You are literally too dumb to have any dialog with.
- You lie repeatedly
- You have no idea what MAD actually is
- You have an incorrect opinion about what it is
- You are a big time hypocrite and cannot see that either
- You think that you're an Israelite
- You are poser extraordinaire
You are talking about you no doubt.
I can't be as stupid as you claim UN-like you I did not fall for the lies and deceptions of MAD now that there is total stupid.
lol, I only repeated what Paul taught that circumcision that counts is not of the flesh but of the heart, and that pleases God.
You don't even believe Paul whom you claim to follow , and that is beyond stupid. You even disagree with Paul when Paul's teachings are shown to expose the errors of MAD.
As far as hypocrite goes how is it to claim you follow Paul and disregard his teachings when his teachings expose the errors of MAD ?
The posers are those that ignore Jesus, who claim to follow Jesus, to follow Paul whom taught to follow Jesus as he followed Jesus now there are your posers.