Your link goes to an ancient coin on ebay, i dont get it
Oops sorry. Here's the link:
Pets and the Rapture
[Inop link] silver denarius of antoninus pius poochus
:chuckle: Found my coin.
"In Ezekiel 26, God makes a proclamation concerning Tyre, summed up in the following:
•Many nations would come against Tyre (Ezek. 26:3)
•The walls of Tyre would be broken down (Ezek. 26:4)
•Dust would be scraped from her, and she would be left like a bare rock (Ezek. 26:4)
•Tyre would be a place for the spreading of nets (Ezek. 26:5)
•Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, would build a siege wall around Tyre (Ezek. 26:8)
•Nebuchadnezzar would plunder the city (Ezek. 26:9-12)
•The stones, timber and soil of Tyre would be cast into the sea (Ezek. 26:12)
•The city would never be rebuilt (Ezek. 26:14)..." Full text:
The Destruction Of Tyra
Biblical Inspiration Validated By Prophecy, Part 1 by John MacArthur