You won't find Russell's/Josephus/Hannegraaf's/the pope's'/satan's false Preterist cult teachings in the bible. So, your satanic Preterism came from hell.
Come on, admitted sodomite, and cult member, satanist-just tell us:
-one infallible person, that taught Preterism, before you
-one person that taught this "everyone" theory, before you
-who this "everyone" was
-why, you assert, on record, that dispensational is heresy, is anti-christ, that all dispensationalists assert that the Lord Jesus Christ's work was not "good enough," that we deny the finished work of the Saviour, that one can deny Paul's gospel, and yet, that is not a "salvation issue," and that we/anyone, can hold these views, be a heretic/anti-christ, till death, and yet, still be saved.
Go ahead, punk. I will shove your own woords, down that sulfur coated throat, to show, again, all of TOL, that is what your satanic Preterism, has led you to believe.
Go ahead. You won't. Wimpy fraud.