Enyart vs. Glenn Beck and Natural Law


...Glenn Beck is correct that gay marriage, at least as far as the State is concerned, is an irrelevant issue...
1 Ti 1:9
"I'd like to lay hands on Rand Paul."
~ Bob Enyart

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Where's that Enyart quote from?

Enyart is awfully full of it, considering how awful his political ideology AND his theology are.

I seriously question whether Enyart even knows God to begin with.

Rand Paul should be laying hands on HIM!

Do you even understand why I'm making the comment I'm making?

Because if not, we need to fix that problem first. Then we can actually discuss it.

BTW: The verse you're talking about has nothing to do with civil laws, let alone laws that are the logical equivalent of "You can now legally make a square circle."


aCW refers to himself in the 3rd person. :eek:

Do you still carry that obsession that you had with a big burly black ex NFL football player turned pastor Aaron?

Do you "push" blasphemy or cigarettes? Your legalization = approval theory has been thorough debunked.

I just got my ballot for the next election and I didn't see mention of cigarette smoking nor blasphemy on it.

Am I missing something here?

You conveniently stopped posting in that thread after this post to you.

Why would I waste my time on something as stupid as that post when more important things need to be talked about, such as the Republican Party saying that life no longer starts at conception when it comes to abortion, homosexuals 'marrying', and harmful drugs being legalized?

(Someone loosen Aaron's straightjacket as it's cutting off circulation to his Libertarian brain).

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I just got my ballot for the next election and I didn't see mention of cigarette smoking nor blasphemy on it.

If they were on the ballot, would you vote to ban them?

Sadly, this thread is about two idiots and so I probably shouldn't derail it to prove that the gay marriage issue is a waste of time But I'm more than happy to do that elsewhere.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
aCW knows your cult much better than you do Doc (you guys just want to push drugs, prostitution and same sex sodomy on others through legislation, while personally abhorring those behaviors).

Right there just goes to show you have no clue. We don't PUSH things onto people.

Legislation promotes some kind of behavior, either Godly or immoral.

When it comes to promoting immoral legislation, the Libertarian Party leads the way.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Regarding your post on "the collective":

"Beck fails to understand this symmetry because he rejects or refuses to think through the provisions God has made for our good. As I’ve often pointed out, the God-endowed family represents the paradigm of God’s natural law for human community. Parents who accept their obligation to care for the child of their bodily union pay due respect to their own unity as individuals; but at the same time they acknowledge the collective (man, woman, child) through which their unity is specifically expressed and perpetuated. As an individual, the authority of the helpless child subdues the parents’ will. Though they are greater than the child as individuals, the parents accept to be the servants of the concept of the collective engendered by their consensual act of procreation. The whole which together they all constitute (the family) arises from the obligation to do what is right for each individual human being, as determined by the goodwill of the Creator; but also what is right also for the whole species, apart from which the self-conception of humanity cannot take place."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/glenn-bec...ZKm6WbyUXfr.99

What in that paragraph do you as a Libertarian, disagree with?

The Collective

I should have known better than to try and have a half way intelligent conversation with a Libertarian.


If they were on the ballot, would you vote to ban them?

LOL..."if" they were on the ballot? Why waste my time on something so irrelevant?

Sadly, this thread is about two idiots and so I probably shouldn't derail it to prove that the gay marriage issue is a waste of time But I'm more than happy to do that elsewhere.

Yeah, Glenn Beck and Wizard of Oz are probably two of the biggest idiots I've ever heard.

And "elsewhere" can be found here:

http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90740 *

as I'm currently talking about the importance of the institution of marriage and what effect it has on society.

*The thread is currently not talking about cigarette smoking and blasphemy laws, so please stick to the current topic when entering.


New member
Alcohol and tobacco, two of the most harmful drugs of all, are legal.
Yet not inherently immoral as seen in the eyes of God.

Where does it say in the Bible that tobacco is not inherently immoral? Also, a lot of Christians would say that alcohol is inherently immoral as seen in the eyes of God, and back it up with scripture. For example, here is a statement on alcoholic beverages from the Southern Baptist Convention:

Southern Baptists expressed overwhelming support for a lifestyle of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs by approving the report of a drug task force June 15 during their annual meeting in Atlanta...In presenting the task force's report, the group's chairman, Richard Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said the alcohol problem is America's number one drug problem. He called alcohol "the gateway drug" to illicit drug use and abuse. "Studies indicate 100 percent of the people who use illegal drugs started with alcohol," he said..."Alcohol is the great scourge of our culture. It is wreaking untold havoc on our nation and our nation's families," ...When parents use alcohol as a beverage, 66 percent of their children experiment with alcohol sometime in their lives, while 16 percent of the children of parents who abstain from alcohol will try the beverage for themselves, Land said.​

Source: http://www.sbcannualmeeting.net/sbc99/news34.htm

Why do you keep pushing alcohol on me by supporting its legality, aCW?


