the purpose of learning, expanding consciousness. - that's kinda what freelight is all about (for those just awakening). That's the challenge of dialogue, and you can by your own creativity DIRECT the discourse according to where you feel the best interests of truth or wisdom are being served. - this surely beats some of the petty tit for tat retorts (immature volleying back n forth), kindergarden level banter that often goes around, ruining the serious nature and demeanor of many threads (ahum!) - such chicken fights or bully battles can be done in 'The Back Alley' on the forum. Granted I do have my 'cosmic cafe' thread in the Back Alley section, but I think it was somewhat comically placed :)

In the meantime folks, knock yourself out,...but be decent, wonderful and cool about it, for God's sake.

God's Truth

New member
Did our hero, defend her "argument?:"

You, to those, protecting a child from a rapist, wolf, robber, pedefile, child abuser, murderer...:

Is this sincere love that God speaks of?


For all of TOL, to witness, again.

Yeah I did. You speak as one with Tourettes.

Eagles Wings

New member
I see [MENTION=18274]GraceBunny[/MENTION] is logged in.

How's 'ole NIG doing?

Or is EE also GraceBunny?

Oh, who can keep these kids straight?


Well-known member
"Evil.Eye.<(I)> is actually...." not a Jew but a Judas and a coward:

Originally Posted by Evil.Eye.<(I)>
I'm Jewish Daqq...

Congratulations Daqq, This Thread is just for you. (Exposing your Deceit)

We're sorry, this call out thread with your name in the title is locked: you cannot reply.



Well-known member
I see @GraceBunny is logged in.

How's 'ole NIG doing?

Or is EE also GraceBunny?

Oh, who can keep these kids straight?

No doubt he or it will be whatsoever you wish them to be, for that is how Modalism works. You want to talk about God? "Jesus is God." You want to talk about the Father? "Jesus is YHWH." You want to talk about Azazel? "Jesus is Azazel." But when you question it about how the scripture says Messiah was not ashamed to call those willing to become sanctified his brethren, and how it is that it claims that, "Jesus is YHWH", it replies that "YHWH is my brother", for that is again how Modalism works: for it makes the god to be just the same as itself in the machinations of its vain imagination. Notice that the hat which it wears is a prominent representation of precisely what it believes, what it does, and how it acts:


Why did I attach my "signature" picture?
Because patrick jane is correct... That was indeed "evil".
"Congratulations Daqq, This Thread is just for you. (Exposing your Deceit)" Reply#76

The hat neither has a front side nor a back side, and thus, whenever the occasion requires a change in mode or countenance, the modal god within simply imagines a quarter or half turn of the hat: and suddenly you find yourself speaking to another, whether it be Nameless.In.Grace., or N.I.G., or W.A.R.N.I.G., or Evil.Eye.<(I)>, (and one may clearly see in the modes of change over time that the names change from some perverted form of grace into evil only evil). And then of course there is a feminine gender GraceBunny, but it is highly doubtful that anyone here will ever know if that one is a real physical person or not, (though no doubt she is in the form of an entity). :)

P.S. Lest we forget; there was a "P.W." in there, as I do clearly recall. So the five are fallen, and one is, and no doubt that one is not its gaber though certainly a gibbor, (John 4:18, Matt 12:43, 44, 45, Luke 11:24, 25, 26, Rev 17:10-11, 19:10, (the Testimony of Yeshua is the Spirit of the Prophecy)). :chuckle:
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patrick jane

No doubt he or it will be whatsoever you wish them to be, for that is how Modalism works. You want to talk about God? "Jesus is God." You want to talk about the Father? "Jesus is YHWH." You want to talk about Azazel? "Jesus is Azazel." But when you question it about how the scripture says Messiah was not ashamed to call those willing to become sanctified his brethren, and how it is that it claims that, "Jesus is YHWH", it replies that "YHWH is my brother", for that is again how Modalism works: for it makes the god to be just the same as itself in the machinations of its vain imagination. Notice that the hat which it wears is a prominent representation of precisely what it believes, what it does, and how it acts:

"Congratulations Daqq, This Thread is just for you. (Exposing your Deceit)" Reply#76

The hat neither has a front side nor a back side, and thus, whenever the occasion requires a change in mode or countenance, the modal god within simply imagines a quarter or half turn of the hat: and suddenly you find yourself speaking to another, whether it be Nameless.In.Grace., or N.I.G., or W.A.R.N.I.G., or Evil.Eye.<(I)>, (and one may clearly see in the modes of change over time that the names change from some perverted form of grace into evil only evil). And then of course there is a feminine gender GraceBunny, but it is highly doubtful that anyone here will ever know if that one is a real physical person or not, (though no doubt she is in the form of an entity). :)

P.S. Lest we forget; there was a "P.W." in there, as I do clearly recall. So the five are fallen, and one is, and no doubt that one is not its gaber though certainly a gibbor, (John 4:18, Matt 12:43, 44, 45, Luke 11:24, 25, 26, Rev 17:10-11, 19:10, (the Testimony of Yeshua is the Spirit of the Prophecy)). :chuckle:
great post !!!

God's Truth

New member
No doubt he or it will be whatsoever you wish them to be, for that is how Modalism works. You want to talk about God? "Jesus is God." You want to talk about the Father? "Jesus is YHWH." You want to talk about Azazel? "Jesus is Azazel." But when you question it about how the scripture says Messiah was not ashamed to call those willing to become sanctified his brethren, and how it is that it claims that, "Jesus is YHWH", it replies that "YHWH is my brother", for that is again how Modalism works: for it makes the god to be just the same as itself in the machinations of its vain imagination. Notice that the hat which it wears is a prominent representation of precisely what it believes, what it does, and how it acts:

"Congratulations Daqq, This Thread is just for you. (Exposing your Deceit)" Reply#76

The hat neither has a front side nor a back side, and thus, whenever the occasion requires a change in mode or countenance, the modal god within simply imagines a quarter or half turn of the hat: and suddenly you find yourself speaking to another, whether it be Nameless.In.Grace., or N.I.G., or W.A.R.N.I.G., or Evil.Eye.<(I)>, (and one may clearly see in the modes of change over time that the names change from some perverted form of grace into evil only evil). And then of course there is a feminine gender GraceBunny, but it is highly doubtful that anyone here will ever know if that one is a real physical person or not, (though no doubt she is in the form of an entity). :)

P.S. Lest we forget; there was a "P.W." in there, as I do clearly recall. So the five are fallen, and one is, and no doubt that one is not its gaber though certainly a gibbor, (John 4:18, Matt 12:43, 44, 45, Luke 11:24, 25, 26, Rev 17:10-11, 19:10, (the Testimony of Yeshua is the Spirit of the Prophecy)). :chuckle:

Jesus is God the Father come in the flesh as a Son. Modalists say Jesus is the Father, and the Holy Spirit, but they say they do not exist at the same time. I do not believe like that.

Jesus is God the Father, for there is only one God and He is the Father. Since Jesus is God, he must also be the Father.

I can give you scripture that prove they are the same.
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