Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's fun to post a copious amount of, what sounds like, "genius level"
statements and sentences, that NOBODY else can possibly understand.
However, PPS needs to grow up and stop pretending he's the son of Albert
Einstein. It gets a wee bit boring.

He's trying to compensate for some lacking of his, obviously.


Well-known member
But you cannot drift into tyranny by expecting or demanding every single Christian to believe the same thing.

It has never worked, nor will it ever.
That is the definition of orthodoxy and in this thread, all of Christianity and only cults dissident... Or were you talking about the Triune OP as yet? Were you relevant or just trolling the Liberal unorthodox agenda off-topic? I've been trying to follow the last couple of pages and it looks like a liberal philosophy commercial to fundamental conservative evangelical Christians rather than relevant to the topic to me.


TOL Subscriber
PPS, could you translate that into English? Or, would that be beneath you?

It's not beneath me, but far above you. It would be futile.

I'm a Trinitarian who doesn't agree with the minutiae of the historical formulaic. That should suffice for you. The details would require your repeated reincarnation and multiple lifetimes of intense learning.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's not beneath me, but far above you. It would be futile.

I'm a Trinitarian who doesn't agree with the minutiae of the historical formulaic. That should suffice for you. The details would require your repeated reincarnation and multiple lifetimes of intense learning.

You "Overestimate" yourself and "underestimate" others. You don't
KNOW who you're actually posting with on a public forum? You don't
know where they've been or how they got to where they are. You're
simply making assumptions. Therefore, in reality, you're not in a
position to judge.


TOL Subscriber
It's fun to post a copious amount of, what sounds like, "genius level"
statements and sentences, that NOBODY else can possibly understand.
However, PPS needs to grow up and stop pretending he's the son of Albert
Einstein. It gets a wee bit boring.

He's trying to compensate for some lacking of his, obviously.

LOL. I'm rubber and you're glue; what bounces off of me sticks to you. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo.

There. That should be on your level, Pee Wee Herman. :cheers:


TOL Subscriber
As you THINK you're the smartest guy on the block, so, you think you're
the wittiest. They go hand in hand. You're compensating again.


You "Overestimate" yourself and "underestimate" others. You don't
KNOW who you're actually posting with on a public forum? You don't
know where they've been or how they got to where they are. You're
simply making assumptions. Therefore, in reality, you're not in a
position to judge.

...says the imbecile who judges all others. Backatcha, Gramps.:baby:


That is the definition of orthodoxy and in this thread, all of Christianity and only cults dissident... Or were you talking about the Triune OP as yet? Were you relevant or just trolling the Liberal unorthodox agenda off-topic? I've been trying to follow the last couple of pages and it looks like a liberal philosophy commercial to fundamental conservative evangelical Christians rather than relevant to the topic to me.
In my view, the topic relates to the necessity of believing in the Doctrine of the Trinity as being required for membership in the Christian faith.

My opinion is that the doctrine is a man-made theology developed long after Jesus died at Calvary.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's hard to tell on a public forum, which is your "True" self? The "Wordsmith"
who desires everyone to look up to him because he has a huge collection of
fancy words and phrases. Or, the goofy, child man who has a silly assortment
of not so witty retorts?

I think you're both. However, you're compensating for your obvious lacking's,
as I've mentioned before.

After all we ALL have the anonymity that the Internet provides us with.
You can be whatever you desire in front of that screen.


TOL Subscriber
I actually am enjoying your tirade. Why? Because, while you're acting
like a child, you're not playing the "Pseudo-intellectual" Gig. You're
opening up your, rather immature silly side for everyone to observe.

I see you're in denial. Not a good sign.

It's hard to tell on a public forum, which is your "True" self? The "Wordsmith"
who desires everyone to look up to him because he has a huge collection of
fancy words and phrases. Or, the goofy, child man who has a silly assortment
of not so witty retorts?

I think you're both. However, you're compensating for your obvious lacking's,
as I've mentioned before.

After all we ALL have the anonymity that the Internet provides us with.
You can be whatever you desire in front of that screen.

Anymore of those, inane retorts or shall we call it a day?



Well-known member
In my view, the topic relates to the necessity of believing in the Doctrine of the Trinity as being required for membership in the Christian faith.

My opinion is that the doctrine is a man-made theology developed long after Jesus died at Calvary.
I believe a careful reading of scripture and the ECF's shuns that theory/theology. FTR, I have a huge problem with educated guesses of men. They are smart, but guessing can never amount to anything more. I think, men trying to understand some discrepancy and harsh bible realities embrace higher criticism as a way of coping but to me, 'man-made' coping is actually low-brow rather than 'higher' criticism. It is rationalizing as far as I'm concerned. So, in a moment of transparency and no ill-will, I'm giving you feedback as to why you are there and I am here and never will the twixt meet. It necessarily must damage your signature aspiration.



Well-known member
I actually am enjoying your tirade. Why? Because, while you're acting
like a child, you're not playing the "Pseudo-intellectual" Gig. You're
opening up your, rather immature silly side for everyone to observe.

And there's more value in that than many would understand. Whenever we take ourselves too seriously, we add another notch on that pride ladder. Not pretty and oh so detrimental to one's spiritual health. :cheers: