Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Lazy afternoon


The works that no longer save are the purification works such as circumcision and the observance of special days, and the dietary laws, etc.

Those works are the works the people had to do to clean themselves. We no longer have to clean ourselves because Jesus cleans us---BUT WE STILL HAVE TO OBEY.

You are a slanderer and accuser just like the devil and you are doing his works.


2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
2Ti 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

God's Truth

New member

2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
2Ti 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

I can defend myself. You have come to accuse too.

Here are more scriptures for you to study:

2 Timothy 4:2-4 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Titus 1:9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

Titus 1:13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith

Jude 3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

1 Timothy 1:3-4 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
All I want is God's Truth as proven by the scriptures.

Robert Pate, I would believe as you do if you give me scripture that says we cannot obey.

Calvinists, I would believe as you do if you could give me scripture that says God saves unbelievers.

People get saved in this "Dispensation of Grace" by hearing the "Grace Gospel" and placing ALL of their faith in Christ as their Savior. You can't add ANYTHING else to the formula or it becomes "Another gospel."

Lazy afternoon

Don't travel on that LA Freeway, it's bumper to bumper with false doctrine, baloney, and extreme ignorance.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Scripture is truth. Your opinions are lacking in truth. Perhaps, you should just post Scripture?


Prove it with scripture that they do not know what happened. Prove that God saves people who hate Him. If you will show me with scripture I would believe it.

God opens the eyes of those who obey Him.

God gives understanding to those who obey Him.

Do you want the scriptures that say that?
Knight's servers are loaded with text proofs from its members. You've read them all and denied them.


Just listen to the slander and accusations I have to hear from you and others here in this thread. These are just some and mostly from you:

You dont reconized your core is rotton at ALL. You're good enough to play god according to your mormonism. Little god

And in your case a hypocrite.

I normally do not engage the anti-Trinitarian in order to give them a platform for their heresies.

i told you, you dont obey God, since you deny Salvation by the Obedience of Christ alone !

Work, work, work in cult dreams.

Atheist are same as unregenerated. Both don't believe in God. GT believes in a god invented by JW like cults.

Lower case god is your god whatever you imagine it to be.

You're evil.
You ask atheist questions

Cult dreams
Silly girl
More silliness


New member
You can't deny Jesus' Deity and be Christian.

The Muslims still cling to the Old Law because they reject the Trinity, which is what it takes for Jesus to suffice as the Lamb. It makes the entire thing vain when God could have just chosen any person or angel to the cross.

Or none at all :rolleyes:

This is what non-Trinitarian believers fail to understand. If any of the apostles were here today, they would flat out tell you that he is GOD :doh:
So to you the words savior and anointed with oil, and of GOD actually secretly mean the eternally and utterly equal to the One Creator GOD of all creation?

So who what the anointed of GOD, the Christ praying to all those times?


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Hall of Fame
Did you?

In examining the parable...

We know from other passages of Scripture that those who refuse God’s invitation to come to the wedding feast designed for His Son really cannot come, for they are dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph. 2: 1). In fact, Our Lord said on one occasion, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6: 44). So, it would be easy to conclude that it was not really the case that these invitees would not come; rather, they could not come because their hearts needed to be changed so that they would have a desire or disposition to come. That is all true, but it is also true that we cannot do what we will not do. Thus, there is a sense in which these people could not come to the feast precisely because they would not.

Every person in every moment of decision chooses according to his strongest inclination at the moment. This is the free will spoken of in Scripture. That is, no one ever does something that, in the final analysis, he does not want to do.

The ones who were invited to the king’s feast were not willing to come. That they were unable to will otherwise in no way removes from them their duty to come. In modern evangelicalism, the customary way of doing evangelism is to invite people to place their trust in Christ. However, that concept is quite foreign to Scripture. God does not invite people to come to Christ; He commands them to come. The invitation in Jesus’ parable was no different. The invitees were given a royal summons and it was their duty to obey.

The invitees indifference to the King as they tended to worldly matters and outright hatred of some provoked a righteously vengeful response from the king whose patience had been exhausted. Nevertheless, the king would not be thwarted for it was his express desire that his son should be honored and that every particular seat made available be taken at his wedding feast. If the original invitees were not interested in coming or were violently opposed to the king, still the king would find people who would come to the wedding feast.

By the way, this portion of the parable of the wedding feast had much in common with some of Jesus’ previous teachings since His triumphal entry. It showed once again that those who had been entrusted with the kingdom—Israel’s priests, elders, scribes, etc.—had forfeited their place by rejecting the King, Jesus Himself. Therefore, the kingdom would be taken from them and given to others.

Note from the parable that the last group of servants went out to the highway and invited whomever they found there, good or bad, to come to the king’s banquet. Now these people were delighted to come, so they hurriedly prepared themselves. Yet when the guests were assembled together and the king came amongst them, he encountered one man who had come in without proper attire.

