Even Gays Say: Their Behavior is Sick


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This has the ring of a self serving lie to me. Do you have any spend of this, or a link to the research?
I used to have the links on a thread here on TOL but I don't know if it still exists. In any case I have no reason to lie. If you like (I don't recommend it) look at NAMBLA's own info. Their own slogan has to do with this well established fact which no one even denied before it was politically incorrect to talk about facts when it comes to homos.

When researching for papers on molestation, the word 'homosexual' simply means male on male.
The word homosexual means "same sexual". It refers to sexuality between two people of the same gender. It makes no difference the context.

It doesn't mean the perpetrator is a homosexual, but you seem to have conflated paedophilia with homosexuality.
Man on boy molestation is homosexual molestation by definition.

Homosexuals are no more likely to be attracted to children than heterosexuals.

Child molestation had nothing to do with homosexuality,
No more than the rhino virus has to do with the common cold.

except that fundies and Republicans like to make people fear gays as it makes it easier to attack them politically. It is evil to misrepresent a minority just so you can vilify them.
It's justice, or the closest thing we can hope for at the moment in this sexually addicted, perverse society in which we live.

Next thing you'll want to tell me is the pedophiles are born that way and that we should accept their life choices!

Writing this post made me feel nauseous! :vomit:

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
"The Woman Caught in Adultery" (John 8:1-11) does not appear in the Bible just to demonstrate Jesus' using His "brilliant" legal mind to extracate Himself from the trap set by His Sanhedrin opponents.
Yes, actually that is precisely why its in there. The text says so.

Christ was placed on earth for a far greater purpose and that includes providing a model for how we as Christians should conduct our lives.
Providing a model has almost nothing to do with why God the Son became a man. It was a benefit of His doing so but that was not the purpose.

The fact that He refused to condemn "The Women Caught in Adultery" is symbolic in that we as Christians should not emulate the Pharisees in the story or set ourselves up as judge and jury to judge her at a later date.

Christ saved His severest criticisms not for the "homos (who) cannot "get better", same as pedophiles, zoophiles and serial killers ..." but for those self-righteous religious zealots whose "unloving" nature turns people away from seeking God.
So let me get this straight, you're telling me that its wrong to judge!

Want to think that one through for a second?

Resting in Him,


New member
I used to have the links on a thread here on TOL but I don't know if it still exists. In any case I have no reason to lie. If you like (I don't recommend it) look at NAMBLA's own info. Their own slogan has to do with this well established fact which no one even denied before it was politically incorrect to talk about facts when it comes to homos.

The word homosexual means "same sexual". It refers to sexuality between two people of the same gender. It makes no difference the context.

Man on boy molestation is homosexual molestation by definition.


No more than the rhino virus has to do with the common cold.

It's justice, or the closest thing we can hope for at the moment in this sexually addicted, perverse society in which we live.

Next thing you'll want to tell me is the pedophiles are born that way and that we should accept their life choices!

Writing this post made me feel nauseous! :vomit:

Resting in Him,

You seem not to have understood my meaning. Homosexual does indeed mean same sex interaction. But a homosexual molestation is just that - it does not define the offenders' adult sexual preferences. Those with adult heterosexual desires are just as likely to molest children of the same sex as those attracted to adults of the same sex. The majority of molesters do not have a well defined adult sexual orientation in any case, so they can't be men who have sex with men.

Ignoring the technical usage of the term homosexual in research is to deliberately misrepresent the results. It is lying, plain and simple. Paedophiles who act on their desires need dealing with, but they are not specifically homosexual men.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nearly all male homos were molested by a male between the ages of five and eight. Fortunately, the vast majority of male on male (homosexual) molestation victims do not grow up to become homos or child molesters themselves. If they did we'd be literally over run by perverts everywhere. Having said that, it really can be accurately stated that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children because being molested as a child is the primary cause of the perversion. If all you did was to start executing convicted child molesters, it wouldn't be long before there was hardly a homo left because their attrition due to premature death (i.e. disease, drug abuse, suicide, domestic violence, etc) would out pace their rate of production.

