Every day is a new circus.


like marbles on glass
Elizabeth Warren Quietly Moves Into Second Place

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who stumbled badly last year when she opened her presidential campaign with a genetic test to prove her Native American heritage, has quietly moved into a dead heat for second place in the race for the Democratic nomination.

A new YouGov national poll is the first to actually show Warren in second place, just behind Joe Biden who leads her 27% to 16%. Bernie Sanders is third at 12%. But a new Quinnipiac University national poll also had Warren within the margin of error versus Sanders for second place.

And a new Iowa poll over the weekend also found her within the margin of error against Sanders.

It’s not a stretch to say Warren is now essentially tied with Sanders as the leading alternative to Biden.

Obviously it’s early, and the first debates are looming, but Warren has recovered nicely from her early missteps.


Hall of Fame
Elizabeth Warren Quietly Moves Into Second Place
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who stumbled badly last year when she opened her presidential campaign with a genetic test to prove her Native American heritage, has quietly moved into a dead heat for second place in the race for the Democratic nomination.

A new YouGov national poll is the first to actually show Warren in second place, just behind Joe Biden who leads her 27% to 16%. Bernie Sanders is third at 12%. But a new Quinnipiac University national poll also had Warren within the margin of error versus Sanders for second place.

And a new Iowa poll over the weekend also found her within the margin of error against Sanders.

It’s not a stretch to say Warren is now essentially tied with Sanders as the leading alternative to Biden.

Obviously it’s early, and the first debates are looming, but Warren has recovered nicely from her early missteps.

Though Joe is my first choice, I wouldn’t mind Warren.


like marbles on glass
Though Joe is my first choice, I wouldn’t mind Warren.

She's doing remarkably well. I like what I've seen, but I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination. Biden isn't my first choice, but he's doing a good job of twisting Trump inside out. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
She's doing remarkably well. I like what I've seen, but I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination. Biden isn't my first choice, but he's doing a good job of twisting Trump inside out. :chuckle:

Biden is my favorite, followed by Mayor Pete, Harris and Warren. Of course, considering the current situation, I would vote for a blind, dancing poodle in a pink tutu.


like marbles on glass
Biden is my favorite, followed by Mayor Pete, Harris and Warren. Of course, considering the current situation, I would vote for a blind, dancing poodle in a pink tutu.

Which would have more brains than the no collusion-collusion's not a crime-I might collude piece of work sullying the office right now....

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
About as "much" as one would expect from the current bastion of office...


meanwhile in "great" Britain, you guys don't even have a prime minister, your government has collapsed, Brexit is hanging in the air, Scotland and Ireland are questionable....

it's no wonder you'd rather devote your time and energy to bashing our president, who has actually been successful, and divert attention away from your sorry sordid little mess of a country :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
meanwhile in "great" Britain, you guys don't even have a prime minister, your government has collapsed, Brexit is hanging in the air, Scotland and Ireland are questionable....

it's no wonder you'd rather devote your time and energy to bashing our president, who has actually been successful, and divert attention away from your sorry sordid little mess of a country :chuckle:

It's no wonder with our embarrassment of a president and his Incredibly Empty Cabinet* that you'd rather devote your time and energy to bashing the UK...

* https://www.axios.com/trump-cabinet-vacancies-65a66f00-a140-4b49-887f-3c1bcf6469a7.html

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's no wonder with our embarrassment of a president and his Incredibly Empty Cabinet*...

:yawn: don't care

that you'd rather devote your time and energy to bashing the UK...

right, cause that's all i've been doing today, bashing the "united" kingdom :dizzy:

Meanwhile, you don't wonder why artie, who is supposedly from england, doesn't ever talk about what's going on over there? Especially in the middle of the current governmental crisis?


like marbles on glass
:yawn: don't care

right, cause that's all i've been doing today, bashing the "united" kingdom :dizzy:

Right, because that's all AB's been doing today, bashing our embarrassment of a president...
See how that works? When it's turned back on you, you start anxiety-yawning again.

Meanwhile, you don't wonder why artie, who is supposedly from england, doesn't ever talk about what's going on over there? Especially in the middle of the current governmental crisis?

Why would that be any of your business?