Do U agree w/ Jindal RE Trump: narcissist, egomaniac?


New member
So were the teachings of Jesus which were first learned orally and written later and the teachings of the Apostles which were written down not "scriptures?" w.

as per usual, same old same old tactic...

don't have an argument?

no problem: just change the subject (also doesn't hurt to malign the other person and insinuate she is... fill in the blanks... nuts... or whatever)

Alinsky would be so proud


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I rest my case


"By your words you will be condemned"

(That's in the Bible, just don't know where)


You have no case. Most here ignore you because ( note: not coz) you insist on setting your own communication standard, rather than writing like everyone else!

I wish to add, doing this, gives one the opinion you are a teenager.


New member
It is nothing short of delightful that Jindal

has said what I

and SOOOO many others

really think/feel

I like Jindal for the same kinds of reasons I like/appreciate Cruz.. he stands up for the truth regardless of political fall out...



Well-known member
as per usual, same old same old tactic...

don't have an argument?

no problem: just change the subject (also doesn't hurt to malign the other person and insinuate she is... fill in the blanks... nuts... or whatever)

Alinsky would be so proud

My question was not a tactic nor was I trying to insinuate anything. It was epistemological. I was asking what your sources of truth are.


Do U agree w/ Jindal RE Trump: Trump is a narcissist, egomaniac?

I think a lot of people know this about Trump. Even those who support Trump see this narcissism, etc.. But they are blinded by... well, frankly, I would say they are blinded by emotion.

It's like this: Human beings.. seeing as how we live in an imperfect world where there are massive injustices and problems and ... etc.. well, they develop anger. And they can't take that anger out on just anyone (boss at work... co-workers) b/c there are consequences to doing so. So they have all this pent up anger and here comes someone like Trump who SHOWS his anger... Just about every picture we have of him and every video shows a very ANGRY face... Children probably run from the TV when close ups are shown...

Heck I myself run...

Yes, we all have anger and anyone paying attn. to world events.. is VERY angry (assuming the person CARES... which.. you probably wouldn't watch the news or read the news if you didn't care..)

So anyway, Louisiana Governor Jindal says that Trump is a narcissist and egomaniac, which is verified by Trump's own words. He can't say 2 sentneces without saying "I" or "me"

I am rich

I have the answers

I'm ahead in the polls

they apologized [for disagreeing w/ ME]..

I'm ahead in the polls
etc... etc...

Someone on CNN called him a misogynist

So, do you agree with Jindal? CNN? both?


Jindal is doing something the right has done for years: accusing others of the same crimes they themselves commit. The right has had an "intolerant strain" in it as Colin Powell himself has observed.

Now when the GOP sees Trump, they project onto him all those qualities they have themselves long denied. Just like they reflexively call liberals "racists" after being confronted with their own racism.



Someone who actually speak against war.


And even the Apostle Paul spoke against war:

(2 Cor 10:3) For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.


(2 Cor 10:4) The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.



And even the Apostle Paul spoke against war:

(2 Cor 10:3) For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.


(2 Cor 10:4) The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
The early Christians did not participate in the Roman killing machine. But well into the fourth century when the church got in bed with imperial Rome, it became against state law for Christian men NOT serve in the military.

The powers and principalities Paul struggled against were part and parcel of the Roman empire.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Just like they reflexively call liberals "racists" after being confronted with their own racism.

There is a reason liberal demoncrat are called racist... Because they always have been, it is the heritage of the demoncrat party since its beginning, history proves that out.


Well-known member
There is a reason liberal demoncrat are called racist... Because they always have been, it is the heritage of the demoncrat party since its beginning, history proves that out.
First, you're wrongly conflating "liberal" with "democrat", here. Racist democrats were never "liberal" democrats except in the minds of modern "neo-cons" intending to slander anyone who doesn't agree with themselves.

Secondly, what you're referring to is the fact that southern racists were originally mostly democrats, because they were mostly poor and middle class, and the democratic party was the party of the poor and middle class. That changed in the late 1960s when two democratic presidents (Kennedy and Johnson) backed the equal rights for blacks. When that happened the racist democrats in the south, and some in the north, turned their affiliation to the republican party, because the republican party was willing to pander to their racism.

And those voting blocks are still republican to this day, because the republican party is still pandering to their racism, their religious bigotry, and their general xenophobic attitude toward anyone not like themselves.

None of which has anything to do with liberalism or conservatism. Only politics and xenophobia.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Matt 26:52) "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.


He didn't tell him to chuck it, did He?

and why were they carrying swords, tramping through the desert?

just for opening cans of beans?


There is a reason liberal demoncrat are called racist... Because they always have been, it is the heritage of the demoncrat party since its beginning, history proves that out.
Still can't look within yet? We live in a racist society permeated with "white privilege."

I am accountable for my own racism, bigotry and hypocrisy. Why can't people such as yourself own up as well?

Are you Christian?

Didn't Jesus tell us to be mindful of the logs in our own eyes before we deem to point out a tiny speck of sawdust in our neighbor's?

You run from and avoid your own moral shortcomings and project those onto others.



He didn't tell him to chuck it, did He?

and why were they carrying swords, tramping through the desert?

just for opening cans of beans?

If you ever visit New York City, check out Rockefeller Center (30 Rock). You will find the following on the side of the building:


Here is what Isaiah 2:4 says:

(Isaiah 2:4) And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Then go down and visit the UN Building, and you will find the following statue of a guy beating his sword into a plowshare:


There is a reason for all of this. Do you know?