Does Luke 19:44 disprove Preterism?


Well-known member
I said he could be.

Which Caesar are you even talking about?

No errors, and I never said that you think it was fulfilled in 70AD

Neither do I.

Whoever the beast was, the prophecies were fulfilled by 70AD

Read Rev 1:1

(Rev 1:1) The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Why do ignore these clear and simple words?

And, if that's not enough, God told John the following about the Revelation:

(Rev 22:10) And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

How do make "the time is at hand" and "things which must shortly come to pass" = 2,000 years and counting?

It doesn't matter to me who the beast was. It all took place almost 2,000 years ago. It's not a yet future event.

I suggest you look up the words "Near" and "Shortly"

It all depends on who your looking for and why. If your looking for the end of the world everything then begins to lead you to that. If you were looking for the one of the beast that was wounded by the sword and ascended out of the pit then you would need to find it.

If any of the beast did not bare rule over Israel "twice",,,,then they were not a kingdom that was,then was not and then ascended up out of the pit and ruled over it twice.

Make a list of every kingdom that ever ruled over Israel. Don't forget any of them,not even Israel it's self that is they also ask for a king like the other nations and in the days of Solomon were a super power, uncontested and at peace.

So, no kingdom ever ruled over Israel(12 tribes) until Egypt,then Saul the first king,then Assyria,Babylon,Persia,Greece ect.ect . Find the one that was wounded unto death,in the pit,ascended up and ruled over Israel "twice".

Everything then that you know about what took place in ad70 becomes valuable because one of those who ruled over Israel it says is "wounded unto death",then it "ascends out of the pit" and rules over Israel again.

Don't confuse the events of ad70 that are the beginning of judgment with the end of judgment. Find the one that ruled over Israel "twice",don't confuse a head receiving a wound with the sword and the kingdom of them cast in a pit. If so that you recognize the one being cast into the pit and when they received the wound you will know when they ascended out of the pit and ruled over Israel "twice".


Well-known member
I agree with some of Dispensationalism's teachings on Soteriology

That says nothing. I can't think of one soteriological distinctive of dispensationalism that can't be found elsewhere. Try something you agree with that is exclusive to dispensationalism.


That says nothing. I can't think of one soteriological distinctive of dispensationalism that can't be found elsewhere.

Sure you can.

Many on TOL who are not Dispies claim they can live sin free after they are saved, that sins have to be confessed after they are committed, that they have to repent when they sin, that someone can lose their salvation with certain sins, etc.


So, no kingdom ever ruled over Israel(12 tribes) until Egypt,then Saul the first king,then Assyria,Babylon,Persia,Greece ect.ect . Find the one that was wounded unto death,in the pit,ascended up and ruled over Israel "twice".

Egypt didn't rule over the Promised Land and Jerusalem.

The only beasts that ruled over Israel/Jerusalem were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

As for "being wounded unto death, in the pit, ascended up, and ruling over Israel again"......this could very well describe the 1.5 year period between Nero and Vespasian.

Nero committed suicide, Rome fell into three different civil wars, there were revolts from Judah and Gaul, and all of Rome was in turmoil.

Then the Flavian Dynasty (Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian) put an end to the revolts and brought peace back to the Roman Empire.

These events very easily could be described as the beast being thrown into the pit, and then coming back to life.


Well-known member
Egypt didn't rule over the Promised Land and Jerusalem.

The only beasts that ruled over Israel/Jerusalem were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

As for "being wounded unto death, in the pit, ascended up, and ruling over Israel again"......this could very well describe the 1.5 year period between Nero and Vespasian.

Nero committed suicide, Rome fell into three different civil wars, there were revolts from Judah and Gaul, and all of Rome was in turmoil.

Then the Flavian Dynasty (Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian) put an end to the revolts and brought peace back to the Roman Empire.

These events very easily could be described as the beast being thrown into the pit, and then coming back to life.

are you sure? seems like if the bible tells us they were in bondage in Egypt and historical documents tell us that Egypt rule included Jerusalem all at the same time then well,,,, lol but then your the one looking for that missing beast so whose counting,,,

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Sure you can.

Many on TOL who are not Dispies claim they can live sin free after they are saved, that sins have to be confessed after they are committed, that they have to repent when they sin, that someone can lose their salvation with certain sins, etc.

I agree with some of Dispensationalism's teachings on Soteriology

Name one dispensationalist on TOL, who agrees with your "argument," that you can deny that the New Covenant is in effect/enacted today, which means, according to you, that the Saviour's work is "not good enough," and still be saved.


New member
Hall of Fame
Pretty much yes.
Who were the beast and false prophet?

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Who were the beast and false prophet?

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

1.Damian Bullinger, and Judas Darby, the great,great, great....grandpappies of E.W. Bullinger, and John Nelson Darby, respectively?

2. Figurative....allegory....hyperbole...Of the flesh.....

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
1.Damian Bullinger, and Judas Darby, the great,great, great....grandpappies of E.W. Bullinger, and John Nelson Darby, respectively?

2. Figurative....allegory....hyperbole...Of the flesh.....

1. Beast- Goober
2. False Prophet- Gomer
3. Jezebel- Mrs. Schump


Well-known member
Sure you can.

Many on TOL who are not Dispies claim they can live sin free after they are saved, that sins have to be confessed after they are committed, that they have to repent when they sin, that someone can lose their salvation with certain sins, etc.

See how clever he is at not answering questions? Must be a gift.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
1. Beast- Goober
2. False Prophet- Gomer
3. Jezebel- Mrs. Schump

I say either Skippy, or Daphne, and perhaps Olive, was Jezebel, Mayor. And either Howard,or Barn were the false prophets. After all, who lives with their mother, like Howard did, and how come Fast Gun Fife did not live in a home? Thel, who had no visible means of support(except some cryptic reference of "going to the office," ala Ward Cleaver), had a home, and even Helen had one, on a school teacher's salary.

It's a mite curious....

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I think so.

But I still say the Millenium was 1960-65 in Mayberry, before Andy went to color and changed his accent.

But I still say the Millenium was 1960-62, in Mayberry, before one of Mayor Pike's daughter's morphed/"evolved" into Lydia.