Drug Dealing and the Bible


New member
The cluelessness of the atheist position is mind-boggling.

Equating gaining knowledge or technical ability or cunning with "honour" simply distorts the English language and shows utter incomprehension of what "honour" entails.

It is not your fault however, given that they are handing out knighthoods now to Mick Jagger and Elton John.
What have you got against Mick Jagger and Elton John?
Did they conspire to get themselves into our music collections?
Yes, I can see it all now, it was all a cunning plot!:rolleyes:

" theists and atheists worth their salt"...and who are those? Can you estimate what percentage of the general population of atheists will be "worth their salt"?

By the way, just what MMORPG are you immersed in? I am guessing you are a shut-in, given your naivety about the real world.

It would help if we knew just what fantasy ethos you are playing, such as "NeverWinterNights", or is it perhaps "Warhammer"?, maybe "Lord of the Rings Online"?

About 2 minutes in battle while on patrol in Iraq or Afganistan might help you get a grip on the planet you apparently reside upon, albeit tucked away in mom's basement with your laptop.

Naa I'm too old for on-line gaming, conspiracy theories or any more of your inane gibberish.


New member
Mick Jagger Conspiracy

Mick Jagger Conspiracy

Mick Jagger and Elton John?
Did they conspire to get themselves into our music collections?
The short answer: Yes.

Elton John? The darling of the rich homosexual community in the USA, shamelessly promoted by the "Owl Club" in San Fransisco.

Even a dirtbag like Richard Nixon knew the creepy homo elite superrich in SanFran were disgusting. Google Richard Nixon on the homos in California.

Nixon comments, "But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . It is the most faggy * * * * thing you could ever imagine with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."[/SIZE]

News flash: Mick Jagger was schooled at of the London School of Economics (along with his pals) before conveniently becoming a rock star. The conspiracy was to make money fleecing stupid teenagers.
He did not graduate from LSE, however; he attended for just a short time. I have read that he was asked to leave after riding a motorcycle through the library, but I doubt this is true — not just because it seems very unlikely, but because Jagger has never been as wild as his image. I mean this as a compliment.
Notwithstanding his short tenure at LSE, I do believe that Jagger is supremely smart when it comes to running a business. And that is what the Rolling Stones have primarily been for the past 20 or 30 years: a business, and a very well-run one. I have always thought that Jagger’s talents as CEO were overlooked — which probably suits him just fine, considering that when you are a rock singer, there’s some significant value in seeming more reckless and wild than a typical CEO.
The smartest thing about the Rolling Stones under Jagger’s leadership is the band’s workmanlike, corporate approach to touring.

In case the reason for his knighthood isn't obvious (he didn't just buy it, even though the Brits are shameless on that front), it is obvious that Micky is the result of generations of upper-class inbreeding. One need only look at his lips and horse-mouth, similar to the singer in Nazareth.

In other words, Mick's obviously the illegitimate bastard of some royal sperm-seeder.

And there you go:
And thus has some much-needed levity been injected under the skin of this oh-so-serious thread.
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Resident Fiend
The conspiracy was to make money fleecing stupid teenagers.
Remind us all again why this is bad?

Taking advantage of stupid people is, to all appearances, the natural order of things. One need look no further than rligious leaders, politicians and captains of industry.
And there you go...
Yup, there I go, making fun of you and your grim seriousness and righteous indignation.

Saints like yourself invite abuse, they fairly beg for it; it would be rude to not provide it.

:mock: Naza-rube


New member
Remind us all again why this is bad?

Taking advantage of stupid people is, to all appearances, the natural order of things.

So let me get this straight: You approve of it?

For instance, its okay to say take sexual advantage of a retarded person in a wheelchair, if you are their nurse?

Saints like yourself invite abuse, they fairly beg for it; it would be rude to not provide it.
Your thinking is so universally true and flexible: Look at how it can be applied for instance:
"Celebrities like yourself invite abuse, they fairly beg for it; it would be rude to not provide it."

"Women like yourself invite abuse, they fairly beg for it; it would be rude
to not provide it."

"Unattended minors like yourself invite abuse,
they fairly beg for it; it would be rude to not provide it."
That's what is so amazing about advanced thinkers like you. You can immediately see where their new philosophical breakthroughs can be practically applied.

...or maybe you're just an unemployed stalker.

:mock: Naza-rube
Ger-old. :grave:


New member
Cabinetmaker said:
Originally Posted by Nazaroo
(2) Control the masses through drug dependancy

An acknowledged motivation for all drug pushers, legal and illegal, again for profit. The 20,000 dead in Mexico are a clear example of how far drug dealers will go to "control" things.

True for illegal drug dealers. You have not proven the motive of the large drug companies. Do you have evidence that they intentionally produce drugs that are designed to make people dependent on them? Is the EPA in collusion with the large drug companies in attempting to hook people on drugs? What about doctors who generally do not see any profit for proscribing drugs?