Resting in Him,

Cites? By such I mean verifiable, credited and supported research/articles etc as oppose to empty assertion/rhetoric.


New member
And no, there are not dozens of things that God considers capital crimes. I've named most of them on this thread already but there are others, many of which had to do with religious laws dealing exclusively with the nation of Israel and which therefore have no application outside of that context.

you mean like the religious law about murdering gays you keep bringing up?


New member
Um, in actual fact, it happens to be true that black people commit most of the violent crime in this country. But it has nothing to do with the color of their skin or any other genetic issue.

(I've never even one time heard the accusation that Jews commit most of the kidnappings, by the way.)
never thought i would be using Nazaroo as a source for factual information but: Why Racists Falsely believe that Blacks perpetrate the most Rapes

Same level of truth as the claim that gays commit most of the child sexual abuse

Wrong again moose breath!
Are you old enough to be posting here?

Nearly all male homos were molested by a male between the ages of five and eight.
Wow, that is 100% false.

Fortunately, the vast majority of male on male (homosexual) molestation victims do not grow up to become homos or child molesters themselves. If they did we'd be literally over run by perverts everywhere. Having said that, it really can be accurately stated that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children because being molested as a child is the primary cause of the perversion.

If all you did was to start executing convicted child molesters, it wouldn't be long before there was hardly a homo left because their attrition due to premature death (i.e. disease, drug abuse, suicide, domestic violence, etc) would out pace their rate of production.

Resting in Him,
And another lie put out by anti-gay hate groups.


New member
Not true. It is like saying murderers commit the murders. "Homos" is a way of identify disgusting and evil behavior. Pigment in skin or an ethnic group is not comparable to behavior.

If you want to talk about evil and disgusting behavior why not start with bigotry


New member
Cites? By such I mean verifiable, credited and supported research/articles etc as oppose to empty assertion/rhetoric.
Good luck with that, I have yet to see any of these bigoted nut cases produce any evidence to support themselves outside of their own beliefs.


New member
1. To be accurate, Jesus refused to condemn the woman (“Then neither do I condemn you,”) even though the fact that she broke the Mosaic Law on adultery was never in dispute.

2. There is no mention as to whom caught her in adultery, just that “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

3. Given that Jesus was the only one without sin, He could have thrown the first stone - but chose to show compassion instead.

4. The original Mosaic Law never actually states that only those without sin were allowed to throw the first stone, but Jesus was demonstrating His divine authority to introduce the proper interpretation of the Law.
To be more accurate -

Adultery was under the ten commandments as it was a type of Idolatry by sinning against covenant, and therefore against God.

Deut 13:6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again. ...

5. Under Mosaic Law, her male partner was equally guilty of adultery but there is no mention as to why he wasn't brought to the temple courts.
The male was always put to death under the law, and may have already suffered his fate or escaped. The woman however had a presumption of having rape inflicted upon her, and therefore being innocent.
Lacking the proper male authority - her father, her husband, or other overseer to proclaim his innocence and her guilt, the stoning could not proceed. So they brought the woman to Jesus to see what He would do.


New member
Is the OP quote from the same Henry Makov PhD whose PhD is in English and writes mostly on how the Illuminati is the satanic cult that had taken over world government? Is he that conspiracy theory nutter?


Well-known member
Is the OP quote from the same Henry Makov PhD whose PhD is in English and writes mostly on how the Illuminati is the satanic cult that had taken over world government? Is he that conspiracy theory nutter?

Yes. It's like using Nazaroo as a source.

He writes mostly about Illuminati bankers, Illuminati psy ops and the evils of Jews. Peppered with rants about feminism and homosexuals.

You know... The now typical wingnut fuel.

Here's a taste:

Hiroshima - Illuminati Psy Op

Were Illuminati Jews Behind the Nazis?

