sure there is...I dispute He is being literal when He uses words in this teaching regarding bread and His body...
How can we even have a productive discussion on a passage of Scripture when I demonstrate my agreement, and you just refute it? This is a key issue in debates. When opponents believe that they know more about the beliefs of both sides than the parties present. If I say that I believe something or agree with some point, then how can you refute it, as you do not
know outside of what I confess to believe?
reaction to the teaching of 48-58...and they were troubled even offended and He noticed so continued the teaching with clarification on the previous teaching...
There is no proof of this analysis in Scripture. You say that is the cause, but there is no evidence or clarifications that make this declaration.
flesh profits nothing means the bread receives NOT an eternal life giving Spirit...His teaching includes the manna come down from heaven which their fathers ate and are dead as are those who ate the last supper bread...though the bread came down from heaven they still died...despite His saying they would live is a dont actually live forever because you are eating Him yes?
This is what I am describing when I mention the fallacy of Equivocation. You know that eternal life does not mean immortal life. Yet here, you are altering the definitions in order to posit your claim. I have never said that people who partake of the Eucharist are immortal; but here, you assert that is my position.
However, by this Equivocation, I admit I finally am clear on your position. You believe that, since the phrase "eternal life" is not a literal immortality, then likewise "My Flesh" must not be a literal flesh. Yet that is the issue within your claim: "Eternal life" is not synonymous with "immortal life." Thus, the false equivalency.
But again that video claimed He cleared eating human flesh and consuming blood...why is this so difficult got Peter to accept when He cleared eating flesh and drinking blood? Maybe Peter did NOT think that He cleared it? Besides cannibalism assumes the carcass is dead and Peter struggled with the idea His Savior dying...or living while being eaten upon.
Why do you keep using this video as a proof? I have said that the video is inaccurate, as the claims made therein are not true, and bear no evidence to support the claims. This goes back to my first point in this response. How can we progress in discussion when I say "this is false," demonstrating why, yet you say, "this is the truth of your beliefs." Not to be rude, but it is akin to the 3rd grader who says "No, you're wrong, that is a lion" despite being shown a picture of an elephant. At some point, simply defending a video because it supports a point, despite evidence to the contrary, becomes a preference to ignorance.
So, stop using that video as a point. It is a false claim, made by a Catholic who is ignorant on the matter.
Hearing His clarification that it is the Spirit not the flesh eaten has Peter saying "You have the words of eternal life". All this mind you is well before the body and blood was actually and iconically offered making it difficult to comprehend how it would play out.
Kind of like how Christ said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."
Peter never the less says "You have the words of eternal life" does not say "You have the flesh that gives eternal life" nor "you have the bread which is Spirit filled and changes into your flesh"
That goes to my point on clarification. If we posit your position into Scripture, Christ saying the flesh is useless, it would be like saying "He who eats my flesh, which is useless, has eternal life. He who does not eat my flesh, which is useless, has no life with me." Your position renders the whole passage null, because it makes the declaration have no weight or significance.
Let us consider my quote from 1 Corinthians 11:29. How can improper eating and drinking of a symbol, be worthy of damnation? If we examine the verses preceding verse 29, we are given examples of circumstances which should be addressed before taking Communion. If it is merely a symbol, why do such trivial, and fixable, matters affect the eternal security of a person? How do such matters merit damnation, if one is merely taking part in a symbolic event? Paul here is giving extreme weight to communion, don't you think, if it is "understood" to be a mere symbol.
Your skipping past with a distracting paragraph of which gospel is for what does not address the reality that John omits it entirely...
That is most likely because John knew that the synoptic gospels already had three accounts of the Last Supper. But the others did not have the depth of teachings and clarifications that his had.
I alluded to other gospel having the people wish to make Him king their agenda and desire clearly not in line with what His divine mission was...I am not comparing these jews with catholics here...His was spiritual...not of the flesh, things earthly like profit nothing...except to jews and why you thought I was comparing perhaps?
Pretty much.
earthly knowledge? The prohibition against blood and cannibalism was not earthly but clear from Yah's Torah...but you would have Him counter His Father?
This goes back to my point that Christ exists above and outside of morality. If Christ says to do something, or that something is good, then it must be so. Same as God. So, the killing of every man, woman, and child is good, because God deemed it so. Likewise, Christ saying it is good to eat His Flesh, is good because He deemed it so. It isn't a contradiction; it is an exception.
well now you continue to switch categories...I was speaking as He was of physical literal life...
So, you think that Christ when He says "eternal life" means physical immortality?
not at did trying to make men hearing this teaching men who are literally dead...they hadn't literally eaten Him yet...they were not literally dead...
Could you clarify what you meant on this?
sure He can and more to your point as here you claim He is encouraging to eat Him and while He is still living... sure He does...has Abram sacrifice his son...says make no images...they has them make some...says dont kill than has them kill...says dont commit adultery then has Hosea marry a need to argue that He does command what at first seems evil...but He clears eating and drinking blood...
If your claim is that God commands evil, then we are failing to agree on the attributes of God. This would mean that any discussion we have will lack productivity, for we do not agree on God, Himself. If God is contradictory, then He cannot be God. So, if you propose that God can command us to commit evil acts, despite a "change of mind," then we do not agree on God.
My position is that whatever God/Christ declares, no matter if it is before, during or post, present, then it is wholly Good and True. So, Christ can say, "Eat My Body," before the Resurrection, because He is not limited by the natural law. Because everything He declares and commands is eternally True.
yes must add purgatory and indulgences...ok less of the latter yours learned after some rebellious blowback
There are still indulgences. The rebellion was against the corrupt act of having people pay for indulgences and sacraments. An issue which needed to be addressed. So, that point goes to you.
