ELECT Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God


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Here you go. If you refuse to listen, then read it.
There is no sense in discussing Edwards sermon if people refuse to read it.
The OP merely spews hatred without having people read or listen to Edwards sermon.

If you refuse to try to defend Edwards' sermon from the specific attacks I leveled (against specific things that 18th-century New England screwball wrote, therein, and which I quoted in the "OP"), then simply submit yet another 50 useless, anger-venting posts with links to the audio or text of Edwards' sermon.

Do you really imagine that I'm worried that people will somehow get their hands on a transcript of Edwards' sermon? I hope readers of my posts will read it, so that they can see just what I'm talking about. It is very easy for one to access, and you have done a service in making it slightly easier for those reading this thread. And, since I have quoted it, already, just a little, why, it is obvious that anyone who has read my "OP" has read those quotes, too. I want people to see that Edwards claimed, for one thing, that the devil was waiting in hell for people to join him there, at least as early as A.D. 1741. Ain't nothin' in the Bible 'bout that! Edwards either made that up out of thin air, or he merely lifted the idea from some equally unbiblical predecessor; yet you fatuously praised his sermon as "biblically sound". But, of course, you've yet to say a word about that (as well as about any of the other points I put forward), even though I've pointedly remarked about it to you, at least once, already. And, of course, you, and I, and everybody else reading this thread, know that you are never going to even try to say a word about it; you're simply going to spam this thread even more with more irrelevant, useless posts.

All that every one of your posts in this thread has amounted to is a spewing of hatred against criticism of the work of a purveyor of false teachings which you cherish. Jonathan Edwards declared that the devil was in hell as early as 1741 A.D. Can you tell us, then, when, exactly, the devil arrived in hell, and try to back it up from Scripture? From where, in Scripture, can it be deduced that the devil must have been in hell, and awaiting people to join him, in the 18th century?

Seriously, how can you be the least bit personally satisfied with the embarrassingly, transparently useless measure to which you are forced, here? How can you be so given to embarrassing yourself, Edwards, and Calvinism? Do you think that nobody but yourself, and myself, can see, from every one of your own posts in this thread, that you are entirely incapable of defending Edwards' sermon from damning criticism? And yet, you just will not remain silent; you apparently always just hafta say/do something, even though all you can come up with to say/do manifestly amounts to absolutely nothin' for the cause of Calvinism.

You're definitely a crypto-anti-Calvinist! There's simply no other rational explanation for your performance. I guess, then, aside from the crypto- part, you're on my side.:)


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Here you go. If you refuse to listen, then read it.
There is no sense in discussing Edwards sermon if people refuse to read it.
The OP merely spews hatred without having people read or listen to Edwards sermon.

YOU are the one who refuses to discuss Edwards' sermon, in this very thread, even though no one forced you to post in it. And, your refusal to do so is on account of the fact that, indeed, as you understand, you would necessarily be talking "no sense" insofar as you would be trying to defend that indefensible sermon.

"...without having people read or listen to Edwards [sic] sermon"

Of what, precisely, are you trying to accuse me, here? By quoting from Edwards' sermon, and displaying some of its absurdity, have I forced people to not read, and to not listen to, his sermon? See, my assumption, when I started this thread, was that, having given the title of the sermon, and the name of its author, as well as some quotations from it, most anyone who was interested in reading what I had to say about it (and even many who might have no interest, whatsoever) would be perfectly capable of accessing the transcript with consummate ease and swiftness. The internet, man! Public domain books! It's all there, free for the taking. It's splendid, really. How stupid do you assume most internet forum users are, to think that they couldn't find Edwards' sermon for themselves, in a matter of seconds, online? Are you just so proud of the fact that YOU were able to find it for YOURSELF, online, that you just had to share it, repeatedly, with no one in particular? Well, congratulations!

See, you assume that I am into banning things like literature and free speech with which I disagree. Not so. But, I know that you, on the other hand, are, for, I do recall that, in one of your posts, you expressed a wish that those whom you call "the mods" would ban me from posting on this forum, and showed that you consider it an act of courage to ban speech with which you disagree:

It would be thrilling if the mods were courageous enough to ban you because of this comment. Will they? Probably not.