Airliner Atrocity is Another Illuminati False Flag

Nimoy's Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil

Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

Pope Francis is a Jewish Imposter

Children Sacrificed by Illuminati


Anyone who takes this guy seriously is grasping at wet straws.


New member
Yes. It's like using Nazaroo as a source.

He writes mostly about Illuminati bankers, Illuminati psy ops and the evils of Jews. Peppered with rants about feminism and homosexuals.

You know... The now typical wingnut fuel.

Here's a taste:

Hiroshima - Illuminati Psy Op

Were Illuminati Jews Behind the Nazis?

Airliner Atrocity is Another Illuminati False Flag

Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

Pope Francis is a Jewish Imposter

Children Sacrificed by Illuminati


Anyone who takes this guy seriously is grasping at wet straws.

Your links are disappointing, in spite of the 'sensational' and misleading headlines:


Nimoy's Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil

He tries to make something more sinister (i.e., Kabbalistic magic)
out of the handsign, but it is essentially just what Nimoy said it was,
a part of the standard Cohen (priest) blessing in Numbers 6.

Nimoy actually simply describes his experience as a young boy in synagogue.

Its hardly that different from typical Christian rituals in Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Henry Makow argues that Judaism and kabbalism are 'satanic' on this basis:

" Judaism is largely based on Cabalism. Cabalism is Satanism because it says God is formless and unknowable, not even part of the universe. The essence of Satanism is to deny God. The essence of religion is that God is knowable."

This is pretty primitive and clumsy 'theology'.
Judaism isn't based on kabbalism. Its the other way around:
kabbalism was later and flourished in the Middle Ages after the
destruction of the temple and collapse of the normative temple cult.

God is ultimately "unknowable" and indeed not a part of Creation.
We have a limited intellect: God's is infinite.
We have limited knowledge of everything, including God.
God was not created, He is the Creator.

This isn't 'satanism', its an integral part of the 'mystery' of God
in every religion including Christianity.

In the end, Henry Makow tones down his racy title,
and describes Nimoy as follows:

"Leonard Nimoy's been famous most of my life and the Spock character never did me any psychological harm. In retrospect I consider the character to have been a good influence for boys growing up.

Now Shatner......that's a different matter altogether..."

This sounds like a backhanded compliment, not a hysterical accusation
from a conspiracy nut.

Maybe you should read past the 'hit-generator' headlines and tags,
and actually read the articles.

There is a lot of tongue in cheek going on there.

The Horn

This is complete and utter garbage, poppycock, bunk, baloney and hogwash by a fanatical idiot and lunatic who is probably a repressed or closeted gay man himself . The more homophobic you are, the more likely you are to be gay yourself but in denial (and that ain't the river in Egypt .
It's true that SOME gays engage in bizarre sexual behavior rituals, but this is true of many heterosexuals .
But the overwhelming majority of gay people are not a threat to society or individual people .
Just look at all the crazy conspiracy theories discussed on Makow's website and it's obvious he's a nut job of the first class .


New member
[*]They say gays suffer from a "narcissistic" personality disorder and give this clinical description: "pathological self absorption, a need for constant attention and admiration, lack of empathy or concern for others, quickly bored, shallow, interested in fads, seductive, overemphasis on appearance, superficially charming, promiscuous, exploitative, preoccupied with remaining youthful, relationships alternate between over idealization and devaluation."


I was in a restaurant some time ago & since I had watched Fox News there before, I asked the manager to please turn one of the TVs to Fox since the other 2 were on CNN

the manager was obviously gay... swishing as he walked & all that craziness...

well, at first he went on about... why he couldn't change the station but it wasn't making any sense and I think he realized it wasn't making sense, so finally he said he would in a minute or 2.

after some time of him not doing it, I asked someone else who worked there. I just knew the gay guy wasn't going to switch the TV to fox...

well, the other guy said he would also, but never did... I could tell he didn't want to change it either, just said he would b/c wanted to get rid of me...

