I can relate. Thank you for sharing, sister in Christ and beloved daughter of the Most High God.
I used to literally loathe myself, and with that comes a loathing if you will of others, mostly if they were bullies or mean or detestable. I would take them down.
I didn't realize nor would i listen to what it meant to forgive, etc. and what that unfortunately means, is that i could not/would not forgive myself, which is a terribly caustic poison not only for others, but also for oneself.
It was not until God Himself showed me His Father heart that i began to "see" or grasp His love for me. I just didn't fathom how ANYONE could love me, cuz i hated myself.
God mooooves inexplicably, tho', doesn't He. He DOES complete what He begins in us. And He began a process in me i never thought i'd see. He "won" my heart with His oh sooo gentle proddings and "hugs". He taught me that He has a sense o' humor and i found myself laughing WITH Him at my silliness of being stressed out as i was getting ready for work, thinking i'd be late. It's like He said "stop". And then it's like He said "what are you doing?" And as i paused, i saw how utterly comical i was, and He and i both laughed at His very silly daughter. It was a breakthrough BIG TIME. I had caught a glimpse of our Father's very precious heart towards me.
Fast-forwarding, He moved on to teach me to trust Him in something i preferred not to even think about or consider: "forgiveness". He KNEW i had to embrace it for my OWN healing. But i didn't at the time. He walked me through forgiving those who had hurt me so terribly. And then it happened. Through this process He had enabled me to "like" myself as i left the self-loathing behind. It was after forgiving others that i was able to forgive myself.
That's a profound question, by the way. Thank you for starting this precious thread.
It's like a "healing thread", isn't it?
I really needed this today, because i was feeling distant from God. This thread got me to thinking and remembering how very GOOD our God is.
God bless you sister in Christ and much beloved daughter of the Most High God. May He bless yer socks off (((hug)))