We would do well here to listen to those who have to work on the front lines helping the victims of drug addiction.

On a recent live program reaching out to those in the community here in Canada, they discussed the disastrous effects of the Methadone Program:

(1) Methadone was originally prescribed for heroine and opiate addiction, to wean people of those drugs. This was a relatively small group within the population.

(2) Drug companies started recommending, and doctors began prescribing Methadone for other things, like morphine-hooked accident victims, cocaine, crack, and oxycontin.

(3) Methadone turned out to be hundreds of times as addictive as most of the drugs it was meant to replace.

(4) There was no plan to wean people off Methadone, and no program to do so in a humane and reasonable way.

(5) Methadone users found that this was a horrible, painful, torturous drug to get off of, and there was no program to quickly and effectively get them off the drug. Instead, they found themselves trapped in an endless cycle of dependance upon the Legal Drug Industry.

(6) The Methadone Program became a HUGE CASH COW for Drug companies and doctors.

(7) There have been effective techniques for getting the victims off of Methadone through far less addictive drugs, but the Drug companies and the doctors are not interested in implementing these programs.

(8) The drug companies and doctors show no interest in helping get people off Methadone. They have merely substituted an uncontrolled drug addiction for a controlled one, which enslaves the user far more effectively than any drug they started on.

(9) Health care people trying to help victims of Methadone addiction have run into a brick wall with drug companies and doctors over this abuse of drug addicts for profit.


New member
Drugs Prison, and the Aryan Brotherhood

Drugs Prison, and the Aryan Brotherhood

Anyone who thinks drug dealing and alcohol are a 'light thing', and not a vital issue facing our modern culture has no experience with the reality of prisons in the USA.

In fact, while society was adjusting to civil rights movement by moving forward, the prison system moved independently in a different direction: the formation of entrenched racial gangs.

The problem is so large and rampant that gangs virtually run most prisons, under a reign of terror, even terrorizing guards and police.

The Aryan Brotherhood is an example of such a gang. Supposedly a hard-core group of White-supremists or racists, this gang was formed INSIDE the major USA prisons, and its control and power extend like an octopus throughout both the prison system and the criminal underworld outside prison.

Interestingly, these ruthless murderers maintain their rule of terror often by killing whites and others, while at the same time admitting Jews and those of mixed race into their gang. In fact, this "betrayal" of the 'race'-theme was the only way to get high-level gang members to defect. They felt betrayed because the gang turned out to be, not a gang of racial loyalists, but as one defector put it "Just a Heroin-gang".

With 30-60% of the prison population being drug-addicts, the main economic engine in jail is drugs. And the money is huge, since drugs inside prison fetch 4 to 10 times the price of drugs outside jail. This large population of drug users all have family and friends - connections to the outside and are the main source of all the money that drug-gangs get.

This is part of the reason that gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood have so much money and power. They are clever and sophisticated, using ciphers and codes to communicate in an international network.

But they are brutally violent murderers who constantly torture and kill others to maintain control over drug dealing inside America's prisons.

On the other hand, law enforcement has largely left prison gangs to themselves, because they had no reason to care. It was only when the Aryan Brotherhood began murderering guards inside prison that law enforcement took them seriously, and resources were allotted to deal with them through isolation, segregation, prosecution etc. But these tools and efforts only have nominal impact on gangs.

The fact of the matter is, Law Enforcement don't enforce God's Law, but are also a corrupt gang of thugs in themselves. Although they claim to have 'higher moral ground' because of (inconsistently applied) self-imposed rules of "law", they are in fact the equivalent of Emperor Constantine's army, having the authority and power of the government but not the morality of God and His Law.

Laws have been so watered-down and altered so far from God's clear instruction on Mount Sinai that effectively the government and law & order branches are a law unto themselves, and constitute another gang operating outside of God's law and true authority.



New member
Anyone who thinks drug dealing and alcohol are a 'light thing', and not a vital issue facing our modern culture has no experience with the reality of prisons in the USA.

I don't think they are a "light" thing. But I do think drugs, alcohol and pornography are so entrenched in our culture, trying to fight it is like spitting into the wind. I'll try to be salt and light as God leads, but at the end of the day, my primary mission is preaching the Gospel, not social change.


New member
I don't think they are a "light" thing. But I do think drugs, alcohol and pornography are so entrenched in our culture, trying to fight it is like spitting into the wind.