I told another employee who pointed out another manager.. who wasn't gay. That guy changed the station 4 me

The point is that I have no trouble believing any of this stuff about gays... and this incident tends to prove their behavior is CHOSEN (just like it was a CHOICE he made to ignore my request). No one is born perverse. In fact, we are born virtually sex-less until someone sexualizes us, whether in a normal way or abnormal

a pervert is a pervert...

Why would we expect sexual perverts to possibly have a non-perverted (ie: empathetic, etc) mind/heart/soul?



Well-known member
Your links are disappointing, in spite of the 'sensational' and misleading headlines:


Nimoy's Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil

In the end, Henry Makow tones down his racy title,
and describes Nimoy as follows:

"Leonard Nimoy's been famous most of my life and the Spock character never did me any psychological harm. In retrospect I consider the character to have been a good influence for boys growing up.

Now Shatner......that's a different matter altogether..."

This sounds like a backhanded compliment, not a hysterical accusation
from a conspiracy nut.

You're a real mess. Henry Makow didn't write that. It's a comment by someone else, in response to Henry Makow's wingnut Illuminati satanist vulcans article. You can't even get what/who you're quoting straight. And yes, the article by Henry Makow is a hysterical accusation from a conspiracy nut.

Here's the article in full, lest anyone doubt that it's a hysterical accusation from a conspiracy nut (I included his source links, half of them just link to more of his own articles):

Nimoy's Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil

In keeping with their role as willing dupes, millions of people have been using the hand sign Leonard Nimoy popularized to honor his passing. This was his final service to the the NWO, and the subjugation of the human spirit.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

On the death of Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy last week, many tributes took the form of the "Vulcan" hand sign which he made famous.

Satanists usually have benign explanations that enable them to contaminate society. I'm not 100% sure Nimoy was a Satanist but I would wager that he was. The benign explanation is that he introduced the sign into a Star Trek episode spontaneously, and it took off. He explained that the gesture takes the shape of the Hebrew letter "shin" and is a blessing ("Live Long and Prosper") that rabbis give their congregations.

People don't realize they're blessing each other with this. It's great," Nimoy said.

However, in a longer explanation, seen here, Nimoy makes it clear that this "greeting" is far from benign. It is part of a powerful Cabalist ritual that can actually damage people. He was warned to shield his eyes:

There was a "strange sound, not singing, shouting, all discordant, wailing, all discordant, not in unison...chilling...whoa, something major is happening here so I peaked and they had their hands stuck out making this sign...I had no idea what was going on but the sound of it, the shape of it was magical."

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that Judaism is largely based on Cabalism. Cabalism is Satanism because it says God is formless and unknowable, not even part of the universe. The essence of Satanism is to deny God. The essence of religion is that God is knowable. How else can we obey him?

"Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists," Texe Marrs explains: "[It is] the wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years! The Cabala brings together... all the Mystery teachings of the ancients. Indeed, the Holy Bible [says] the Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers [in] the days of the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8). God called these teachings and rituals "abominations."

Stokes, a veteran of British intelligence said: "This version of the "V" salute is a greeting by Rabbis in the Hebrew tradition. The hand split down the center represents the 2 letters on each side of the "V" in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers."

This explains why Winston Churchill, a Druid and Illuminati Satanist, used this gesture.

The Vulcan "peace sign" is anything but. Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honor of him was called the Vulcania in which animal sacrifices were offered.

He bears a family relationship to the Christian devil. It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans."

In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree. Former mason Bill Schnoebel said: "This is called the 'Two Ball Cane,' and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, 'Tubalcain (sic).'...It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the 'god' of Masonry, the male reproductive organ. Nice, eh?...especially when many men wear these wretched things to church on Sunday!"

Was our hero Leonard Nimoy aware of the implications of the hand sign he made famous? Considering that Star Trek was predictive programming for the New World Order, and that Nimoy was a success in Illuminati controlled Hollywood, I'd say he was.

Mankind has been inducted into a satanic cult and doesn't even know it.

