ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


Well-known member
I'm ever glad I've listened to MAD. I've come to a few conclusions, realizations:

1) to realize the rest of Christianity has given you a raw deal. I have seen intelligence, love for God's Word and Savior, as well as a version of Dispensationalism that is fairly straight forward and consistent.

Thanks. Can't recall who but Stam quoted some non-disp from way back in the '30s who disagreed with him but said at least mid-Acts is internally consistent when compared with Acts 2 (the majority), which is self-refuting. I know, I used to be one.

2)That what we do agree on IS essential to salvation by grace alone (an incredibly important tenant of both yours and mine). I rarely understand a disagreement on here between you and a Calvinist (or any other Dispensationalist that understand Grace Alone), by that token, over this particular doctrine.* Both of us are literally Sola Gratia (salvation by grace alone)** and both embrace emphatically Ephesians 2:8-10
I 'think' simply talking about verse 10 would help BUT realize why it is a different discussion and normally for another thread.

*Because it goes back to the nature of God -- two entirely different Gods depicted by the Reformed and by Disps. given what TULIP says He does. Someone is gravely wrong here.

**But if you take Lordship Salvation into account -- a VERY widespread doctrine -- you quickly see it's no longer a matter of sola fide.

3) I am not a rock, I rest on a (the) Rock. My mind is His to do as He wills, it is made up as far as that. "Calvinism" for me means "the way I best understand." If I had to guess, I'd believe the same is true with you as well. In Him -Lon

You're a covenantist but you have no covenant to appeal to nor rely on. None of us do. But we don't need one. We're under something far better: grace.
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Well-known member
**But if you take Lordship Salvation into account -- a VERY widespread doctrine -- you quickly see it's no longer a matter of sola fide.
Even among some MAD. Thus, it is ever a huge item of discussion agenda. I think it one of the elephants in the room. -Lon


New member
You just are not smart enough, or advanced enough for Danah. He stands alone. He doesn't want to be included, but then complains about not being included.
Cause, you know, you just ain't intelligent enough to figure out that not everyone thinks the same way unless Danoh tells you 100 times a week.

Danoh be Danoh.

Had I cared about being "included" I'd have kept my mouth shut.

Again, it is you who are misreading where I am coming from.

Last time I paid one MAD a compliment for example; they turned it into a means of "getting even" with me.

Meaning; such view others through their skewed, carnal, condition based, lens, to begin with.

You guys are simply far too "yet carnal."

You're too Jerry Springer.

And that gets in the way of OUR words to others.

THIS is my point.


Well-known member
What MADs are those, generically speaking; that is?

In what sense?

Thanks, in advance :)
I'm not sure I'd say that they weren't saved, but that they are caught up in works in direct connection with salvation.

That, and in general, I think we all have unsaved in our churches, but lest I become a fruit inspector, that isn't something I could point out other than as you say, generally summarizing what I believe is true in that regard. -Lon


Well-known member
You're too Jerry Springer.

And that gets in the way of OUR words to others.

THIS is my point.
Not really my show (thus not my place to say) but the little I've seen, I think you kind a join the show.

If I'm reading Musterion correctly, he'd like to get off the show, but they keep following him around with cameras.

Me? I've learned that they can see Christ on Jerry Springer as well. More difficult I grant you.

God's Truth

New member
Not really my show (thus not my place to say) but the little I've seen, I think you kind a join the show.

If I'm reading Musterion correctly, he'd like to get off the show, but they keep following him around with cameras.

Me? I've learned that they can see Christ on Jerry Springer as well. More difficult I grant you.

God help you all.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Me? I've learned that they can see Christ on Jerry Springer as well.
Atta boy, Lon!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 KJV
(1) To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
(2) A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
(3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
(4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
(5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
(6) A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
(7) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
(8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

God's Truth

New member
Had I cared about being "included" I'd have kept my mouth shut.

Again, it is you who are misreading where I am coming from.

Last time I paid one MAD a compliment for example; they turned it into a means of "getting even" with me.

Meaning; such view others through their skewed, carnal, condition based, lens, to begin with.

You guys are simply far too "yet carnal."

You're too Jerry Springer.

And that gets in the way of OUR words to others.

