So did Abel, Cain's younger brother.
The gospel of God, the Gospel of Christ, Paul’s gospel, and our gospel. Those are what Paul calls it.
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The good news has been preached starting from John the baptizer who prepared the way for the good news.
See Luke 16:16.
Paul is not the Savior of the world, Jesus is.
Listen to Paul, he says he didn't preach another gospel. You say he did!
Jesus is not trustworthy only after he ascended.
Jesus saves us when he accepts us.
go a heard and try.
Reading along :wave:
All the scriptures that say 'believe', they do not nullify the scriptures that say 'obey'.
Look in the New Covenant, it is the New Covenant.
You're the expert. Look there yourself and name five commands you obey everyday.
You're the expert. Look there yourself and name five commands you obey everyday.
I obey all the commands.
Jesus takes each person and decides?
Anyone who wants to be saved must come to Jesus and Jesus decides if that person should be saved or not.