ELECT Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God


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Yep, faith is not of yourself, jengy. You proved me correct. Thanks.

You're still desperately begging for attention, I see. Well, it's even easier for me to repeat the truth I've been affirming than it is for you to repeat the falsehood you've been affirming, so, what the heck.

God's grace is "not of yourself". God's grace is a gift.
One's faith is "of yourself". One's faith is not a gift of God.

Once again, you proved yourself not only incorrect, but abjectly incompetent, MeanSnoot. Thanks.:)


Well-known member
My question is, the way to Heaven is narrow and few find it - but how can anyone be faulted for not having w/e it takes to see the right way? Yes, it makes sense to separate the wheat from the chaff, but how can you blame the chaff for being chaff? Thanks.

But Jesus is the one who said that. And The question still stands. Man, it must be the hardest question anyone ever asked.

That's because your question is built upon a faulty premise.

Why don't you focus on the verse before that tells you this?

Matt. 7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.​

The wide gate is all that leads away from faith in God. There are "false prophets" who convince you happiness will be found somewhere other than God. The "narrow way" that leads to life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matt. 7:13-15 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.​

After Christ's work on the cross, He appears to the apostle Paul and gives him revelations concerning the gift of God which is eternal life. Unfortunately, too many people decide not to accept that gift from God. They simply lack the faith that is required.

The "chaff" is only chaff because it refuses to trust in its Creator. God tells us they are without excuse for refusing to come to Him.


Well-known member
Faith is NOT of yourself.

Faith is man's response to hearing and believing God's word.

Faith is God's gift to you. It gives assurance of things not seen, of things hoped for.

Romans 1:20
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:​


Well-known member
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Election holds strong- rather than God changing His mind, He simply moved people to His will. They would not have repented if God had not threatened them.

Ah yes, the Puppet Master God....exactly what God created man for. :rolleyes:


New member
What abuse specifically?
For, or of, what?
You cannot be this ignorant. What abuse??? Have you failed to read about the popes obvious cover-up of priestly sexual abuses, that he was finally forced to acknowledge? My goodness, you have drank deeply from the papal bull...crap...


New member
You're still desperately begging for attention, I see. Well, it's even easier for me to repeat the truth I've been affirming than it is for you to repeat the falsehood you've been affirming, so, what the heck.

God's grace is "not of yourself". God's grace is a gift.
One's faith is "of yourself". One's faith is not a gift of God.

Once again, you proved yourself not only incorrect, but abjectly incompetent, MeanSnoot. Thanks.:)
The text shows you to be wrong, yet you persist.
I have laid this out enough so that even a baby could grasp it. Keep twisting your pretzel to avoid your failed hermeneutics.


Ah yes, the Puppet Master God....exactly what God created man for. :rolleyes:

If you were born in Arabia you'd be a Muslim
There's nothing you're about to say that's going to stand up to any reason that you wouldn't.

There's no point in the Spirit or any sort of evangelizing whatsoever if you just deem everything apart from sheer free will puppetry by God- why have any of it when you simply have the free will to do everything


Well-known member
If you were born in Arabia you'd be a Muslim

There are Christians in Muslim countries.

There's nothing you're about to say that's going to stand up to any reason that you wouldn't.

Facts don't matter, I guess.

There's no point in the Spirit or any sort of evangelizing whatsoever if you just deem everything apart from sheer free will puppetry by God- why have any of it when you simply have the free will to do everything

I have the free will and the ability to hear the Gospel being preached, and the Gospel, itself, is the POWER of God unto salvation. This is why we preach the Cross of Christ, so that men can hear and believe and be saved.


Well-known member
The text shows you to be wrong, yet you persist.
I have laid this out enough so that even a baby could grasp it. Keep twisting your pretzel to avoid your failed hermeneutics.

Here you are talking to yourself again. You've been shown and you've been told, but you refuse to hear.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You cannot be this ignorant. What abuse??? Have you failed to read about the popes obvious cover-up of priestly sexual abuses, that he was finally forced to acknowledge? My goodness, you have drank deeply from the papal bull...crap...
Precisely nobody has defended the child abuse scandal. Any other 'examples?'


