Excuse me?!!!
So just what sort of "support" do you need to NOT think you are an enemy??????
Even after your unfounded rant of how you think I deemed you as an enemy, I have indeed agreed with some of your posts publicly.
So this whole "You no longer support me when you agree with me" is just more of you imagining there are monsters where there are none.
I got so tired of it that I just gave up trying to convince you that you were not an enemy to me.
And thus I no longer cared if you thought that I think of you as an enemy, because I have the feeling that nothing I do or say about it will ever be good enough to defuse your paranoia about it.
What part of that crack up icon was not clear to you?
I was ribbing you.
If I cared about thank yous I'd be using them myself. I no longer do. To anyone.
If I cared about keeping score I'd be making idiotic statements like "so and so has only so many thank yous."
If I cared about keeping score, I'd ever be complaining to the mods about one fool thing or another.
If I cared about support, I would not have spoken my mind against the duplicity I see on the part of some.
When I first embraced MAD many years ago, I found that some people who were friends were not.
And I have made clear in the past who I was referring to about the enemy thing.
As I have mentioned several times, I view you as still relatively new to MAD.
Paranoid? About what? A bunch of strangers who one day will go the way of Jerry? MIA?
I myself will move on at some point and none of this will have mattered.
I often reflect on that kind of thing. How that the forum I was on prior to this had once been populated by MADs and others going on about these same problems and or doctrinal differences and then had all moved on by the time I showed up.
dodge, is nothing new. I am not. You are not. STP, Lazy, you name them..it's all the same game, different faces...
All the way back to these kinds of issue when Paul was writing about them.
You believe what you must.
I well know that this is all just one more day between human beings being...human.
Til the next batch shows up and takes up where we left off...
Some will actually care, some will get it right, some will have it wrong but think they alone have it right, some will be brown nose parroting frauds, and some will be their buddy :chuckle: