Does that mean Christ Jesus literally separates literal wheat from literal tares, and then puts the literal wheat in a literal barn?
Again, fool, the phrase "you know how it goes; you can't fight city hall" is meant to function in much the same way as parables do.
Most will be aware that although an actual city hall may exist, and although it is well known that a legal fight against one's city hall is either not easily won, or not won at all - neither an actual city hall, nor an actual fight with it, let alone, actual fisticuffs, is what is being referred to.
The only ones not aware of the actual principle being communicted through such an analogy, figure of speech, parable, metaphor, etc., is either some one who has some sort of a learning disability, or someone deadset in their own agenda such that they have rendered their ears not ears to hear, and their eyes not eyes to see, for what doing so will mean expose them as.
There are those who get it or receive it, and those honestly unable to, and lastly, those unwilling to.
The first of those three were blessed for their having received it; the second one of those three were forgiven their slowness; while the third of those three (which you and Interplanner are obviously profoundly invested, in Tet) were repeatedly condemned by their own recurrent witness.
The poster I Am A Berean is more in that second group. He just doesn't get it, but believes he does. In this, he appears the only honest one of you three Preterists.