Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Romans 10:14 "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Which is why I believe we have to first be drawn by the Spirit of God.

This seems to be the crux of our discussion to me. Per your view, those so drawn may refuse this "drawing", yet Scripture's treatment of the word is more than mere wooing that may be ineffectual. If your view is correct, then God the Holy Spirit calls (your "prompts") yet His calling is not effectual in many cases because you aver that love cannot be compelled (to which I agree). This compelling I assume you assign to the Calvinist view, but this would be incorrect. The Calvinist view is the efficacious calling of God's children removes their hearts of stone and consequently they actually decide of their own regenerated free will to believe. No violence is done to their will, rather their marred, fallen, will is now restored to that which they possessed when man was first created before Adam's fall...a will inclined always for the good. The regenerated (born again) are not "forced" to believe, rather following re-birth they inevitably want and will believe, for this belief the first fruits of their regeneration. This is the Reformed/Calvinistic view.


Grosnick Marowbe

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Faith and eternal life is found in the Gospel and not in the philosophy of men who demand that God "chose" before the foundation of the world who He would save and who He would send into eternal damnation.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Calvinism teaches that one must first be "regenerated" before they are "given" saving faith. This is placing the "Cart before the Horse." This teaching isn't Biblical by any means. This comes from the minds of men who were, no doubt prompted by Satan.


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This seems to be the crux of our discussion to me. Per your view, those so drawn may refuse this "drawing", yet Scripture's treatment of the word is more than mere wooing that may be ineffectual. If your view is correct, then God the Holy Spirit calls (your "prompts") yet His calling is not effectual in many cases because you aver that love cannot be compelled (to which I agree). This compelling I assume you assign to the Calvinist view, but this would be incorrect. The Calvinist view is the efficacious calling of God's children removes their hearts of stone and consequently they actually decide of their own regenerated free will to believe. No violence is done to their will, rather their marred, fallen, will is now restored to that which they possessed when man was first created before Adam's fall...a will inclined always for the good. The regenerated (born again) are not "forced" to believe, rather following re-birth they inevitably want and will believe, for this belief the first fruits of their regeneration. This is the Reformed/Calvinistic view.


Love cannot be compelled, or it isnt love. Love has nothing to do with seeking ones own, which is what it would be if it were compelled.

You contradict yourself also, by saying that the calvinist view is free but also compelled. If you cannot reject, you cannot be free to believe.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Logically speaking, if God were to "arrange" one's heart to be regenerated before they could inherit eternal life, then, God would not allow for one to make their own "Free will choice." Therefore, in essence, He has taken a human being and transformed them into a robot/puppet of sorts. That would go against the character and intent of God Himself.

Grosnick Marowbe

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A*non-denominational*person or organization is not restricted to any particular or specific religious denomination.

No, you missed the obvious points. First; they are brothers and sisters in Faith.

Second; many of them aren't even aware of the word Calvinism. They just believe the bible.

So though these people are brothers and sisters, you see them as the enemy, and though the Christ tells us to love even our enemy, you knowingly and pridefully go against His command and attempt to direct people away from the path towards GOD.

Not sure if you are aware of what you are doing, or the repercussions for such, but it is also mentioned in scripture and those who propagate such aren't even to be prayed for according to the Christ. I believe scripture that salvation is available to all though, and hope that by the grace of GOD, your own veil might be lifted and your path be straightened; not for yourself, but for the sake of those whom you attempt to lead astray.


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My suggestion for you Pops: "Stand up and walk back over to the drawing board and re-think your beliefs." You'll be getting some exercise , as well.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Check out McGee's message about Calvinism on You-Tube and you'll see his preaching on the topic.
Despite his rampant dispensationalism and denial of a six-day creation, the former Presbyterian could be almost correct on some matters.

"The word predestination comes from the Greek proorisos, and it literally means “to define, to mark out, to set apart.” … predestination has to do with God’s purpose with those He chooses…I cannot repeat often enough that election is God’s choosing us in Christ."
- McGee, Commentary on Ephesians, Through the Bible

Of course, Robert Pate, would consider the man as being lost, hell-bound, and sin-bent for even mentioning the word predestination as being a purpose of God. ;)


Robert Pate

Well-known member
This seems to be the crux of our discussion to me. Per your view, those so drawn may refuse this "drawing", yet Scripture's treatment of the word is more than mere wooing that may be ineffectual. If your view is correct, then God the Holy Spirit calls (your "prompts") yet His calling is not effectual in many cases because you aver that love cannot be compelled (to which I agree). This compelling I assume you assign to the Calvinist view, but this would be incorrect. The Calvinist view is the efficacious calling of God's children removes their hearts of stone and consequently they actually decide of their own regenerated free will to believe. No violence is done to their will, rather their marred, fallen, will is now restored to that which they possessed when man was first created before Adam's fall...a will inclined always for the good. The regenerated (born again) are not "forced" to believe, rather following re-birth they inevitably want and will believe, for this belief the first fruits of their regeneration. This is the Reformed/Calvinistic view.


Yea, and it is anti-Gospel, anti-Christ, anti-Bible and anti-God. And besides that, it is a first class ticket to hell.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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That's a strangely written question.

As if you are even allowed a justifiable opinion of my mental capacities based on our extremely limited interaction here.

I am of sound mind


That depends on what kind of "sounds" your mind is making? If the sounds come off as voices, then, you could have a problem.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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I will do battle against Calvinism "Tooth and Nail" because of its false doctrine and for its horrendous "choice" to change the character and intent of the God of the Bible.

If by "tooth and nail" you mean waving off substantive responses and just giving up more opinions, never providing anything that resembles a detailed rejoinder to responses given, then you would be correct. Sigh. :AMR:

Of course, "tooth and nail" means something different to the more discerning.


Grosnick Marowbe

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If by "tooth and nail" you mean waving off substantive responses and just giving up more opinions, never providing anything that resembles a detailed rejoinder to responses given, then you would be correct. Sigh. :AMR:

Of course, "tooth and nail" means something different to the more discerning.


Looks like you were just found guilty of giving an "Opinion" yourself.


New member
What do you mean by "Personal Revelations?"
Well, do you remember me saying I was an atheist for the majority of my life? Basically I went from adamant atheist to devout believer in a span of instantly. This wasn't my own doing but the grace and will of GOD.

I could go into detail, but I'm not certain this is the place. If I can locate a copy I sent to someone else then I can on it to you if you like.


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