THIS is my point.


God's Truth

New member
Not really my show (thus not my place to say) but the little I've seen, I think you kind a join the show.

If I'm reading Musterion correctly, he'd like to get off the show, but they keep following him around with cameras.

Me? I've learned that they can see Christ on Jerry Springer as well. More difficult I grant you.


You see Christ in that show, but not in me.


New member
I'm not sure I'd say that they weren't saved, but that they are caught up in works in direct connection with salvation.

That, and in general, I think we all have unsaved in our churches, but lest I become a fruit inspector, that isn't something I could point out other than as you say, generally summarizing what I believe is true in that regard. -Lon

There is a distinction within some circles within MAD between standing for the truth of Romans 5 and that of what such refer to as the Grace Legalist.

Those ever beating others over the head with how they alone have Romans 5 right.

And such tend to be very nasty towards others.

It is sort of a different kind of Galatianism.

I knew a guy like that years ago.

He was ever looking to prove others wrong - how that they were wrong because they did not follow Paul.

But his real issue had never really been Romans thru Philemon.

Rather, he had turned "follow Paul as he followed Christ" into some sort of a different manifestation of Galatianism.

Lol - not too long ago, I found myself in the company of some other individual - who turned out to hold to Mid-Acts, but in that same Grace Legalist manner.

I was at some place eating with some one, when this "Grace Cop" walks in, and overhears me speaking with the persom I was with, about eternal issues.

Out of nowhere, the "Grace Cop" not only starts talking about "the Mystery" this and that; but continues to insist on bringing the conversation back to that.

With a person who clearly did not even know the Lord.

At one point I'd simply had enough of his stupidity.

I grabbed the Bible he had pulled out, said 'let me show you something; you see this; and this; and this...' as I ran through verse after verse after verse.

'I know EXACTLY what you are talking about' I said 'but what YOU are doing with it is NOT what it is for - put it away, and let us finish our meal...'

He, of course, took it wrong.

Such often do.

Their finger only points out at others.

Only later, was I able to continue to speak to that other person about their eternal destiny.

A conversation that fool made far much more difficult than it had had to be.

The Mystery is not even for the new person in the Lord, let alone; a lost person.

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New member
Not really my show (thus not my place to say) but the little I've seen, I think you kind a join the show.

If I'm reading Musterion correctly, he'd like to get off the show, but they keep following him around with cameras.

Me? I've learned that they can see Christ on Jerry Springer as well. More difficult I grant you.

Interesting viewpoint.

God's Truth

New member
There is a distinction within some circles within MAD between standing for the truth of Romans 5 and that of what such refer to as the Grace Legalist.

Those ever beating others over the head with how they alone have Romans 5 right.

And such tend to be very nasty towards others.

It is sort of a different kind of Galatianism.

I knew a guy like that years ago.

He was ever looking to prove others wrong - how that they were wrong because they did not follow Paul.

But his real issue had never really been Romans thru Philemon.

Rather, he had turned "follow Paul as he followed Christ" into some sort of a different manifestation of Galatianism.

Lol - not too long ago, I found myself in the company of some other individual - who turned out to hold to Mid-Acts, but in that same Grace Legalist manner.

I was at some place eating with some one, when this "Grace Cop" walks in, and overhears me speaking with the persom I was with, about eternal issues.

Out of nowhere, the "Grace Cop" not only starts talking about "the Mystery" this and that; but continues to insist on bringing the conversation back to that.

With a person who clearly did not even know the Lord.

At one point I'd simply had enough of his stupidity.

I grabbed the Bible he had pulled out, said 'let me show you something; you see this; and this; and this...' as I ran through verse after verse after verse.

'I know EXACTLY what you are talking about' I said 'but what YOU are doing with it is NOT what it is for - put it away, and let us finish our meal...'

He, of course, took it wrong.

Such often do.

Their finger only points out at others.

Only later, was I able to continue to speak to that other person about their eternal destiny.

A conversation that fool made far much more difficult than it had had to be.

The Mystery is not even for the new person in the Lord, let alone; a lost person.


...just call them retarded and not saved, as you have been doing. It is what you are, you know?

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Really, Danoh, that fool?


