Enyart vs. Glenn Beck and Natural Law

Christian Liberty

Well-known member

Can you even begin to understand the difference between me and a liberal?

I think any taxation not specifically for national defense or punishment of crime to be theft: liberals want massive tax rates for any program they can imagine.

I want abortion to be illegal and, under an ideal situation where guilt is certain or nearly so, punished by death. Liberals want abortion to be illegal.

I support the right of any adult to put ANY substance into their body that they choose. Liberals want to ban all sorts of substances because they are unhealthy.

I am so radically second amendment that I make second amendment people cringe. Liberals want to ban or greatly restrict gun ownership/

I support repealing the laws that require a government license for marriage. Liberals want to "legalize" gay marriage and therefore expand government regulation of the same.

I oppose all regulation of the economy, from the FDA to government ownership of roads or schools, to anti-price gouging laws to basically anything else you can think of. Liberals... well, we all know what they believe and its the opposite of what I believe on the economy. Heck, NickM has already proven to be more liberal than me on the economy, as has aCW. Not sure where you stand.

I support abolishing public schools, the liberals want to teach their ideology (evolution, moral relativism, liberalism) in the public schools.

I could go on with this, but I'll start there.

When and where?

He called Ron Paul pro-choice. As did the American Right to Life. Both are wrong.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Yes it does.

Well, if you really want to be so obtuse as to use the same word for two ideologies that are very close to being opposites, you can go ahead and do that, but what would be the point?

If you really think my ideology and that of people like Ron Paul or Judge Andrew Napolitano is the same one that people like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or Hillary Clinton support, feel free to explain that.


New member
You don't go to heaven or hell based on having a good pastor or not (Ro 3:20). You go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ (Ac 16:31). :straight:

:listen: He's touchy about Rand Paul, isn't he? :shocked:

And that's through your Pastor, if you have one!! - The Pastor is the (( Shepard )) of the Flock. and is the only one who is ((( APT. ))) To Teach. -- Read it!!

Paul -- 072513


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Sure, it was a simple typographical error. Aside from an occasional one of those, please feel free to correct me on other areas where I'm "wrong".
I've tried.

Can you even begin to understand the difference between me and a liberal?

I think any taxation not specifically for national defense or punishment of crime to be theft: liberals want massive tax rates for any program they can imagine.

I want abortion to be illegal and, under an ideal situation where guilt is certain or nearly so, punished by death. Liberals want abortion to be illegal.

I support the right of any adult to put ANY substance into their body that they choose. Liberals want to ban all sorts of substances because they are unhealthy.

I am so radically second amendment that I make second amendment people cringe. Liberals want to ban or greatly restrict gun ownership/

I support repealing the laws that require a government license for marriage. Liberals want to "legalize" gay marriage and therefore expand government regulation of the same.

I oppose all regulation of the economy, from the FDA to government ownership of roads or schools, to anti-price gouging laws to basically anything else you can think of. Liberals... well, we all know what they believe and its the opposite of what I believe on the economy. Heck, NickM has already proven to be more liberal than me on the economy, as has aCW. Not sure where you stand.

I support abolishing public schools, the liberals want to teach their ideology (evolution, moral relativism, liberalism) in the public schools.

I could go on with this, but I'll start there.

He called Ron Paul pro-choice. As did the American Right to Life. Both are wrong.

Well, if you really want to be so obtuse as to use the same word for two ideologies that are very close to being opposites, you can go ahead and do that, but what would be the point?

If you really think my ideology and that of people like Ron Paul or Judge Andrew Napolitano is the same one that people like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or Hillary Clinton support, feel free to explain that.
Just because you're not as left as some of them doesn't mean you're not liberal.

And Ron Paul believes the states should have a choice in the matter.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Just because you're not as left as some of them doesn't mean you're not liberal.

How are you defining "Left" and "Right."

I'm aware this seems like a stupid question, seeing as most people just assume that the Republican Party is "Right" and the Democrats are "Left" but I don't see any kind of philosophical basis for this.

I'd say I'm fiscally "conservative" but I make the conservatives look bad on that. I'll have to look for the one occasion where aCW actually responded to something I said about economics. I'm apparently too laissez faire for him:p

As for social issues, I'm all over the place. I'm pro-life, and extremely so (At least at the state level) and I'm in favor of legalizing essentially every firearm. So "conservative." But I'm also against regulating drugs or consensual sexual behaviors. So I'd be very far to the "left" there. But why? Isn't supporting freedom (And life, for that matter) ideologically consistent. What is the ideological consistency, for example, with conservatives criticizing liberals for soda size regulations and high taxes on cigarettes because people have a right to make dumb choices, yet opposing legalization of drugs? I mean, that might be a different grade on the same scale, but they aren't ideological opposites, at all.

