
Which law?

Shalom. God's law. I believe that this is the Law of Moses. I also believe that the new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah, that it is God's law written on minds and hearts, and that it came in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, God's anointed one. Other discussions of God's law, from the Torah, the TaNaKh, and Matthew through Revelation, can commence here. Shalom.



New member
But what about the law Christ spoke to the people at Mount Sinai?

The law Jesus referred to in Matthew 5:17.


But what about the law Christ spoke to the people at Mount Sinai?

The law Jesus referred to in Matthew 5:17.
Shalom. I do not know what you are talking about. I do know about Matthew 5:17. Shalom. Jacob


Well-known member
I know a man who tends his heart* like he tends his lawn. Just as he despises weeds encroaching on his tended grass so he hates sin encroaching on his tended heart. He treats his lawn with selective weedkiller twice a year and every morning looks out the window at the lawn. If there is a single weed he will treat it and the weed will die.
He treats his heart in the same manner, but the weeds of his heart are more varied and more cunning. No sooner is one dead, but another pops up. The only way to deal with the weeds of the heart is to kill the root and there is only one treatment that is guaranteed to work.

heart* not the blood pump
So that means that you have to put your hand to doing something then doesn't it?

Like if you get wrong thoughts coming into your head you have to stop thinking of them before they get worse, just like picking out a weed before it takes hold?


New member

I have sinned (in my life). It may still be possible to sin after being born again, born of God, but the one who is born of God does not sin. Does this mean that he or I do not sin, do not practice sin, do not commit sin, do not participate in sin, or all of the above?

Sin is transgression of the law.



"Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression."


New member
So that means that you have to put your hand to doing something then doesn't it?

Like if you get wrong thoughts coming into your head you have to stop thinking of them before they get worse, just like picking out a weed before it takes hold?

The works of trust.


New member
So there is works then? After all of your all of your condemning of others!

I explained in Foundation that my works are spiritual and therefore works of trust. My works include, but are not exclusively, trusting, sitting at His feet and the contemplation of His attributes.

When you say works you have in mind the works of the flesh or the natural, unregenerate mind. Your "works" have an expected reward our works are a reward, in and of themselves.
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New member
Bad thoughts won't take hold if you are trusting Gods work in you.

Sin is such a deceitful device that it will often ensnare us before we are aware of its nature. Having said that I agree with what you have said and Paul gives us advice on how to guard against evil thoughts:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

When we consider these things, imagine the thoughts that are passing through the minds of some people on here? Both frightening and disgusting.


Well-known member
I explained in Foundation that my works are spiritual and therefore works of trust. My works include, but are not exclusively, trusting, sitting at His feet and the contemplation of His attributes.

When you say works you have in mind the works of the flesh or the natural, unregenerate mind. Your "works" have an expected reward our works are a reward, in and of themselves.
If God is truly working within you, and you are born of God, then you will be carrying those works out in your life!


New member
If God is truly working within you, and you are born of God, then you will be carrying those works out in your life!

You are just repeating what I've been saying. When I admonish you you try and turn it on me. When I warn you then you also try and turn that. You have parrot fashion theology.


New member
Sin is such a deceitful device that it will often ensnare us before we are aware of its nature. Having said that I agree with what you have said and Paul gives us advice on how to guard against evil thoughts:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

When we consider these things, imagine the thoughts that are passing through the minds of some people on here? Both frightening and disgusting.


New member
If God is truly working within you, and you are born of God, then you will be carrying those works out in your life!
Carrying out the work of trust in our life means continuing to trust. Do you realize trust manifests itself in our lives
? The life of trust and the life of doubt are starkly different.


Well-known member
You are just repeating what I've been saying. When I admonish you you try and turn it on me. When I warn you then you also try and turn that. You have parrot fashion theology.
Not from what I've been reading, all you ever say is that there is no works and all those who say anything about works are wicked!


Well-known member
Carrying out the work of trust in our life means continuing to trust. Do you realize trust manifests itself in our lives
? The life of trust and the life of doubt are starkly different.
If we truly trust in God we leave everything in his hands, we don't look ahead in our lives and we trust in him to give us a mouth to speak, we don't build up in the world, we completely trust in him for everything. And we obey him and do his will this is also including in trusting in God.


New member
Not from what I've been reading, all you ever say is that there is no works and all those who say anything about works are wicked!

No, no. What I've been saying is YOU are wicked and anything YOU intend, think say or do is wicked.

You are not wicked, because to the wickedness you perform. You perform wickedness, because you are wicked.

I am not just because of the justness I perform. I perform in a just manner, because I have been justified.

I know that expecting you to understand this is an impossibility, but I hope someone else might benefit.


Well-known member
No, no. What I've been saying is YOU are wicked and anything YOU intend, think say or do is wicked.

You are not wicked, because to the wickedness you perform. You perform wickedness, because you are wicked.

I am not just because of the justness I perform. I perform in a just manner, because I have been justified.

I know that expecting you to understand this is an impossibility, but I hope someone else might benefit.
No Truster, if we perform wicked acts then we are wicked!


New member
If we truly trust in God we leave everything in his hands, we don't look ahead in our lives and we trust in him to give us a mouth to speak, we don't build up in the world, we completely trust in him for everything. And we obey him and do his will this is also including in trusting in God.
Obey what exactly?

If we trust him in all things, we are doing his will. He is accomplishing his will in us without us even realizing what that will is specifically.