You do seem to pass a fair amount of Bull...
But I promise not to call you
Should it?
Some things just happen...
sha doobie, shattered, shattered. i usually refrain from judgement, but patterns do emerge.
Ain't THAT the truth...
unfortunately, i sometimes mirror other people's attitudes and judgement back at them. probably accomplishing nothing.
That was what I first tried when I first arrived here, with Glory Daze and Grosnik M, her side-kick... To absolutely no avail, I should hasten to blurt forth... Slander is THEIR turf, after all, and being masters of dispensing it, they have great immunity to it... But it turns out that they don't do all that well with plain, good-natured truth and fun-styled repartee... Their vanity makes their souls very needy for being taken seriously, and when that is withdrawn in the jocularity one would use on a cutely angry and mistaken child, they do not do very well... Escalation often ensues, and when it fails, they just go silent or do the ignore thing...
Theological Cyber-Bullies I say!
i'm not proud of that, and it rarely gets a good response.
Roger that!
why do i do it Arsenios ?
Me no know...
I can tell you why you keep on doing it...
Dunno if i't'll help..
Or pass muster or gas...
It's because you are not yet an Orthodox Christian...
But neither are many Orthodox Christians...
So no you vorry!
it's Arseniooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Stop yodeling!
Below is an icon of the Saint after whom I was named when I was baptized:
Here is his story:
Here is one of his quotes
“I have often regretted the words I have spoken,
but I have never regretted my silence.”