Even Madists do not know what MAD believes.
The only thing they agree on is that non- madists are not saved and going to hell.
MAD is an antichrist doctrine.
Avoid that LA Freeway. It's bumper to bumper with false doctrine and confusion.
Even Madists do not know what MAD believes.
The only thing they agree on is that non- madists are not saved and going to hell.
MAD is an antichrist doctrine.
Appears you have been hopelessly swallowed up in the lies and deceptions of MAD=men advocating deceptions.
I will pray that God open your heart to His truth, your ears to His word, and your eyes to His Son.
I am completely and fully in Christ and need no advice from a self-proclaimed lair such as yourself. Thanks for your condescending comments.
dodge...you don't even know what MAD is...get...a...clue...
You continue to TWIST both what MAD teaches and what the Bible teaches.
Paul is a chosen vessel and you think that he's just a duplicate.
Paul NEVER once calls Jesus a shepherd or us sheep.
The Bible calls Israel sheep and God their Shepherd.
dodge...you don't even know what MAD is...get...a...clue...
According to your crusade against those who trust in the "Grace Gospel" and the Doctrine of MAD, you don't even think they know what MAD is. You're a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." You're also causing dissension/disruption. You have one of the worst Testimonies on TOL.
Even Madists do not know what MAD believes.
The only thing they agree on is that non- madists are not saved and going to hell.
MAD is an antichrist doctrine.
I am sure you have cost Knight a lot of money in members who went elsewhere to post.
LA keeps mentioning that "Knight" called me a Moron when I first came on TOL. Knight and I had a little disagreement and there was a tiny argument and he called me a Moron. However, we made up and that was the end of it. If anyone still has any questions regarding that problem (About four or five years ago) contact Knight about it. He'll agree with my explanation. I reported LA to the Mod about bringing this up and she told me that LA only said it once so far. Now, LA has brought it up twice. If LA brings it up a third time, I'll have reason to report her and she may get banned for awhile. So, "Go ahead, make my day" LA.
I had a few heated arguments with Knight as well. Who cares? What is LA's point?
Grosnick, weren't you heavily involved with Watergate, too?
Yesterday, LA called me a "Whore", and a beast worshipper.
Do not let LA lead you up to the top of a high cliff...