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The text shows you to be wrong, yet you persist.
I have laid this out enough so that even a baby could grasp it. Keep twisting your pretzel to avoid your failed hermeneutics.

Sorry, jengy! Faith is not a gift; you're the one who is wrong, jengy! Guess what, jengy: faith is "of yourself".

All you've laid out, in every single post, over, and over, and over, is your assertion of the falsehood--the unbiblical proposition--that faith is a gift, and that Ephesians 2:8-9 says so. That's all you keep saying, jengy. That's all you are capable of doing--gabbling on and on, as a baby, or as a parrot, or as a baby parrot. Isn't that right, jengy?

Hey, jengy, when are you going to try to explain exactly what it would even be for faith to be a gift? So far, nothing from you. Why is that, jengy? Ah, because you know you couldn't, without further embarrassing yourself, even begin to try to explain what it would be for faith to be a gift. You would, therein, embarrass yourself in the same way that one would embarrass one's self by claiming that a square is a circle, and then trying to explain what it would be for a square to be a circle. But then, you're all about embarrassing yourself, now, aren't you, jengy? Otherwise, you'd stop posting your ravings in these forums.

You don't mind being addressed as "jengy", do you, jengy?:)


New member
Sorry, jengy! Faith is not a gift; you're the one who is wrong, jengy! Guess what, jengy: faith is "of yourself".

All you've laid out, in every single post, over, and over, and over, is your assertion of the falsehood--the unbiblical proposition--that faith is a gift, and that Ephesians 2:8-9 says so. That's all you keep saying, jengy. That's all you are capable of doing--gabbling on and on, as a baby, or as a parrot, or as a baby parrot. Isn't that right, jengy?

Hey, jengy, when are you going to try to explain exactly what it would even be for faith to be a gift? So far, nothing from you. Why is that, jengy? Ah, because you know you couldn't, without further embarrassing yourself, even begin to try to explain what it would be for faith to be a gift. You would, therein, embarrass yourself in the same way that one would embarrass one's self by claiming that a square is a circle, and then trying to explain what it would be for a square to be a circle. But then, you're all about embarrassing yourself, now, aren't you, jengy? Otherwise, you'd stop posting your ravings in these forums.

You don't mind being addressed as "jengy", do you, jengy?:)
Wow, changing words to perpetrate your lies. Great pretzel job, jengy. You make Donald Trump look like a compulsive truth teller compared to you.
Your lying and word changing should get you banned.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No one said they were defended. They were hidden.
And nobody defends that either.
Talk to the former Archbishop of Boston about the coverups.
Nobody is defending crimes.
Almost every one of those was enabled by the previous error the Church made of entangling herself with civil power and authority.

Didn't . . . John Clavin himself order or at least condone the killing of someone for heresy? As churchmen, the Church shouldn't have political power, or at least, political power should be restrained from meddling in matters of religion. I.e., religious liberty ought always to be recognized, affirmed, and protected.


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Wow, changing words to perpetrate your lies. Great pretzel job, jengy. You make Donald Trump look like a compulsive truth teller compared to you.
Your lying and word changing should get you banned.

You make Antifa look heroic, gentlemanly, thoughtful, and reasonable, jengy.

What do you mean by "changing words", jengy? What words do you say I've "changed", jengy?

There you go, again, jengy, in your irrational rage, expressing your desire to have me banned from this forum, all because you, yourself, hate the truth, and are incapable of defending your falsehoods.

Again, you don't mind me addressing you as "jengy", do you, jengy?:)


New member
And nobody defends that either.
Nobody is defending crimes.
Almost every one of those was enabled by the previous error the Church made of entangling herself with civil power and authority.

Didn't . . . John Clavin himself order or at least condone the killing of someone for heresy? As churchmen, the Church shouldn't have political power, or at least, political power should be restrained from meddling in matters of religion. I.e., religious liberty ought always to be recognized, affirmed, and protected.