"The Greek," argument, as does "the best translations" argument, as does "the writings of" this or that external writer all, as does "what this passage means" - isolated from the following - all take a back seat - to the following - way in the back - to Scripture's own, overall narrative.
I suspect far too many rely on those crutches they end up making of those four for their greater fascination; and their easily lending themselves to being applied towards supporting whatever view one ends up at out of a failure to invest greater time in Scripture's overall narrative.
My observation is that recurrent pattern - even within a same school of thought the differences between its own adherents will be the result of a mix of a departure from Scripture's own, overall narrative, and an overreliance on the above four.
Again do you just like opining or do you have ANY actual facts to share.
If everyone COULD understand the Bible in it's proper context, Paul never would have admonished us to STUDY it.