If we are not clothed in the righteousness of Christ, we will not be welcome at the wedding feast of the Lamb in heaven, because all of our righteousness, the Bible says, is like filthy rags (Isa. 64: 6). Ours is an alien righteousness, that of Another, not of ourselves. We can enter the kingdom of heaven only if we are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, which is imputed to all who believe (Zech. 3: 3-4).

When confronted by the King the improperly clothed man could offer up no excuses, but was speechless, just as Scripture teaches about man’s silence before the tribunal of God on judgment day (Ps. 76: 8-9; Zeph. 1: 7; Zech. 2: 13).

Finally in Matthew 22: 14 we find that from the parable the many are called means that many have been invited to the wedding feast. But not all those invited are actually the ones who are supposed to be there, because few are chosen. This is the general call or the outward call: the gospel is proclaimed to all people everywhere, both those who will believe and those who will not.

However, Paul also mentions another kind of calling, the effective call or inward call from God that comes powerfully to individuals and always brings a positive response. When the gospel is proclaimed, only some are inwardly called—those who are the elect—who respond with true faith (1 Cor. 1: 24, 26-28). This is consistent with Our Lord’s statement that “few are chosen,” for the ones “chosen” (eklektos, “selected, chosen”) are the elect, a term used by Jesus to refer to his true disciples (Matt. 11: 27; 24: 22, 24, 31).

The ones who were invited to the king’s feast were not willing to come. That they were unable to will otherwise in no way removes from them their duty to come. In modern evangelicalism, the customary way of doing evangelism is to invite people to place their trust in Christ. However, that concept is quite foreign to Scripture. God does not invite people to come to Christ; He commands them to come. The invitation in Jesus’ parable was no different. The invitees were given a royal summons and it was their duty to obey.

By the way, this portion of the parable of the wedding feast had much in common with some of Jesus’ previous teachings since His triumphal entry. It showed once again that those who had been entrusted with the kingdom—Israel’s priests, elders, scribes, etc.—had forfeited their place by rejecting the King, Jesus Himself. Therefore, the kingdom would be taken from them and given to others, all kinds of others from other nations.

Note also from the parable that the last group of servants went out to the highway and invited whomever they found there, good or bad, to come to the king’s banquet. Now these people were delighted to come, so they hurriedly prepared themselves. Yet when the guests were assembled together and the king came amongst them, he encountered one man who had come in without proper attire.

If we are not clothed in the righteousness of Christ, we will not be welcome at the wedding feast of the Lamb in heaven, because all of our righteousness, the Bible says, is like filthy rags (Isa. 64: 6). Ours is an alien righteousness, that of Another, not of ourselves. We can enter the kingdom of heaven only if we are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, which is imputed to all who believe (Zech. 3: 3-4).

When confronted by the King the improperly clothed man could offer up no excuses, but was speechless, just as Scripture teaches about man’s silence before the tribunal of God on judgment day (Ps. 76: 8-9; Zeph. 1: 7; Zech. 2: 13).

Finally in Matthew 22: 14 we find that from the parable the many are called means that many have been invited to the wedding feast. But not all those invited are actually the ones who are supposed to be there, because few are chosen. This is the general call or the outward call: the gospel is proclaimed to all people everywhere, both those who will believe and those who will not.

However, Paul also mentions another kind of calling, the effective call or inward call from God that comes powerfully to individuals and brings a positive response. When the gospel is proclaimed, only some are inwardly called—those who are the elect—who respond with true faith (1 Cor. 1: 24, 26-28). This is consistent with Our Lord’s statement that “few are chosen,” for the ones “chosen” (eklektos, “selected, chosen”) are the elect, a term used by Jesus to refer to his true disciples (Matt. 11: 27; 24: 22, 24, 31). The man in the wrong attire was one of the professors of faith that does not possess the faith.

So this prevenient grace given to all does not work for all, so there is something else involved, man's correct choice. I avoid views that give man a reason to boast.


So do i, as ive stated and you've failed to respond to, that even faith is a gift from God. Once again, it boils down to that i believe He offers grace to all, but all do not want it. We can say no to God, in this life, if we couldnt, there would be no way to greive the Spirit and that is what our conversation boils down to, you keep acting as if i am saying faith is manufactured by us, when ive said no such thing, and then you run with a false premise, i never said to begin with.

You never answered, where i asked if you would force someone to love you.

God's Truth

New member
Could you reference scripture for this claim please? Not that I doubt you, I would just like to see what you are talking about for myself, again, because I must have missed it.


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I sure wish he would show the scripture that says what he claims because it is the bases of his whole belief system.

Lazy afternoon

Scripture is truth. Your opinions are lacking in truth. Perhaps, you should just post Scripture?

Grosnick rejects the sovereignty of God because he says God has to save him because he believes as much as he can.

Works of self will not persuade God.

No wonder Grosnick hates Calvinism.



New member
Galatians 3:22 KJV -
Thank you, but that in no way said that we cannot obey the commands of the Christ. It did, within context insinuate that one cannot obey or be justified by the law, but the commands of Christ that you said we cannot obey are not synonymous with the law spoken of in the chapter containing the verse you referenced.

Are there any more? Surely you don't lean on one verse taken out of context.



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