This list represents the enemies Trump has made after being president for just 1 month!
:chuckle: Because we don't want their unwanted dead weight
Irwin was all we really cared about :idunno:
Sweden has gone full retard anyway
Do you even know who the UK are :chuckle:
Not our problem
Forgot they existed
What a loss
They'll get over it
They'll get over it too
The one's who called Trump the Devil for a straight year :chuckle:
American Intelligence Community (FBI, CIA, NSA)
And their shady agendas
Stop teaching kids ridiculous things
American environmentalists
Stop being a money well with empty threats
They kill us twice as much as we kill them.
White Lives Matter
Americans dependent on Obamacare
Trump will have something that doesn't rob the person next to them in the process
I'm not even going to say anything
They violate federal law
The illegal ones
The Catholics and Jews, with no fealty to the Constitution
US media - "enemies of the American people"
The US media is an embarrassment to itself and the the country they reside in
18 000 psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers
The most shaky of all the professional fields; an incomplete science trying to make complete declarations
Silicon Valley, high tech industries
A computer chip costs like 10 cents- you're being robbed, bro.
Republican and Democrat election officials - outraged that Trump has accused them of allowing 3 million illegal ballots
It's not fun being accused of things, is it