ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


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Why then did God ask for it in the Old Testament? Why then did Jesus teach it when he walked the earth? Why did Jesus teach it after ascending to heaven?
He said not the way you define "repented", because your definition of "repented = stopped sinning" is false.
GOD repented, so obviously the word "repented" does not mean "stopped sinning" because GOD repented.

God's Truth

New member
Hypocrite - all you guys ever do is lecture others about what morons they are for not holding your views.

Should you win a GT over or a dodge, or whomever - what then?

Will you apologize to them for having spat on them all that time?

Will you then expect them to either troll your hypocrisy towards anyone who disagrees with you or face your farce that they have sold you out for strongly disagreeing with your mockery of "the grace that is in Christ Jesus?"

You each well know you would not pull your disgraceful behavior towards others during a disagreement with them were you doing so in the midst of a Grace assembly.

Time to leave the Romans 5 you are ever beating others over the head with out of your hypocrisy and start walking in what they keep rightly accusing you all of ignoring - time to show that Romans 6-8 and Romans 12-16 IS ALSO "for us" - by actually walking in the truth of those chapters.

Hypocrites - you'd turn against the Apostle Paul himself as "your enemy" had he written those chapters DIRECTLY to you.

Though "for us" they are.

No point in wasting any more time in writing these things to you and yours to your shame - you have none - you are each too entrenched in your duplicity.


That all sounds good, except how are you so different from glorydaz? You insult too.


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He said not the way you define "repented", because your definition of "repented = stopped sinning" is false.
GOD repented, so obviously the word "repented" does not mean "stopped sinning" because GOD repented.

A worker bee would rather blaspheme God and call Him a sinner, than to admit they are the ones who are wrong - after all they are trusting that their own righteousness is greater than Christs.

God's Truth

New member
Has nothing to do with the point by Steko that the kingdom was a future reality they were still expecting to come, because it had not happened yet.
Try to address the actual point made, will ya?

The kingdom was future only as for the time the Holy Spirit would be given to all the saved.

God's Truth

New member
The word used in scripture for "repented" is not "stopped sinning".
GOD repented.
It's obvious that GOD had not "stopped sinning", except to the blind and unlearned.

Repent is to change your mind about the evil, or sin that you are doing or were going to do.

God's Truth

New member
Amen sister, it means to turn around/change your mind about

If we could just stop sinning we would never need a Savior.

There were people who did right before Jesus came, some were even blameless.

Jesus came to reconcile us to God.

That happens when God Himself lives in our heart and we live in His...we are reconciled to Him.

God's Truth

New member
That all sounds good, except how are you so different from
Danoh? You insult too.

Are you going to revert to mocking now?

I put up with all kinds of terrible treatment from you and some of the others here.

I can defend myself and tell you that every bad thing you say about is what you are.


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Repent is to change your mind about the evil, or sin that you are doing or were going to do.
You still don't have the definition of the word correct.

Jeremiah 18:10 KJV
(10) If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

Has nothing to do with turning from evil or sin, but simply a change of mind.

God's Truth

New member
So true, Angel4Truth.
If there could have been a law that folks could obey that could give one life from the dead, then Christ died in vain.

Galatians 3:21 KJV
(21) Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

Galatians 2:21 KJV
(21) I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

That is about the ceremonial/purification works of the law.

God's Truth

New member
You still don't have the definition of the word correct.

Jeremiah 18:10 KJV
(10) If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

Has nothing to do with turning from evil or sin, but simply a change of mind.

Exodus 32:14 KJV And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.


New member
Are you mocking? Are you using scripture flippantly?

You just insulted me in the previous post.

Very well, GT, I'll break it all down for you.

Which only proves my point about you.

No, and no.

In my post to GD where she accused you of copying what you posted, and I said that those words you posted appeared to be in your "own voice" I was defending you.

That is what "own voice" means - that what a person is saying was not copied by them from someone else.

And in the post where I said enjoy your rest, I'd meant what I'd said - to enjoy your rest.

I added Rom. 5:8 because I still do not know if you were EVER saved to begin with, and are merely confused.

That I now have to explain my two posts to you in this one just shows once more, what I have tried to point out about you to these hypocrites - that it is clear to me that you simply have a problem with comprehension.

It does not mean that you are up to no good (their constant accusation of you).

You will now take this wrong, GT.

Proving my point once more.

That you have a problem with comprehension you yourself remain obviously unaware of and they should have some compassion.

Instead, they treat anyone not a part of their hypocrisy with some sort of a "get them first" and a "well they were mean first."

That is not grace - grace is unmerited.

The very principle they keep insulting others over, is the very principle they keep proving they don't really believe in, by their insults.

And no, I am no more mad at you GT, than any of them.

Never have been.

Not the issue.

In their case, I am addressing their attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviours towards anyone who does not hold their views.

They're the carnal Corinthians all over again - saved but "yet carnal."

And this will have to do, GT.

I have said here what I had to say to you concerning my take on all this.

I would suggest that the next time you conclude I was mocking you, or whatever, you reread this post.

The best toward you, as far as Romans 5:8 is concerned.

God's Truth

New member
Very well, GT, I'll break it all down for you.

Which only proves my point about you.

No, and no.

In my post to GD where she accused you of copying what you posted, and I said that those words you posted appeared to be in your "own voice" I was defending you.

That is what "own voice" means - that what a person is saying was not copied by them from someone else.

And in the post where I said enjoy your rest, I'd meant what I'd said - to enjoy your rest.

I added Rom. 5:8 because I still do not know if you were EVER saved to begin with, and are merely confused.

That I now have to explain my two posts to you in this one just shows once more, what I have tried to point out about you to these hypocrites - that it is clear to me that you simply have a problem with comprehension.

It does not mean that you are up to no good (their constant accusation of you).

You will now take this wrong, GT.

Proving my point once more.

That you have a problem with comprehension you yourself remain obviously unaware of and they should have some compassion.

Instead, they treat anyone not a part of their hypocrisy with some sort of a "get them first" and a "well they were mean first."

That is not grace - grace is unmerited.

The very principle they keep insulting others over, is the very principle they keep proving they don't really believe in, by their insults.

And no, I am no more mad at you GT, than any of them.

Never have been.

Not the issue.

In their case, I am addressing their attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviours towards anyone who does not hold their views.

They're the carnal Corinthians all over again - saved but "yet carnal."

And this will have to do, GT.

I have said here what I had to say to you concerning my take on all this.

I would suggest that the next time you conclude I was mocking you, or whatever, you reread this post.

The best toward you, as far as Romans 5:8 is concerned.

You are the one with a comprehension problem.

Are you really that ignorant or just that evil?

God's Truth

New member
He (foolishly) tries to befriend and aide you but you won't even read what he wrote. You just insult him instead.

You are exactly like Meshak.

You do not know what is going on. That kind of attitude that you have shows so much fault in the spirit.

Danoh has said that I have a learning disability since the beginning of his time here.

I can defend myself and give you advice back---

You are the one who is exactly like Meshak.
You need to figure out how to get rid of that bitter and false way about you.

Tell me, can we reason together? Are you reasonable? If I went around TOL and every once and a while posted after you that you were learning disabled, would you ever say anything to me about it?

Don't you see that you are exactly what you accuse me of Meshak? Don't you see that Danoh is exactly what he accuses me of being...learning disabled?