Donald Trump’s media summit was a "(blank) firing squad"


Trump plans to reform laws on media libel.
I almost forgot about that in the midst of all these retards in the newsroom lately.
They all know it's coming so they are getting it all out :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know about his golf course half-wit. What I don't know is what that has got to do with the thread topic. Maybe you English should learn how to speak English.

Probably about as much to do with honesty on your general part, although at least still Trump related so, you know, suck it up or cry somewhere.

As regards your latter, I'm not only fluent in speaking the native tongue in an admittedly regional dialect, I'm also quite adept where it comes to writing it as well.

Don't get me wrong, you're fluent too, but not in a language I wanna learn...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump plans on reforming laws on media libel. I almost forgot about that in the midst of all these retards in front of the cameras lately.
They all know it's coming so they are getting it all out :rolleyes:

That stuff is so hard to do regarding the media. The courts always decide in favor of "news" outlets.


That stuff is so hard to do regarding the media. The courts always decide in favor of "news" outlets.

I rather like the term 'reform' (not just because I'm a Calvinist :chuckle:). It means 'to improve', but also typically carries a context of 'restoring'.

Trump can succeed if he doesn't do with what other people try, and fail, to do- which is reinvent- but simply revive and refine those laws.


How is he a bully? He seems genuinely in it for the American people and not for personal gain.

How would you know? Seen his tax return? How many "deals" will he attempt that do little but increase his wealth? And without some real financial specifics how will you know. Oh wait, he'll tell you. got it.


Trump plans to reform laws on media libel.
I almost forgot about that in the midst of all these retards in the newsroom lately.
They all know it's coming so they are getting it all out :rolleyes:

Dont hold your breath. Trumpy is acting like the 3rd world dictator he aspires to be.


Dont hold your breath. Trumpy is acting like the 3rd world dictator he aspires to be.

Coming from you gestapo, thought police liberals who have marched on people and their freedom of expression, I don't find what you have to say as anything more than hot, stale air :wave2:

Libel is not a victim-less act, and the Constitution was not intended to defend it.


New member
That's a one-sided opinion.

No. It is fact.

You knew nothing about his life-long history of self-serving financial and political corruption.

No way you would have voted for him had you done your homework.

He is now proving DAILY that HE won.

That YOU - his willfully blind supporters - LOST.

You are each now continue in denial and can't even see it.

Click whirr - Commitment Consistency at it's worst.

My posts on him are absent of the continuing historical context of his life-long corruption your having researched him - had you done so - makes sense from.

Click whirr.


New member
Well unless you count the 3 marriages, the bankruptcies, the ignorance and the 5th grade name calling.

And the life-long, self-serving financial and political corruption.

Thus his expected backpeddling cover up of the equally corrupt in both those areas - his pals: the Clintons.


New member
I'm from the U.S.
We don't really distinguish "Bullying people out of their property" from "kill everyone and pretend it was empty when we got here" too differently.

Apt anology :thumb:

White man still speak with forked tongue - from Tower now.


Coming from you gestapo, thought police liberals who have marched on people and their freedom of expression, I don't find what you have to say as anything more than hot, stale air :wave2:

Libel is not a victim-less act, and the Constitution was not intended to defend it.

Ah, liberals have marched on people's freedom of expression, but it is the Trumpeter who wants to be able to limit the freedom of the press when it publishes the truth about him. And I'm gestapo. You live in your own particular universe.

Take a look at New York Times Co. v. Sullivan376 U.S. 254 (1964), a 9-0 Supreme Court decision. That requires actual malice in news coverage before a public figure can be libeled. And in general, truth is a defense to libel claims.


New member
You tell me that daily.
Give yourself a bump so that broken record stops repeating repeating repeating.

You knew nothing about his life-long history of self-serving financial and political corruption.

No way you would have voted for him had you done your homework.