New member
Do you still carry that obsession that you had with a big burly black ex NFL football player turned pastor Aaron?

Obsessed? No
I sure did expose you there and all I had to do was quote your own pastor.

Do you still feel that your pastor's words are "libertarian doctrine"?

No, no, no. What did you hear last night over and over? You want to do it, you got the privacy of your own home and your own life to do it.
So according to Libertarian doctrine and the mentality of those that embrace it, you can pretty much do what you want as long as it's done on your own property?

Oh the endless possibilities: incest, bestiality, necrophilia, man-boy love/consensual adult homosexuality, prostitution, meth labs, etc etc etc.

(There's seriously something wrong with these people).

What do you feel is "wrong" with Ken Hutcherson, aCW?

I just got my ballot for the next election and I didn't see mention of cigarette smoking nor blasphemy on it.

Am I missing something here?

What you're "missing" is an answer. Do you approve of cigarettes, blasphemy, the worship of "Allah", KKK rallies, etc?

Would you like to see any of the above criminalized? Perhaps legalization =/= approval. :think:

I can repeat the debunking of your position as often as you need it repeated.

Why would I waste my time on something as stupid as that post when more important things need to be talked about, such as the Republican Party saying that life no longer starts at conception when it comes to abortion, homosexuals 'marrying', and harmful drugs being legalized.

I am painfully aware of your desire not to talk about your double standards and alacarte ways.

Your evasiveness is nothing new.


Originally Posted by RandPaulfor2016

Enyart is awfully full of it, considering how awful his political ideology AND his theology are.
I seriously question whether Enyart even knows God to begin with.

I have a lot of respect for Enyart.

As do I.

I wonder how Jr., a 17 year old dope pushing Libertarian can get away with saying that a TOL moderator is "full of it"?

I guess the moderators mark it off to that fact that he's still in diapers.
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Where does it say in the Bible that tobacco is not inherently immoral? Also, a lot of Christians would say that alcohol is inherently immoral as seen in the eyes of God, and back it up with scripture. For example, here is a statement on alcoholic beverages from the Southern Baptist Convention:

Southern Baptists expressed overwhelming support for a lifestyle of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs by approving the report of a drug task force June 15 during their annual meeting in Atlanta...In presenting the task force's report, the group's chairman, Richard Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said the alcohol problem is America's number one drug problem. He called alcohol "the gateway drug" to illicit drug use and abuse. "Studies indicate 100 percent of the people who use illegal drugs started with alcohol," he said..."Alcohol is the great scourge of our culture. It is wreaking untold havoc on our nation and our nation's families," ...When parents use alcohol as a beverage, 66 percent of their children experiment with alcohol sometime in their lives, while 16 percent of the children of parents who abstain from alcohol will try the beverage for themselves, Land said.​

Source: http://www.sbcannualmeeting.net/sbc99/news34.htm

Why do you keep pushing alcohol on me by supporting its legality, aCW?

I know that you Dopertarians take every opportunity to turn any thread that has anything to do with Libertarianism into a pro dope thread. Sorry fellas, but the topic is "Bob Enyart vs. Glenn Beck and Natural Law".

Since there was no text to read from Enyart's article and hence share in a post, I posted an article by Christian conservative Alan Keyes, a friend of Bob Enyart's who "slammed" the worthless Libertarian Glenn Beck in a WND article.

Care to discuss his article, or is that above the mentality of those that constantly rant about cigarettes and blasphemy laws?


New member
Alcohol and tobacco, two of the most harmful drugs of all, are legal.

You can drown in water, so why don't you smart guys vote that out also. And cars kill more people than anything else nearly, so vote them out also!!!!! -- Don't worry about abortion though!!!

Paul -- 072413


New member
I know that you Dopertarians take every opportunity to turn any thread that has anything to do with Libertarianism into a pro dope thread. Sorry fellas, but the topic is "Bob Enyart vs. Glenn Beck and Natural Law".

Let's put that accusation to the test. Who was the first person to bring up the subject of drugs on this thread? Turns out it was you, in post #13 of this thread:

you guys just want to push drugs...on others through legislation, while personally abhorring those behaviors

And you have repeated that charge in subsequent posts. What is the definition of hypocrisy?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I have a lot of respect for Enyart.

Open theist heretics who lie about decent people like Ron Paul aren't getting any respect from me, whether site mods or not.

Originally Posted by RandPaulfor2016

Enyart is awfully full of it, considering how awful his political ideology AND his theology are.

As do I.

I wonder how Jr., a 17 year old dope pushing Libertarian can get away with saying that a TOL moderator is "full of it"?

I guess the moderators mark it off to that fact that he's still in diapers.

Or maybe they recognize that Enyart is a public figure?

Yet not inherently immoral as seen in the eyes of God.

Tobacco certainly is, it destroys the organs that God gave us. Its a slow form of suicide.

Yeah, not really. He didn't even answer the prostitution question correctly.