Both the "left" and the "right" are so full of ideological contradictions, so its a joke. Since you're a theonomist you could probably just say "My ideology is I enforce every Biblical law" and that's consistent I guess, but its not really "Right", anymore than it is "Left": your position just doesn't really appear on the stupid spectrum anymore than mine does.

On the two dimensional scale I reluctantly classify as "More right than left" although that's really arbitrary.

And Ron Paul believes the states should have a choice in the matter.

He supports the constitution. Admittedly, he did make at least one mistake in this regard, when he voted for the PBA ban, and that was an error. But the principle, that he supports the state's right to pass whatever laws they see fit to control murder, is supported by the 10th amendment.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sure, it was a simple typographical error. Aside from an occasional one of those, please feel free to correct me on other areas where I'm "wrong".

I've tried.

I'm sorry, I'll try to pay closer attention to your Christian mentoring in the future.

On that note: I specialize in cultural issues (except for cigarette and blasphemy legislation, I'm not up on those); feel free to correct me in the 2nd part of this year old thread that deals with the current hot cultural issue.


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
On that note: I specialize in cultural issues (except for cigarette and blasphemy legislation, I'm not up on those);

You mean you can't answer our questions.

I dare you to try.

BTW: When did Lighthouse correct you? I think this might be hillarious:chuckle:

I mean, ANYBODY could make you look like an idiot, but still.


On that note: I specialize in cultural issues (except for cigarette and blasphemy legislation, I'm not up on those);

You mean you can't answer our questions.

I dare you to try.

What, no double dog dare Jr.?

As I just mentioned, I'm not up on current tobacco and blasphemy legislation, so what's the point in answering any further loonatarian questions?

BTW: When did Lighthouse correct you? I think this might be hillarious

(Some 17 year olds have the attention span of a gnat).

It was a typo Jr. from a post a page ago, don't get too excited.

Speaking of failing to answer posts:

I see that you haven't returned to my thread after I showed that a bunch of hookers from Nevada were "Pimpin for Ron Paul" in the last election.

Are you still taking a 30 day hiatus from the topic?


New member
As I just mentioned, I'm not up on current tobacco and blasphemy legislation, so what's the point in answering

Irrelevant. The point is not about cigarettes and/or blasphemy per se. It's about your continued blatant hypocrisy.

As a consolation, your deflection skill is top notch.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
On that note: I specialize in cultural issues (except for cigarette and blasphemy legislation, I'm not up on those);

What, no double dog dare Jr.?

As I just mentioned, I'm not up on current tobacco and blasphemy legislation, so what's the point in answering any further loonatarian questions?

(Some 17 year olds have the attention span of a gnat).

It was a typo Jr. from a post a page ago, don't get too excited.

Speaking of failing to answer posts:

I see that you haven't returned to my thread after I showed that a bunch of hookers from Nevada were "Pimpin for Ron Paul" in the last election.

Are you still taking a 30 day hiatus from the topic?

I haven't been following your thread, by virtue of being on 30 day hiatus from said thread.

As Ron Paul is in favor of legalization of prostitution, as is any libertarian, its not surprising that they'd support him. Much like how if you had a society in which Christianity was illegal, people like you and I would probably vote for someone who hates Christianity yet wants to legalize it: Ron Paul does not support prostitution but seeing as he's the one who wants to legalize it, its only logical that people who want to do that would vote for him.


I haven't been following your thread, by virtue of being on 30 day hiatus from said thread.

You mean you haven't posted in my thread in the past couple of weeks. I just saw you peeking in not but a couple of minutes ago.
Any chance that you can up that personal hiatus from said thread to...let's say a year?

As Ron Paul is in favor of legalization of prostitution, as is any libertarian, its not surprising that they'd support him.

Yet some Libertarians have the audacity to call themselves "Christian", knowing that God strictly forbids out of wedlock sex.

Much like how if you had a society in which Christianity was illegal, people like you and I would probably vote for someone who hates Christianity yet wants to legalize it: Ron Paul does not support prostitution but seeing as he's the one who wants to legalize it, its only logical that people who want to do that would vote for him.

Hold on, I'm calling Ron Paul to ship me some LSD so that I can follow your attempt at so called "logic".


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I just mentioned, I'm not up on current tobacco and blasphemy legislation, so what's the point in answering

Irrelevant. The point is not about cigarettes and/or blasphemy per se.

Try to remember that quote the next time you bring them up in other threads that have absolutely nothing to do with blasphemy laws or tobacco products.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You mean you haven't posted in my thread in the past couple of weeks. I just saw you peeking in not but a couple of minutes ago.
Any chance that you can up that personal hiatus from said thread to...let's say a year?

I never said I wouldn't view the thread. I checked it because you pointed out something in particular that you posted there. I did not, however, respond.

