People certainty do need to be fed on Christ, but we start by eating his flesh and drinking his blood, and this isn't like some denominations who see it as literally eating and drinking him, is taking all of him in. Eating his flesh is taking how he lived and all his teachings etc in and eat of them. He is the bread of life, and drinking his blood is taking his poured out life in to our hearts, and once we are born of God we are then covered in his blood, we have his life within, and once we have his life within, by the power of the spirit, we die to our old self and we then have his flesh outwardly as we live it out and we are covered in him, inside and out and and others see Christ through us, and as we are dying daily by the power of the holy spirit, the life of Christ is seen in and through us.
And what people don't realise is that were in a state of hell already, we're in a pit of darkness here and now, burning in the fires of the lusts of the flesh, tossed too and fro by satan, and God takes us out of that pit and brings us into his glorious light through our saviour Jesus Christ, who preached the gospel of salvation his words are life, the spirit is life, we are brought from death and hell to life and heaven in our lifetime when we are quickened and raised with Christ. And we are no longer in the world and it has no power over us and neither does the Prince of it, Satan!
I saw something the other day, in our meeting we were reading the Lord's my shepherd in Psalm 23. And David said this (you probably know this well

I love this Psalm)
Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
And I saw that when we are born of God, we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, this is the world and the lusts of it and Satan is death, we walk through it, but it has nothing on us anymore, and the world and Satan are only a shadow now, a shadow can't touch us it's only in image of the real thing, it's like seeing Satan in the things of the world and in others, but he can't touch us anymore once we are born of God and sealed with the Holy Spirit. So we fear no evil instead we fear God with a godly fear. Because it is him that can cast us into hell. But Satan can't touch us if we live by the will of God and we worship him in Spirit and in truth. Because God won't let him and God will keep us from Satan.
And his rod and his staff they comfort us, God chastises us with his rod when we go wrong, but he is always our staff and strength to lean on and he keeps us on the straight and narrow path. Through faith, by the grace of God we are being saved. And the only way is through Christ Jesus.
And once we are alive in God, and walking down that path and our flesh is going and we are dying daily and have faith and truly follow Christ, then by the grace of God we are being fed by him, he prepares a table for us to eat from and he gives us what we need to speak in the presence of our enemies, they will have no power over us because God gives us what to say. And our head is anointed with oil which is revelation, wisdom and understanding and our cup runneth over, we have plenty of the word of God flowing through us as we drink from the rivers of living water. And we give it out to others. Our vessels filled to the brim ready for Christ to turn our water into wine to give life to others and lift their hearts or sometimes rebuke them with the word and God knows who needs what and he gives us what to speak in that hour. God is love, and in him there is no darkness, and if he is in our hearts we will be full of his love, and we won't wish for anyone to go to hell or be in hell, because Christ in us will be trying to bring as many as possible to heaven! God loves us all, and he wants us all back!