Danoh say that about everyone, except himself.
Nonsense, I have often pointed out my own foolishness.
Fact is that yours is some sort of a TOL CUB MAD vacation...
A vacation not only away from, but too often, TOO long away from, the reality in Christ we forever harp on and on about at others, even as we far too often fail to walk in said reality towards them.
You are so "yet carnal" in your skewed secular viewpoint on these issues that you actually conclude I have somehow betrayed this Club MAD of yours.
I am not being "holier than thou."
You and yours are.
You and yours actually expect me to continue to walk in OUR mess towards others, and or not call OURSELVES out on same.
You and yours are that enmeshed in this works based acceptance of yours towards others, that you can't even see all my noise is the exact same noise against such things found in the Apostle Paul's writings "to us, for us, and about us."
I love you all, even as I write all this.
But who of any of us died for all that we should should behave so disgracefully high and mighty towards others.
As I had often pointed out to Tetelestai when pointing out his nonsense to him 'tommorrow, I may fall.'
His response?
Concern as to whether or not I was "alright."
Much as I appreciated it, I was also made aware, he had not understood what I'd been referring to - the need to ever be aware of our own tendency to fall from our walk in the Lord - towards others.
Heck, should this post actually get through to you; feel free to remind me of it.
But in the Spirit, Tam - NOT out of the obvious pettiness you and yours are ever manifesting towards anyone who displays they either haven't a clue what any version of MAD affirms, or are just as merely opposed to MAD in general out of their own pettiness.
In the Spirit, Tam.
Meaning, even as I keep in my mind on mine own tendency towards nonsense.
Not Mid-Acts 101, nor 201, but Mid-Acts 301.
Not MAD...but GRACE MAD.
And no, I do not think I have all the answers.
And no, I am not mad at you.
We are...MAD, sister.
Yours in Him,
Eph. 4:16 forever!