That's the entire article. Your quote is part of a comment by a person named "Dan."

Maybe you should read past the 'hit-generator' headlines and tags,
and actually read the articles.

Get a grip. Of course I'd read the article... Leonard Nimoy's satanic vulcan Illuminati new world order devil Jew hand sign? That story is like candy to me.

It's absurd your telling me I should read the article. Seeing that you'd totally misquoted it, you obviously weren't able to read it yourself, but undoubtedly, you'll ignore that and blindly plow ahead with more of your garbage. And yes, it's garbage. Your posts are intellectual pollution.

The saving grace of your pile of "Illuminati banker pedophile lawyer vulcan Jew psy op false flag" hog slop is that, along with a few other folks here at TOL, you do such a fantastic job of marginalizing the religious right here at TOL. It's remarkable. For that, I'm genuinely grateful to you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're a real mess. Henry Makow didn't write that. It's a comment by someone else, in response to Henry Makow's wingnut Illuminati satanist vulcans article. You can't even get what/who you're quoting straight. And yes, the article by Henry Makow is a hysterical accusation from a conspiracy nut.

Here's the article in full, lest anyone doubt that it's a hysterical accusation from a conspiracy nut (I included his source links, half of them just link to more of his own articles):

Nimoy's Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil

In keeping with their role as willing dupes, millions of people have been using the hand sign Leonard Nimoy popularized to honor his passing. This was his final service to the the NWO, and the subjugation of the human spirit.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

On the death of Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy last week, many tributes took the form of the "Vulcan" hand sign which he made famous.

Satanists usually have benign explanations that enable them to contaminate society. I'm not 100% sure Nimoy was a Satanist but I would wager that he was. The benign explanation is that he introduced the sign into a Star Trek episode spontaneously, and it took off. He explained that the gesture takes the shape of the Hebrew letter "shin" and is a blessing ("Live Long and Prosper") that rabbis give their congregations.

People don't realize they're blessing each other with this. It's great," Nimoy said.

However, in a longer explanation, seen here, Nimoy makes it clear that this "greeting" is far from benign. It is part of a powerful Cabalist ritual that can actually damage people. He was warned to shield his eyes:

There was a "strange sound, not singing, shouting, all discordant, wailing, all discordant, not in unison...chilling...whoa, something major is happening here so I peaked and they had their hands stuck out making this sign...I had no idea what was going on but the sound of it, the shape of it was magical."

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that Judaism is largely based on Cabalism. Cabalism is Satanism because it says God is formless and unknowable, not even part of the universe. The essence of Satanism is to deny God. The essence of religion is that God is knowable. How else can we obey him?

"Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists," Texe Marrs explains: "[It is] the wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years! The Cabala brings together... all the Mystery teachings of the ancients. Indeed, the Holy Bible [says] the Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers [in] the days of the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8). God called these teachings and rituals "abominations."

Stokes, a veteran of British intelligence said: "This version of the "V" salute is a greeting by Rabbis in the Hebrew tradition. The hand split down the center represents the 2 letters on each side of the "V" in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers."

This explains why Winston Churchill, a Druid and Illuminati Satanist, used this gesture.

The Vulcan "peace sign" is anything but. Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honor of him was called the Vulcania in which animal sacrifices were offered.

He bears a family relationship to the Christian devil. It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans."

In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree. Former mason Bill Schnoebel said: "This is called the 'Two Ball Cane,' and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, 'Tubalcain (sic).'...It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the 'god' of Masonry, the male reproductive organ. Nice, eh?...especially when many men wear these wretched things to church on Sunday!"

Was our hero Leonard Nimoy aware of the implications of the hand sign he made famous? Considering that Star Trek was predictive programming for the New World Order, and that Nimoy was a success in Illuminati controlled Hollywood, I'd say he was.

Mankind has been inducted into a satanic cult and doesn't even know it.

That's the entire article. Your quote is part of a comment by a person named "Dan."