Had they done so, you'd not had your opportunity to spam this thread with your vain repetition of posts containing links to Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God, now, would you?:)
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Well-known member
YOU are the one who refuses to discuss Edwards' sermon, in this very thread, even though no one forced you to post in it. And, your refusal to do so is on account of the fact that, indeed, as you understand, you would necessarily be talking "no sense" insofar as you would be trying to defend that indefensible sermon.

"...without having people read or listen to Edwards [sic] sermon"

Of what, precisely, are you trying to accuse me, here? By quoting from Edwards' sermon, and displaying some of its absurdity, have I forced people to not read, and to not list to, his sermon? See, my assumption, when I started this thread, was that, having given the title of the sermon, and the name of its author, as well as some quotations from it, most anyone who was interested in reading what I had to say about it (and even many who might have no interest, whatsoever) would be perfectly capable of accessing the transcript with consummate ease and swiftness. The internet, man! Public domain books! It's all there, free for the taking. It's splendid, really. How stupid do you assume most internet forum users are, to think that they couldn't find Edwards' sermon for themselves, in a matter of seconds, online? Are you just so proud of the fact that YOU were able to find it for YOURSELF, online, that you just had to share it, repeatedly, with no one in particular? Well, congratulations!

See, you assume that I am into banning things like literature and free speech with which I disagree. Not so. But, I know that you, on the other hand, are, for, I do recall that, in one of your posts, you expressed a wish that those whom you call "the mods" would ban me from posting on this forum, and showed that you consider it an act of courage to ban speech with which you disagree:

Had they done so, you'd not had your opportunity to spam this thread with your vain repetition of posts containing links to Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God, now, would you?:)

I like you more with each passing day. :thumb:


Well-known member
"This that you have heard is the case of every one of you that are out of Christ."

So, according to Edwards, it has been the case of every unconverted, ELECT person, that the devil (at least as early as 8 July 1741) is in hell waiting for him/her.

Yup, he's wrong...

Jn 3:18 tells us believers who are sinful are not condemned (ever or already) though non-believers are condemned for their sin of unbelief, unfaith, already...


New member
"If people refuse to read it?" Where do you think I had the quotes from which I was responding? Do you not recognize the sermon in text? So maybe no one else will read it, but I did.
Did you read the entire sermon? It's a foolish thing to just take little snippets.
I find that most people, like universalists and open theists, just read a quote from a small part of text and then create an entire false doctrine from it.


New member
If you refuse to try to defend Edwards' sermon from the specific attacks I leveled (against specific things that 18th-century New England screwball wrote, therein, and which I quoted in the "OP"), then simply submit yet another 50 useless, anger-venting posts with links to the audio or text of Edwards' sermon.

Do you really imagine that I'm worried that people will somehow get their hands on a transcript of Edwards' sermon? I hope readers of my posts will read it, so that they can see just what I'm talking about. It is very easy for one to access, and you have done a service in making it slightly easier for those reading this thread. And, since I have quoted it, already, just a little, why, it is obvious that anyone who has read my "OP" has read those quotes, too. I want people to see that Edwards claimed, for one thing, that the devil was waiting in hell for people to join him there, at least as early as A.D. 1741. Ain't nothin' in the Bible 'bout that! Edwards either made that up out of thin air, or he merely lifted the idea from some equally unbiblical predecessor; yet you fatuously praised his sermon as "biblically sound". But, of course, you've yet to say a word about that (as well as about any of the other points I put forward), even though I've pointedly remarked about it to you, at least once, already. And, of course, you, and I, and everybody else reading this thread, know that you are never going to even try to say a word about it; you're simply going to spam this thread even more with more irrelevant, useless posts.

All that every one of your posts in this thread has amounted to is a spewing of hatred against criticism of the work of a purveyor of false teachings which you cherish. Jonathan Edwards declared that the devil was in hell as early as 1741 A.D. Can you tell us, then, when, exactly, the devil arrived in hell, and try to back it up from Scripture? From where, in Scripture, can it be deduced that the devil must have been in hell, and awaiting people to join him, in the 18th century?

