TOL Subscriber
When was the last time you read more than 1-2 chapters of the Holy Bible at one sitting?
I refuse to boast about my study habits.

When was the last time you read more than 1-2 chapters of the Holy Bible at one sitting?
Hi and I will do it one better , there is no so-called Acts 2 DKISPENSATIONALISM !!
What he does not see , is that in Luke 1:6 , is that Zacharias was a jew walking in the Commanfmentgs and Ordinances of the Lord BLAMENESS and that included Elisabeth !
The only one that it can be said that was Paul in Phil 3:6 was BLAMELESS !!
It is obvious that they have not read Gen 1:1 , that God made HEAVENS and the EARTH !!
The Heavens belong to us and the EARTH belongs to Israel , just for starters !!
dan p
That logic about heaven and earth is why nonsense like 2P2P exists today.
Hi and it was just an OPENER for you !!
So if Israel does not inherit a Kingdom , then what is next afyter the Rom 11:25 ??
Is Rom 11:26 in your bible ??
dan p
It's not about the future. it is the definition of who is in 'all Israel': it is those who believe his Gospel was the crescendo of God's work through that people. Saved is never another Davidic theocracy in Romans. It is justification from our sins and it empowers the Jew-Gentile church (there is no other...).
There is no division of things in the NT where Jews are on earth and christians are in heaven, etc. Nada, zero, nil.
Hi and SHALL BE SAVED , THERE SHALL COME and SHALL TURN AWAY you did not comment on what Rom 11:26 really means , did you !!
Lets give all a CLUE , the following Greek words, are ALL IN THE Greek future tense , so explain that , if you can ??
Any time any one see's this phrase , IT IS WRITTEN that I have seen is always in the PREFECT TENSE , PASSIVE VOICE and in the INDICATIVE MOOD that is a FACT and all this means is that PRETERIKSM is wrong as are you !!
dan p
Yes, future--to Isaiah. Did you know Paul was in Isaiah's future? What a concept!
The reason why dispensationalism teaches doctrines different from these scriptures and others is because the its founders and early explainers like Chafer did not begin from a full understanding of the Gospel of Christ, which Paul in Acts 20: 27 calls "all the counsel of God,." but from something else, their ownb viewpoints. We can call that a broader kind of humanism.
The writers that you quoted are not inspired writers BUT the bible in its original autographs are !!
Dispensationalism is BIBLE DOCTRINE whether you like it or NOT an will never DISPROVE IT !!
So what does Acts 20:27 , then mean ??
dan p
On the subject of dispensationalism being separation theology, separating the elect of God into different groups which are different identities, several of the following scriptures teach unity of the elect of God, not separation, or the scriptures in some way support that unity.
John 10: 16, Romans 12: 4-5, Ephesians 4: 4, Romans 10: 12, Galatians 3: 28, Romans 2: 28-29, Romans 9: 6-8, Romans 11: 17-20, II Corinthians 3: 6-11, Galatians 3: 3, 16-17, 27-29, Galatians 4: 24-26, and Hebrews 10: 9.
John 10: 16, Romans 12: 4-5, Ephesians 4: 4 say there is one group of God's people, not Old Covenant Israel and the Church.
Romans 10: 12, Galatians 3: 28 teach that those of the elect whose bloodline is from Abraham are no different in Christ from those of the elect not from Abraham's bloodline.
Romans 2: 28-29 supports the unity of the elect because it says now a spiritual Jew is not defined by his physical bloodline, but a Jew is defined now by the circumcision of his heart, in the Spirit, which unifies the elect.
Romans 9: 6-8 and Romans 11: 17-20 say that the elect are Israel, while the people of the flesh, of the chosen bloodline who are not the children of the promise (the elect) are not God's people, and that those of the chosen people bloodline who rejected Christ were cut off. There is one redeemed Israel (Luke 1: 68), not Old Covenant Israel and the Church.
Galatians 3: 3, 16-17, 27-29 support the unity of the elect by saying the chosen people physical bloodline now goes to Christ alone and he made the physical bloodline from Abraham into a spiritual line from Abraham. Christ no longer divides the elect by a physical bloodline, as dispensationalism continues to do.
II Corinthians 3: 6-11 and Hebrews 10: 9 say that the Old Covenant was done away. so that in the New Covenant Old Covenant Israel is not a people of God.
Luke 1: 68-69 should be added to the list above, because it says Christ redeemed his people, and has created a pathway to salvation for us. And Romans 10: 12, Galatians 3: 28 teach that those of the elect whose bloodline is from Abraham are no different in Christ from those of the elect not from Abraham's bloodline. So "us" in Luke 1: 69 is everyone.
Dispensationalists, with their peculiar literalist of of the letter"Hermeneutic" might say that Luke 1: 68 does not say that Christ redeemed Israel, and in fact it turns out that he redeemed Israel by redeeming a remnant of Israel (Romans 11: 1-5), and not the multitude. The wording of Luke 1: 68 is "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel: for he has visited and redeemed his people." Dispensationalists might claim that because it does not say in an explicit way that God redeemed Israel, that he did not redeem Israel.
They are tone deaf about unity.
No, Dan, you'd have to define D'ism and prove it, never the other way around. Go ahead and give it a try. Best if you use Acts 13's sermon because it is the official apostle statement on the meaning, scope, destiny, history, legacy and objective of Israel.
Intellectually lazy . . .
Stuck in a rut. With a couple of goats. :chuckle:
The topic of this thread is that dispensationalism as a theology separates Old Covenant Israel from the Church, and separates the elect of the chosen people bloodline from the elect of the "Church," which is the meeting, the assembly or congregation of redeemed Israel(see Tyndale's translation of ekklesia consistently).
But the dispensationalists have to sidestep this topic focused upon their separation theology when faced with the scriptures discussed on this thread - see post number 31. So there is an attempt to change the topic to what oikonomia means for dispensationalists. Again, this is the dialectic and getting into a dialogue with a dialectic mind just leads to more and more dialectic and few if any insights and new information about scripture.