Get a grip. Of course I'd read the article... Leonard Nimoy's satanic vulcan Illuminati new world order devil Jew hand sign? That story is like candy to me.

It's absurd your telling me I should read the article. Seeing that you'd totally misquoted it, you obviously weren't able to read it yourself, but undoubtedly, you'll ignore that and blindly plow ahead with more of your garbage. And yes, it's garbage. Your posts are intellectual pollution.

The saving grace of your pile of "Illuminati banker pedophile lawyer vulcan Jew psy op false flag" hog slop is that, along with a few other folks here at TOL, you do such a fantastic job of marginalizing the religious right here at TOL. It's remarkable. For that, I'm genuinely grateful to you.

Don't forget that Walter Koenig also has shares in Microsoft and the subliminal programming therein...

Or was that Rajel 5 planet construction industries? I forget which now, no doubt due to aforementioned subliminal Illuminati influence...what's more, I'm now paranoid that my computer doesn't even recognize the word 'illuminati' as it must be that hidden...:noid:

Anyhoo, the premise of this thread is based on the ramblings of someone in need of a tin foil hat replacement along with Naz and the sentiments from the OP are to be expected from someone who uses such and where on earth is aCW at? I'm beginning to think he's got lost in a pride parade or something...


New member
You're a real mess. Henry Makow didn't write that. It's a comment by someone else, in response to Henry Makow's wingnut Illuminati satanist vulcans article. You can't even get what/who you're quoting straight.

Not really my fault. Look at the original page. Its poorly designed and laid out.

The "comments" are the same font, colour, and width as the article,
and lack the usual demarkings, like links, time-stamps, tweet buttons etc.
It just looks like an extension of quotes by the author.

The "mess" is the author's page design.

That story is like candy to me.

...or maybe you're the mess.

What the h*** is that supposed to mean? You like the story or you hate it?
Or you get a perverse kick out of its errors?

I at least took your link seriously enough to read the article,
and actually correct the theological errors and his attempt
to prove that Judaism = kabbalism = satanism.
They are obviously distinct, whatever the similarities.

It's absurd your telling me I should read the article. ... And yes, it's garbage. Your posts are intellectual pollution.

I think your posts are the garbage. You made a claim about this guy,
but you don't bother to even illustrate it. People don't even know
what your complaint is.

I at least did some analysis.

And I went much further than you, because I also read his links to
his other articles on Churchill, to get a wider sample of his reporting.

His articles on Churchill were actually pretty accurate,
although obviously slanted against Churchill.

A close friend of mine who is an expert on Churchill and an admirer of him,
also read the articles. He responded:

"It builds unnecessarily on what I already knew and a much simpler story. The Brits sacrificed London Liverpool Coventry etc to protect manufacturing output as much as possible. Although the shipyards and docks outside Liverpool took hits. Spin it how you want - saving war capacity or sparing the assets of the bankers the specific details are only news to the historically illiterate." - Chris

In other words, the story was essentially accurate,
and Churchill was still considered a jerk,
even to his admirers, and yes he was half-Jewish.

So your ranting about this guy is a bit hysterical to say the least.

The saving grace of your pile of "Illuminati banker pedophile lawyer vulcan Jew psy op false flag" hog slop is that, along with a few other folks here at TOL, you do such a fantastic job of marginalizing the religious right here at TOL. It's remarkable. For that, I'm genuinely grateful to you.

For the record,

(1) I don't push "Illuminati" theories.

(2) I wrote a whole thread DEBUNKING the "Jewish Bankers Conspiracy".

(3) I don't care about Star Drek.

(4) False Flag operations are historical realities, although I concede we ordinary folk
never get the real full story.

(5) Lawyers are still an elite group of pedophiles who operate above the law.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(5) Lawyers are still an elite group of pedophiles who operate above the law.

This comment alone marks you as a nut, let alone the plethora of paranoid rubbish you spew forth so regularly. Go home and hide under the bed because they're out to get you...