Catholics claim the bread turns to the whole Christ...and then get excited when bread bleeds "its a miracle"
False. It is "wholly" Christ, but not "whole" Christ. A piece of flesh is "wholly," but not "whole." This is basic biology, terminology, and vocabulary.
I do...and dont see it as Him condoning have an unessary abhorance to the word as apparently He covers it...calls for just say YES WE CANNIBALIZE HIM...its odd at first but I am sure you will get used to it...
I do have an abhorance to calling it "cannibalism," as it is a false application. Just as you wouldn't say that God "murdered" Christ. This goes back to my point about the attributes of Christ/God, and existing above morality.
yes hence called reenactments and not continuations wow really? Seriously? Yours claim they are present at a bloody/bloodless scene so which is it?
It is the "continuous remembrance of Christ's Sacrifice." That does not mean, as many twist it, or declare it implies, "still happening."
Also, did you know that "Remembrance" includes "active participation," by definition?
and ate within an hour of receiving the host...arent you supposed to wait?
No. You can eat the moment you leave Mass.
He also said He is the light...of the have christ yes? So no need for electricity at night?
This is Equivocation again. "Light of the world" does not mean physical light. If you insist that this must be metaphorical, then is there electricity in heaven?
did Peter dip his cup into Him to pull out living waters? No. Perhaps what Peter understood and believed of his Master is different than what you do...
I addressed this when I said that Christ can exists outside and above natural law. Can Christ not make something change in substance? After all, He changed water into wine. Can He not change wine into His Blood, yet allow it to still retain the appearance, taste, and biological properties of wine? If not, then He is not God.
plenty of witnesses testified of one dead then alive...not one testimony of bread into flesh...the unproven miracle...all others were testable and verified
I have provided proof of the Eucharist being transformed. It was testable. Verified. And witnessed. It went against the natural law.
You are taking the position of the Pharisees. Despite knowing and seeing all the prophecies being fulfilled in one person, they refused to believe He was the Christ. Despite the miracles. Despite raising Himself from death. They still refused to believe, despite the physical evidence, witness testimonies, etc.
ummm no...this is making the Law of Yah null and void to the traditions of man...if the miracle is indeed the human deficiency would not matter...celiac disease is a response to gluten not flesh...and ability of Christ should be complete enough that His flesh would not trigger an allergic reaction...that it does trigger does not speak of His inability but false worship
This is not making the Law of God void to man-made traditions. This is a straw man argument. Once again, you are placing the existence of natural limits as proofs against miracles. If your position is correct, then Christ could not have risen from the dead. Because what is dead cannot come back to life. It is biologically impossible.
not exactly the same but from a different source which can counterfeit truth...beware results are hard to discern...idolatry most seductive...most subtle
I agree. There are numerous instances of this being true. Examples actually abound of this. That is why instances of the Eucharist bleeding are taken so seriously. That is why instances of apparitions are taken skeptically. It takes years and substantial proof to ever declare one "Divine."
you just dont eat a finger or leg or heart ventricle...
Is this you arguing again on what Catholics believe, despite the opposite being conveyed?
the allergen is not in the accidents but in the substance...which is changed
The allergen is not the fault of the host, but of the recipient. Mutagens are what cause such inefficiencies. This can get really biological. But, if you wish to go on this tangent, you picked a good source. (I have a Masters in Biology, Minor in Chemistry, Concentration in medical and biochemistry, and am one class away from a minor concentration on Theology)
that does? Above study and use of scripture?
Study of Scripture is most important. But, a person truly trying to grow in knowledge will also search and study materials outside of Scripture, as means of deepening faith. Such materials, in my experience, also solidify faith, while providing excellent proofs for when challenged. Hence, my praise of your actual reading of suggested links.
(I always check out links provided by opponents in discussions, as it gives insight to their views, methods of deduction, etc. Learning is learning; and educating oneself on opposition's views/methods/etc gives extra knowledge on the discussion)
barely...address why a miracle would not be complete and still alienate one who wished to partake...
Stick to the accidents and substances...why does our biology read it still as our mouth throat and stomach cant see the bread its accidents...and its substance is now flesh without gluten
How can a miracle be complete, yet a person being unable to partake fully? Biological inefficiencies, present in individuals, inhibit particular aspects. That is why there are alternate methods, known as exceptions, made for such individuals. If one cannot receive the host, due to gluten allergies, then wine is available, containing the same divinity of the same Christ.
No person has ever been drunk from receiving the wine. One receives a "sip"; not a "gulp" or "swallow." Such small amounts are impossible to make anyone intoxicated. The wine itself contains minimal alcohol. If a person is so addicted that such a small amount is hazardous to their addictions, and they have gluten allergies, then they are clearly not in a state of care, for most liquors contains gluten.
Our biological systems reads the host as bread due to the natural composition being bread. Our natural systems can only detect natural elements. Thus, the species in question remain natural in detection and composition. The bread is still bread in nature, but is divinely the Body, Blood, and Divinity of Christ. It is the Divine Presence within that is the cause of the miracle. At times, as evidenced by the "Eucharistic Miracles," the natural composition can also change, defying natural law. Such occurrences are rare. Even more rare is the occurrence of a person being dead three days, coming to life, then ascending whole and wholly to heaven. Such occurrences defy natural law. Hence, the application of the term, supernatural. Supernatural, by definition, meaning "beyond the natural."
This is how the Eucharist appears, tastes, and is digested, as bread. Due to the physical nature being a bread composition. It is the Divine Nature which is beneficial to the soul.