Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Eagles Wings

New member
I appreciate the kind words. Thank you.

The sort of responses we are witnessing here in "answer" to points being made illustrate what we have long observed among the non-Calvinists. For the most part, rather than engage substantively, we are made to suffer all manner of invectives, poorly researched quotations absent surrounding context, dripping sarcasm laced with presumed self-righteousness, and naked opinions. When one has nothing really to add, an insult, direct or implied, seems to be what is in order. Sigh. Yet this is what we are taught from Scripture, that men faced with the truths of Scripture will gnash their teeth, growling at what confronts their error.

I know you stick in here, by the grace of God.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You are a bully.
Kind words?

That clip does nothing but further contempt for a doctrine
As it should.

and the particular Christian man, you don't care for.
There are plenty of folks at this site that I like despite not liking everything they say.
I have always liked AMR.

It is one-sided and you are the perpetrator in this instance.
It is only one-sided if AMR meant that only Calvinists are insulted here, twist what people say, etc.
That's clearly not true, evidenced by your own actions in this thread.


TOL Subscriber

Are you "free" under the Law of God to murder an innocent human being?

No? Why?

Because God has ruled it out.

Was Adam "free" to do what God explicitly forbid?


So Adam was not free to sin. Right? Adam chose to sin. Right? Adam (and all mankind has had to pay the penalty for that sin . . right?)

So does man truly possess a free will . . that can choose to sin without consequence?

That is the question.

If there is consequence to wrong, sinful human decisions, there is no such thing as a "free" will.

Who or what determines the consequences?

God and His moral, holy standards.

Deny this and you deny God.

Eagles Wings

New member
Neither does Tambora. She says what needs saying and she's a "hateful bully", but Nang does the same and she "doesn't mince words".

Let me guess, you aren't the least bit partial. :rotfl:

I're a liberal Democrat to boot!!!!!!
One can't watch that clip and agree that it appropriate to show on a Christian forum. Sorry, NO CAN DO.