Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?



reyjun moncada

New member
in calvinism God is glorified in showing His mercy to some even though they are children of wrath like others Eph.2:3-5..because all are sinners Eccl.7:20,Rom.3:10 and the wage of that sin is death Rom.6:23 not only physical death but the second death..

Robert Pate

Well-known member
in calvinism God is glorified in showing His mercy to some even though they are children of wrath like others Eph.2:3-5..because all are sinners Eccl.7:20,Rom.3:10 and the wage of that sin is death Rom.6:23 not only physical death but the second death..

You missed the most important part of Romans 6:23.

"But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"

No one needs to be lost because salvation has been provided for everyone, Hebrews 2:9.

All that one has to do to be saved is to call upon the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.


Well-known member
in calvinism God is glorified in showing His mercy to some even though they are children of wrath like others Eph.2:3-5..because all are sinners Eccl.7:20,Rom.3:10 and the wage of that sin is death Rom.6:23 not only physical death but the second death..

Those Christ died for He died their second death!


Well-known member
You missed the most important part of Romans 6:23.

"But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"

No one needs to be lost because salvation has been provided for everyone, Hebrews 2:9.

All that one has to do to be saved is to call upon the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.

False statements not found in scripture.

reyjun moncada

New member
God is not unjust in calvinism but instead He is glorified in showing His mercy towards unworthy sinners whom he has chosen before the foundation of the world..why? because all are sinners Rom.3:10,Eccl.7:20..and the wages of sin is death Rom.6:23..not only physical death but the second death..that is why He showed up His mercy and love to the people whom He chosen unto salvation 2Thess.2:13-compare Eph.2:3-5..

Ask Mr. Religion

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One MUST keep in mind WHO Jesus was speaking to. He was speaking to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, not to the Gentiles who would later be under Grace and not the Law.
The passage in question (Matthew 5:22) carries forth from the preceding verse, Matthew 5:21. Our Lord goes deeper than murder to the cause of murder, anger. Anger is murder in the mind (1 John 3:15), so Jesus teaches that a similar fate awaits the angry person as awaits the murderer.

In Matthew 5:22 it moves from the local court implied in verse 21 of twenty-three members adjudicated serious crimes like murder
to the supreme court of the land, the Sanhedrin, to the ultimate court, the judgment seat of God. The Aramaic loanword, raca, was used to insult a person, roughly equivalent to "idiot" or "empty-headed fool." "Fool" was the Greek equivalent, also used as an insult, meaning "fool," though Jewish readers might think of the Hebrew moreh, referring to apostasy or wickedness. The two terms were fairly equivalent in their thrust, referring to contempt for another (a type of anger).

Jesus’ point is a person demonstrating such behavior is leading to judgment both on the earthly and the heavenly planes. Moreover, it is clear here that name-calling is at the core of showing angry contempt.



New member

No, I simply believe that is real, not some fairy tale.

It isn't my own cognition or the limits thereof that define the laws of reason. The laws of reason are simply a description of the limits of reality.

The Law of Identity: That which is - is. A is A
The Law of Excluded Middle: Any truth claim is either true or it is false.
The Law of Contradiction: Two truth claims which contradict each other cannot both be true at the same time and in the same respect.

All of what you know is known because of those three laws, whether you used them intentionally or not. To reject any one of them is reject reality and to accept fairy tales. To reject any of them is to reject the concept of truth itself and thus to reject any of them is a self-defeating proposition.

This is not rocket science either. Any child that can have any conversation at all where meaningful information is exchanged uses the laws of reason both to understand and to communicate that information. Even your dog, when he tells you he's hungry is using the laws of reason.

Resting in Him,
I agree.

But they aren't contradicting one another. The fact that man has a will, does not negate the fact that GOD is all knowing.

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New member
Calvinism rejects the fact that humanity was created with "freewill choice." They take that out of the way and replace it with "God's Sovereignty to choose who He will save and who He will damn," approach. That's NOT what the Bible teaches. To look at the Bible and not see the freewill of humanity makes one blind, brainwashed or both.
...could the Calvinist here refute this claim that Calvinists do not believe in free will?

And can any here provide evidence of free will in the new testament?

I know it was seen as a sacrifice or offering in Judaism in favor of following the direction of man ordained by GOD, but am curious as to others opinions.

Thanks in advance,


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New member

Grace had not yet come into the picture until Paul received it from the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. The four Gospels were speaking ONLY to Jews and not to Gentiles. Your ignorance keeps you from seeing this truth.
Regardless; now there is no distinction between the two. There are the faithful unto GOD and those who deceive and are driven by greed and pride.


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New member
When the Apostle Paul came along, he preached the "Grace Message" to the Gentiles. He preached: faith without works.
And is Paul not a prisoner of the Christ now... as we speak? If you think faith without the production of works is acceptable to GOD when you indeed are an able bodied, rightly guided individual then you are mistaken. Is it not true that those of faith are held Moreno accountable as they have more potential for good or evil?


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