This is too pessimistic. But typical of the LAST DAYS:
"But know this, that in the Last Days perilous times will come;
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money and power,
arrogant, blasphemous, unholy, unloving (cf. John 10:13),...
without self-control, brutal, lovers of pleasure rather than God,
having a form of Godliness, but denying the power of Godliness:

...from such people turn away, for these ones lead captive gullible women burdened with sins (like abortion), and they themselves are led astray by lusts."
(2nd Tim 3:1-6)
I agree with you that drugs are entrenched in our culture: but that is by choice, and marks those who stand by with culpability. What would Jesus say?
"If you even had the loyalty of a tiny mustard-seed grain, you could say to this tree 'Be torn out by the root, and thrown in the sea' and it would obey you." (Luke 17:6)
What loyalty does Jesus recognise? Obediance:
"You are My loyal friends, if you do whatever I command you."(John 15:14)
I'll try to be salt and light as God leads, but at the end of the day, my primary mission is preaching the Gospel, not social change.
Here's an amazing reality-check: You will successfully preach the Gospel and convert people when you live it, by the love of God acting in you as you affect social change of this kind:
"This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. Greater love has no person than this: that they lay down their life for their friends," (John 15:12-13) 'as a living sacrifice' (Rom. 12:1), "for though I sacrifice my body but have no charity, it profits nothing." (1st Cor.13:3) and 'Be Sober!' (1st Pet.5:8) resisting the Adversary in loyalty.'


New member
Mecxian Drug war News

Mecxian Drug war News

Some news is so big, it needs its own page!


SAN FERNANDO, Mexico — Working under heavy security in a region controlled by a brutal drug gang, authorities and diplomats began the gruesome task Thursday of identifying 72 Central and South American migrants killed just 100 miles from their destination – the U.S. border.
The government's chief security spokesman said it appeared the migrants were slain after refusing to help the gang smuggle drugs.

"The information that we have at this moment is that it was an attempt at forced recruitment. That is to say, it wasn't a kidnapping with the intent to get money, but the intention was of holding these people, forcing them to participate in organized crime – with the terrible outcome that we know," Alejandro Poire said in an interview with W radio.
This is what a longstanding drug-culture in the USA has bought for mankind: millions of victims.



New member
GOOD NEWS: Patience and Prayer PAYOFF

GOOD NEWS: Patience and Prayer PAYOFF

After long and bloody battles, stubborn resistance, and untold tragedy, things are looking better in the Mexican Drug War.

Drug-Kingpins are beginning to surrender!

This is what patience and prayer can do. The prayer of thousands of Christian Mexicans, and the support of Christian Americans against the Drug Cartels and Mobs:

MEXICO CITY — Mexico's capture of two rival drug gang leaders in two weeks may mark a new trend in the country's drug war, an official said Monday: drug lords surrendering without a fight when surrounded.

Drug lords – once notorious for dying in a blaze of bullets – have started surrendering, said Navy spokesman Rear Adm. Jose Luis Vergara. The capture of the rivals also may help allay suspicions that the government hits one gang while leaving its rivals alone.

"The criminals are no longer putting up resistance" when surrounded, Vergara said, referring to Sunday's arrest of Sergio Villarreal Barragan, a leader of the Beltran-Leyva drug cartel.

Villarreal was taken by about 30 Mexican marines without a shot fired in a raid at a house in the central state of Puebla on Sunday. That came a little over two weeks after the Aug. 30 arrest of his rival, Edgar Valdez Villarreal, a U.S.-born trafficker known as "La Barbie," who also gave up when stopped by police.

Keep praying! Don't let up on this.



New member
Another Drug Dealer Nailed

Another Drug Dealer Nailed

Keep praying against all recreational and illegal drugs, which only wreak death and tragedy throughout the world.

Your prayers count with the Lord Jesus and our Father in heaven.


Mexican authorities have arrested an alleged trafficker known as "The Tiger" who they say shipped a half-ton of drugs to the U.S. each month and may have been poised to take over for a dead capo in the Sinaloa cartel. Federal police said Saturday that Margarito Soto Reyes, 44, was detained along with eight alleged accomplices near the western city of Guadalajara,



New member
Mexico is now going to centralize its police forces, cutting off supplies of guns and men to drug cartels.

Also, the violence has been spilling over into the USA.

Good news is that over 130 tons of drugs were siezed in the largest bust ever.

The violence has in some cases spilled over the border and become a source of mounting concern in states in the Southwest. And in June 2010 a Justice Department report described a "high and increasing" availability of methamphetamine mainly because of large-scale drug production in Mexico.
In August 2010, with the pace of killings rising, Mr. Calderón set up series of high-level forums drawing Mexico's entire political establishment together, in an effort to show that the government was willing to engage its critics and listen to suggestions. In October, the government announced that it was preparing a plan to radically alter the nation’s police forces, hoping not only to instill a trust the public has never had in them but also to choke off a critical source of manpower for organized crime. It would all but do away with the nation’s 2,200 local police departments and place their duties under a “unified command.”
Desperate to highlight a success in the bloody, lingering struggle, the government staged an elaborate ceremony before incinerating 134 tons of marijuana, which officials described as the largest drug haul ever.

Keep praying against this gigantic evil economic engine
that is sucking the life out of two countries.
