Well do tell, which sect might that be... yours I suppose?
Which is the most correct? How would you evaluate that?
If your deity's Law is so clear then why do you one billion or so Christians have such great difficulty coming to consensus on precisely what it actually is? If it was so all-fired important you'd think your deity could manage to make it perfectly clear to at least a majority of you...
Because the majority of Christians would prefer to not understand God. If you ever read the law, I'll bet *you* could understand it.
So your only example is from a book of fairy tales? Well it's comforting to know that you have so much hard evidence to back up your claims...
Ummm... nice obfuscation. I'll answer you when you go back answer what I actually wrote.
You think you talk to deities too...
The constitution, as I have said several times, is not the same as the legal code.
It's the foundation of the legal code. Isn't the foundation at least enough to *start* with? Sheesh.
Why won't you people put the actual text of your legal code out for public discussion? According to Jefferson, all Enyart has produced is an outline...
Like I said, I'm answering rather directly, aren't I? Aren't these forums text out for public discussion? Again, I think you protest too much.
Based on what I've seen in other volunteer organizations it might also make a serious impact on the amount of time and consideration the "volunteer" was willing to spend on their task.
Right. That's my point.
I think you and yours should talk to people who have actually lived in a society with the kind peonage you are proposing. I think you'd find it is not as wonderful as you suppose...
That would be a good thing to check out. Where I do find such a society?
But the underlying basis for re-introducing slavery is to be consistent with "God's Law". If that is the case then then the basis is religious, not civil.
First, slavery has a specific understanding here in the US, and that is slavery for life based on skin color. So to separate that kind of slavery and the kind of slavery SG would propose, we use a different term. That being "indentured servitude". Please don't confuse things on purpose.
The basis isn't just to be consistent with God's law. It is also based on having a fair society. Since the King probably won't care what God thinks, but since we would expect him to follow the law (one would hope he would see the benefit to himself and his kingdom of not having anarchy), then we can properly call it a civil matter.
Where? I 15 miles from a city with one of the highest murder rates in the world. The area in which I live are not experiencing "low crime" times...
I was talking about back when the country was first founded and most of the maturely settled areas were "low crime".
You're placing an awful lot of childrens' futures on what you hope might happen...
When it doesn't happen, what then?
Dude, you place to much weight on minor speculation. What if NO ONE in the United States can get a job, what then? What if all the nursing mothers run dry, what then? What if everyone feels like being mean, what then? What if no one can find a way to cope, what then?
Look, everyone can find a way to survive if they try. Besides, the government can't help even if it wanted to.
I don't know, since your Criminal Code is not available for view, I don't know what you would consider crimes sufficient for loss of custody...
Guess. I'm only asking because I don't think you understand my side of the argument. And here's a hint to help you out. “The ten commandments.” Now, mind you, that's only a hint, so don't take that as the sum total of the law.