Hi meshak, I can't say I'm eternally saved whilst I'm still in this flesh, I'm being saved by the grace of God through faith daily, I'm forgiven of my past sins that I did in ignorance, but now I know the truth, I know that I will be judged on what I do, good and bad.
Christ is helping me to overcome my flesh, but I've got a long way to go, I could never be so presumptuous as to call myself saved and that I'm ok, and then judge others as unsaved. That just doesn't seem the right thing to do before God. Because none of us are perfect, so how can i judge the heart of another? None of us can. Those born of God can discern the word through the Spirit. And I know that anyone saying that we don't have to obey God, or that we can wilfully sin and still be saved, or that we don't have to repent, aren't listening to the truth. This is not the way of Jesus. If we are being saved, then we will be starting to turn from sin and living by the will of God, because Christ within our hearts should be helping us to overcome the world by the power of the Spirit.
I'm just a sinner being saved through faith in God and Christ by the grace of God. And I know that the condition is that I must remain in God's goodness or I will be cut off.
Meshak, I feel about myself just the way you do about yourself. I know me I know that I go wrong. And like you I know that I have to always repent of my sin when I realise that I have sinned, and pray to God to help me not to do it again. Me and you believe very much alike, and I'm only young in God, I've got a long way to go, when I read the Bible those in it put me to shame, because God shows me where I'm going wrong often, and if I don't see something in the Bible it's brought up by someone without them knowing that I've done wrong, and I know that God is putting me right and that I am to turn from sin. They said in our meeting tonight that if you are in doubt as to whether something is right or wrong to do, then don't do it, take the harder road and pray to God to ask him to show and help you. If our heart is pricked and we have a conscience then we should listen to it, because i believe when we have a conscience, then it's the Spirit prompting us to do right, and we are to obey God. So this all came up in our meeting, and I've been doing just that, I wasn't sure if something I was doing was right or wrong, I asked God to let me know, my flesh was convincing me I was right, but I had a conscience, so now I know that I'm wrong and that I'm to do the opposite of what I thought was ok.
God shows us what's right and what's wrong once we belong to him. And he wants us to listen to him and do what's right. We're all in this world, but Christ should be taking us out of this world and we should turning from it more and more as we grow in God. And if you live as you speak, then you are going the right way, and I hope that God blesses us both and keeps us on the straight and narrow, and we have Christ Jesus to go back to as our example when we are not sure.
They say our meeting that it doesn't matter how strong or weak we are in God, we are still members of the body of Christ, and just as the natural blood keeps all the natural members of the body alive, the blood of Christ runs through all of us, keeping us alive in God, and God loves us all the same. So we may only be babes, but as long as we are in the body, then Christ will always be with us.