As for a year, most likely not. Someone needs to refute your idiotic arguments eventually.

Yet some Libertarians have the audacity to call themselves "Christian", knowing that God strictly forbids out of wedlock sex.

I'm a Christian, as is Ron Paul. Stop being obtuse, or otherwise show me where "Criminalizing sexual sins" is listed as a prerequesite for Salvation in the Bible.
Hold on, I'm calling Ron Paul to ship me some LSD so that I can follow your attempt at so called "logic".

If you want to do activity X, you're going to support the candidate who opposes but will not ban activity X over the candidate who opposes AND wants to ban activity X.

Its not that complicated for someone with an IQ of at least double digits.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I just mentioned, I'm not up on current tobacco and blasphemy legislation, so what's the point in answering

Try to remember that quote the next time you bring them up in other threads that have absolutely nothing to do with blasphemy laws or tobacco products.

You don't understand why we're bringing up blasphemy.

Your argument is if you don't want to ban an activity, you automatically support that activity. And that a Christian should want to ban any activity which God disproves. But somehow, this rule doesn't apply to blasphemy. You have yet to explain why.

Do you support blasphemy, aCW?

Do you support criminalizing it?

Two easy questions. Not that hard, even for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess everyone needs a goal in life Aaron, yours is to show that I'm some sort of hypocrite.

Not that that is hard.

Anytime that you boys (you, Wizard of Oz and RandPaulfor2016) want to talk "hyprocrisy", all 3 of you can tell us how you profess to believe in God, yet at the same time back this Godless political party platform:


I don't support the Libertarian Party platform just like I don't support the Republican Party platform or the Democrat Party platform.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I don't support the Libertarian Party platform just like I don't support the Republican Party platform or the Democrat Party platform.

Neither do I, at least not just because its the LP platform. Obviously there are parts with which I agree, but not all of it. Certainly not the abortion segment.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
How are you defining "Left" and "Right."
First draw a circle...

I'm aware this seems like a stupid question, seeing as most people just assume that the Republican Party is "Right" and the Democrats are "Left" but I don't see any kind of philosophical basis for this.
They're both left.

I'd say I'm fiscally "conservative" but I make the conservatives look bad on that. I'll have to look for the one occasion where aCW actually responded to something I said about economics. I'm apparently too laissez faire for him:p
What you'd call yourself is irrelevant.

As for social issues, I'm all over the place. I'm pro-life, and extremely so (At least at the state level) and I'm in favor of legalizing essentially every firearm. So "conservative." But I'm also against regulating drugs or consensual sexual behaviors. So I'd be very far to the "left" there. But why? Isn't supporting freedom (And life, for that matter) ideologically consistent. What is the ideological consistency, for example, with conservatives criticizing liberals for soda size regulations and high taxes on cigarettes because people have a right to make dumb choices, yet opposing legalization of drugs? I mean, that might be a different grade on the same scale, but they aren't ideological opposites, at all.
You said it all in the first sentence; you're all over the place. That makes you leftist.

Both the "left" and the "right" are so full of ideological contradictions, so its a joke. Since you're a theonomist you could probably just say "My ideology is I enforce every Biblical law" and that's consistent I guess, but its not really "Right", anymore than it is "Left": your position just doesn't really appear on the stupid spectrum anymore than mine does.
Who said anything about the commonly accepted political spectrum?

On the two dimensional scale I reluctantly classify as "More right than left" although that's really arbitrary.
And therefore more left than true right.

He supports the constitution. Admittedly, he did make at least one mistake in this regard, when he voted for the PBA ban, and that was an error. But the principle, that he supports the state's right to pass whatever laws they see fit to control murder, is supported by the 10th amendment.
And such an amendment is a problem. If the states are given the right to legislate regarding the murder of unborn children [or any other immoral, unethical act] then that is wrong.

I'm sorry, I'll try to pay closer attention to your Christian mentoring in the future.
I'll believe it when I see it.

On that note: I specialize in cultural issues (except for cigarette and blasphemy legislation, I'm not up on those); feel free to correct me in the 2nd part of this year old thread that deals with the current hot cultural issue.

I'm not getting into old threads.

But do me a favor, start a thread on abortion. As I recall you used to do that. And while you're at it present the gospel as well as condemn the murder of unborn children. Do the same when condemning sodomy. that is all I ask.

No it doesn't.

A lot of so called Libertarians are liberal. But I venture to say most are not. Just as the republican party, some support abortion while others don't.
Because abortion is the only issue.:rolleyes:


I don't support the Libertarian Party platform just like I don't support the Republican Party platform or the Democrat Party platform.

Do you vote Doc? If so, which political party? If you do vote, I would hope that you'd at least check out the national platform of the particular political party that you're voting for as there are huge ideological differences between the Democrats, Republicans and Dopertarian party's.