Seriously, how can you be the least bit personally satisfied with the embarrassingly, transparently useless measure to which you are forced, here? How can you be so given to embarrassing yourself, Edwards, and Calvinism? Do you think that nobody but yourself, and myself, can see, from every one of your own posts in this thread, that you are entirely incapable of defending Edwards' sermon from damning criticism? And yet, you just will not remain silent; you apparently always just hafta say/do something, even though all you can come up with to say/do manifestly amounts to absolutely nothin' for the cause of Calvinism.

You're definitely a crypto-anti-Calvinist! There's simply no other rational explanation for your performance. I guess, then, aside from the crypto- part, you're on my side.:)
Jengy, have you ever read an entire text or do you just rely on little clips to create your prejudice?


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Jengy, have you ever read an entire text or do you just rely on little clips to create your prejudice?

Hey there, fellow anti-Calvinist! Thank you for your continued, daily labors toward bringing Calvinism under deeper and deeper embarrassment. :)


New member
Did you read the entire sermon? It's a foolish thing to just take little snippets.
I find that most people, like universalists and open theists, just read a quote from a small part of text and then create an entire false doctrine from it.

I do admit that I would skim quickly over areas that were not objectionable. Do you want me to stop and applaud him every time he is not wrong about something?


Well-known member
[h=2]ELECT Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God[/h]

Impossible, since the elect are sinners God so Loved and Christ died for, and Christ is their propitiation, meaning He satisfied for them Gods law and Justice and reconciled them to God by His death Rom 5:10


Well-known member
Impossible, since the elect are sinners God so Loved and Christ died for, and Christ is their propitiation, meaning He satisfied for them Gods law and Justice and reconciled them to God by His death Rom 5:10

Absolutely, and the elect being reconciled to God by Christ's death means no sin whatsoever was imputed to them, but to Christ their Surety instead Heb. 7:22 Is. 53:5-6.

So even while being God's enemies they were always accounted as Righteous / Justified with Him.

Ps. 32:1-2

1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Rom. 8:33

Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth [dikaioō; to render righteous or such he ought to be.]



Well-known member
Absolutely, and the elect being reconciled to God by Christ's death means no sin whatsoever was imputed to them, but to Christ their Surety instead Heb. 7:22 Is. 53:5-6.

So even while being God's enemies they were always accounted as Righteous / Justified with Him.

Ps. 32:1-2

1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Rom. 8:33

Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth [dikaioō; to render righteous or such he ought to be.]


Absolutely and Thanks !


New member
I do admit that I would skim quickly over areas that were not objectionable. Do you want me to stop and applaud him every time he is not wrong about something?
Edwards is not wrong. He outlines his scripture and lays out God's Sovereign work in salvation. God revived a congregation and a series of colonies through this one, accurate, sermon. God is good.


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Impossible, since the elect are sinners God so Loved and Christ died for, and Christ is their propitiation, meaning He satisfied for them Gods law and Justice and reconciled them to God by His death Rom 5:10

So, are you saying, then, that the sin of a person for whom Christ died is propitiated before that person has been justified through faith? Is it, or is it not?


Well-known member
So, are you saying, then, that the sin of a person for whom Christ died is propitiated before that person has been justified through faith? Is it, or is it not?

I have a dozen or so threads on this forum testifying to what you asked me, if you want to know go read them. Now what did I say in the post you quoted and what scripture did i use ?


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I have a dozen or so threads on this forum testifying to what you asked me, if you want to know go read them. Now what did I say in the post you quoted and what scripture did i use ?

That's just what I thought you'd say. So, you do think that the sin of a person for whom Christ died is propitiated before that person has been justified through faith! Thanks. ;)


Well-known member
That's just what I thought you'd say. So, you do think that the sin of a person for whom Christ died is propitiated before that person has been justified through faith! Thanks. ;)

What i believe is posted all over this forum. If you weren't on here playing little childish games you would know that, you not serious.


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What scripture states that Justification is through faith alone ?

What a stupid question coming from a 24/7 Sripture prooftexting spambot! Galatians 2:16, for one:

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.