God's Truth

New member
There is a distinction within some circles within MAD between standing for the truth of Romans 5 and that of what such refer to as the Grace Legalist.

Those ever beating others over the head with how they alone have Romans 5 right.

And such tend to be very nasty towards others.

It is sort of a different kind of Galatianism.

I knew a guy like that years ago.

He was ever looking to prove others wrong - how that they were wrong because they did not follow Paul.

But his real issue had never really been Romans thru Philemon.

Rather, he had turned "follow Paul as he followed Christ" into some sort of a different manifestation of Galatianism.

Lol - not too long ago, I found myself in the company of some other individual - who turned out to hold to Mid-Acts, but in that same Grace Legalist manner.

I was at some place eating with some one, when this "Grace Cop" walks in, and overhears me speaking with the persom I was with, about eternal issues.

Out of nowhere, the "Grace Cop" not only starts talking about "the Mystery" this and that; but continues to insist on bringing the conversation back to that.

With a person who clearly did not even know the Lord.

At one point I'd simply had enough of his stupidity.

I grabbed the Bible he had pulled out, said 'let me show you something; you see this; and this; and this...' as I ran through verse after verse after verse.

'I know EXACTLY what you are talking about' I said 'but what YOU are doing with it is NOT what it is for - put it away, and let us finish our meal...'

He, of course, took it wrong.

Such often do.

Their finger only points out at others.

Only later, was I able to continue to speak to that other person about their eternal destiny.

A conversation that fool made far much more difficult than it had had to be.

The Mystery is not even for the new person in the Lord, let alone; a lost person.


What in the world are you talking about?

Do you have a comprehension problem, or are you sent here to test us?

Did you check your post for spelling errors?

Why don't you take a nap?

God's Truth

New member
There is a distinction within some circles within MAD between standing for the truth of Romans 5 and that of what such refer to as the Grace Legalist.

Those ever beating others over the head with how they alone have Romans 5 right.

And such tend to be very nasty towards others.

It is sort of a different kind of Galatianism.

I knew a guy like that years ago.

He was ever looking to prove others wrong - how that they were wrong because they did not follow Paul.

But his real issue had never really been Romans thru Philemon.

Rather, he had turned "follow Paul as he followed Christ" into some sort of a different manifestation of Galatianism.

Lol - not too long ago, I found myself in the company of some other individual - who turned out to hold to Mid-Acts, but in that same Grace Legalist manner.

I was at some place eating with some one, when this "Grace Cop" walks in, and overhears me speaking with the persom I was with, about eternal issues.

Out of nowhere, the "Grace Cop" not only starts talking about "the Mystery" this and that; but continues to insist on bringing the conversation back to that.

With a person who clearly did not even know the Lord.

At one point I'd simply had enough of his stupidity.

I grabbed the Bible he had pulled out, said 'let me show you something; you see this; and this; and this...' as I ran through verse after verse after verse.

'I know EXACTLY what you are talking about' I said 'but what YOU are doing with it is NOT what it is for - put it away, and let us finish our meal...'

He, of course, took it wrong.

Such often do.

Their finger only points out at others.

Only later, was I able to continue to speak to that other person about their eternal destiny.

A conversation that fool made far much more difficult than it had had to be.

The Mystery is not even for the new person in the Lord, let alone; a lost person.


Duh uh, eating? Uh fool, us, legalists, Madists? His stupidity?


New member
Is that what you do every day?

You are the vicious cat man.

You are wrong about what you did, for you did exalt Danoh. He was not being a friend. Danoh and you are the vicious ones. I am not upset. Maybe you are?

By the way, taking care of cats is not a bad thing. What is in your heart is.

No, he was calling my kindness towards you an act of foolishness on my part.

He is an extremist ever stuck in carnal viewpoint.

They all are - thus, their high fiving one another, whenever any of them post one of their carnally based observations and or attacks against anyone who does not agree with them.

God's Truth

New member
No, he was calling my kindness towards you an act of foolishness on my part.

He is an extremist ever stuck in carnal viewpoint.

They all are - thus, their high fiving one another, whenever any of them post one of their carnally based observations and or attacks against anyone who does not agree with them.

You want to be judge over us all, even though you are as bad as they are.