ECT Does 'fulfilled prophecy' reinforce the Bible?

God's Truth

New member
People who believe in 2P2P minimize what happened in Christ. The 'real' fulfillment, they say, is yet to come and is Davidic/Judaistic and must take place in Judea.

I believe in all the scriptures, even 2 Peter. What do you mean?

It is a sad thing indeed, to lessen the coming of Jesus the first time.

When Jesus comes again, it will be too late.


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John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life.
And I posted:

Acts 2 KJV
(30) Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Romans 1 KJV
(3) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;


God's Truth

New member
And I posted:

Acts 2 KJV
(30) Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Romans 1 KJV
(3) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;

Why don't you address the scripture I gave? Why merely post other scriptures?

I would like to hear what you have to say about the scripture I posted.

I can speak to you about the ones you posted, but first let us discuss the one I posted that you are trying to nullify with other scripture.


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John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life.
Why don't you address the scripture I gave? Why merely post other scriptures?



Well-known member
I believe in all the scriptures, even 2 Peter. What do you mean?

It is a sad thing indeed, to lessen the coming of Jesus the first time.

When Jesus comes again, it will be too late.

Sorry, 2P2P is an acronym for the doctrine that the bible has '2 peoples, 2 programs.' Israel v believers which never meet.

It was not a reference to 2 Peter 2.


Well-known member
Why don't you address the scripture I gave? Why merely post other scriptures?

I did Tambora. Sometimes we are 'carrying' baggage around with us that we don't know is there. The minimizing of the Gospel and the expectation that there needs to be another go with Israel is a 'baggage' that is very hard to see these days, but neither are there in the NT, although they dominate the church.

In the movie THE EXPERIMENTOR, a test is done about suggestiveness. A person in a crowded area bursts out that he has seen something unusual in the sky. The crowd does not know that 4 people have been planted to 'agree' with him. The Experimentor wanted to see what the mass of the crowd would do when 4-5 people insisted they saw something. Almost everyone in the hearing of the announcement agreed, even though there was nothing.

It's like that about things needing to happen in modern Israel. There's just nothing there in the NT (in the scope of doctrine--Galatians or Hebrews) even though it has been 'planted' that we should think so.


New member
I did Tambora. Sometimes we are 'carrying' baggage around with us that we don't know is there. The minimizing of the Gospel and the expectation that there needs to be another go with Israel is a 'baggage' that is very hard to see these days, but neither are there in the NT, although they dominate the church.

In the movie THE EXPERIMENTOR, a test is done about suggestiveness. A person in a crowded area bursts out that he has seen something unusual in the sky. The crowd does not know that 4 people have been planted to 'agree' with him. The Experimentor wanted to see what the mass of the crowd would do when 4-5 people insisted they saw something. Almost everyone in the hearing of the announcement agreed, even though there was nothing.

It's like that about things needing to happen in modern Israel. There's just nothing there in the NT (in the scope of doctrine--Galatians or Hebrews) even though it has been 'planted' that we should think so.

Lol - nice SELF-portrait, Inter :rotfl:

You're like the self-righteous Jew in the NT who, viewing things through his bias, concludes others are the ones doing that.

Those experiments prove nothing. They leave out too many factors that actual objectivity would consider.

That's you.

You parrot Partial Preterism. A system that arose out of an attempt to solve for various SEEMING problems as a result, and from, a perspective of wisdom in it's own conceits through the ignorance that was in them for their love of said wisdom in its own conceits.

Yours is that circular in reasoning.

This is why I hold a low regard for "Scholarship," despite my great love for books of all sorts.

As with Western Medicine, the "Scholarship" of Christianity long ago locked itself into a "one size fits all" model of "reality" it ignorantly refers to as "THE gospel."

You think you know what you are reading in the various passages.

Were you honest with yourself, you'd admit what that actually is - you read ABOUT it.

I know, I know; my pointing this out really gets your goat.

Fact is you HAVE and CONTINUE TO OVER rely on the "wisdom" of MEN.

I am way OVER read myself.

The difference?

I REFUSE to OVER rely on it.

As a result, regrettably, you and I will ALWAYS differ.

God's Truth

New member
Why don't you address the scripture I gave? Why merely post other scriptures?

I gave the scripture first and then you went against me by merely posting other scriptures. When people do that, it is an avoidance to speak about the scripture given.


New member
I gave the scripture first and then you went against me by merely posting other scriptures. When people do that, it is an avoidance to speak about the scripture given.

Go back a few posts. You will find YOU lost the train of thought as to what was being talked about when Tam quoted those passages.

God's Truth

New member
Go back a few posts. You will find YOU lost the train of thought as to what was being talked about when Tam quoted those passages.

I care very little about what you think I should do, and what you think happened. I am speaking about the flesh accounting for nothing.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus is speaking about himself.
Jesus says the flesh counts for nothing, and the words he speaks are Spirit and full of life.