Trad, you used to be a really interesting poster here. It's sad to see you devolve back into someone just pushing racist and anti-semitic junk. :sigh:
Trad the philospher = good
Trad the white nationalist = bad
As I recall, almost nobody cared about the philosophy posts, and of the few who did, they've either left TOL, or, of those who remain, they have been essentially lost to the political hysteria that seems to have overtaken the American left since the Barack Obama presidency.
And, as I recall, I once got banned here on TOL for writing a more or less philosophical/religious thread. So you'll have to pardon me if I have difficulty taking TOL all that seriously these days.
But if there is a philosophical topic you want to be discussed, let me know. You'll likely be the only one to read that thread, and likely nobody will care enough to comment, but by all means, propose a topic.
But I tell you what, Kmoney, how about this?
How about I give you a reasonable answer which you will never get from the identity politics/regressive left?
Here is my analysis of the current political state of affairs.
We have, it seems to me, the following problems:
1. Since the 1960s, for a number of reasons, wages have been more or less stagnant. This problem was exacerbated from the 1980s onward when the west, by and large, started to abandon Keynesian economics and opted, instead, to embrace neoliberal/global capitalist policies. Especially from the 1990s onwards, due to NAFTA and similar policies, as well as because of the trend of the growing automation of jobs, jobs have and are disappearing (yes, it is true that many jobs were created under the Barack Obama presidency, but most of those are low paying service industry jobs), unemployment is high, and there is a growing sense, especially among millennials, that global capitalism has failed.
That's one reason why Donald Trump is president right now.
That's also why you are seeing the growing phenomenon, not just in the US, but in Europe as well, of the anarcho-communist movement of people who call themselves "Antifa" and other such names, who march in the streets in so called "black bloc." Because, really, it's not that big of a leap to move from "global capitalism has failed" to "capitalism has failed." And many people, especially millennials, have made that leap.
Obviously, a white ethnostate won't solve that problem. "Socialist" policies would (and by that, I mean social democratic policies (the kind of economic policies they have in nordic countries), not actual socialist policies). In fact, nationalist and "socialist" policies would solve that problem. I can give an explanation of why that is if you don't understand the why, but I think that the reason why should be obvious.
2. The other problem that we have been facing is the growth of cultural marxism (in addition to actual marxism!), identity politics and renewed and escalated racial tensions. Going on social media and seeing overtly racist content attacking white people is the new normal.
"CIS" straight white males have been and are being demonized. A cultural marxist narrative which paints all "CIS" straight white males as oppressors and racists, and everyone else as oppressed and victims, a cultural marxist narrative which paints practically every issue in racial and gendered terms (even when, in fact, the problem is class, not race)'s becoming the new normal.
"Microaggression" policies at Berkeley, anyone?
At any rate, the obvious conclusion of that kind of narrative is Emanuel Samson.
But whereas the Left still won't shut up about Dylann Roof, the Left seem to be acting as though Emanuel Samson doesn't even exist. They'll talk about Heather Heyer, but not Emanuel Samson.
Why do you suppose that is?
I think you know why.
And the simple fact is that liberalism is dead. 40% of college educated millenials are in favor of hate speech laws which violate the 1st amendment. Almost 20% of college educated millenials believe that it's perfectly fine to use violence to shut down political speech that they don't agree with.
And cultural marxists, intersectional feminists, etc. have essentially taken over the universities.
Wake up and smell the coffee, Kmoney, and consider where the trends are leading.
You don't think that a white ethnostate is the only reasonable solution?
What's your counter-proposal?
You don't have one?
Then hail victory.