Words do have meanings, and they are based on HOW and WHERE they are used in any given context. They can also be looked up in the Greek to confirm what they actually mean not what someone says they mean.
That's your double talk for "they say what I want them to say", which is garbage. We have a vocabulary and a vernacular which is taken into account when it is translated into English, and as soon as you can show your credentials in this regard, I MAY pay attention to you.
A narrative is a story told for the purpose of conveying a message through people and their problems and situations.
Roy B. Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation, 128
The Bible is full of them, but going from one narrative to a different one to try and support your POV and then say NOTHING of import means absolutely nothing to me or anyone that knows what they are talking about.
Japanese is not the issue here, and they have Japanese Bibles. If you talking about 'functional equivalence', then NOBODY should be using the KJV, because it is NOT.
Why would I have ANY idea of what you say, when you don't say anything?
Verboseness is just that, putting a bunch of words together and trying to make it sound like you're saying something when you really aren't. WHO are YOU trying to fool?
Now I would suggest you actually make some pertinent responses to my posts, or I'll just add you to my list of those I ignore. It's sadly growing on this sight.