Fortunately, the burden of proof does not lie on my shoulders. You are the one who claims that there is some supernatural Creator despite not having physical evidence for its existence.
Who made that a law? You're the one who claims there is not a god. I think it should be easy to prove that God did not exist - if he didn't.
However, non-believers find it hard to prove that HE IS NOT.
It is just like you cannot prove that you ARE NOT ...
Because YOU ARE, so it can't be denied.
Well, God is ... and that is why you cannot prove that HE is NOT.
I guess atheists just find it really hard to believe that they are of any real significance... other than a puff of dust for a moment in the sun... and they transfer their anger by saying that God does not exist.
Christians have lots more evidence that God does exist and the only thing an atheist can do is this:
With their own minds they just deny deny deny. That just too easy! I don't think you even deserve any credit for coming up with your theory about a non-existing God... for your theory is based on nothing.
My opinion is that it would be a sad life not to be a believer. Sad to believe that you are a mere puff of dust for a moment. Why don't you cheer up and try being a believer saved for eternity IN CHRIST?