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You ready to answer my questions yet?
Stop following me around neg repping me cornball.
You ready to answer my questions yet?
binyamin7, I spent my time answering what you said so why won't you answer my remarks?
I think there is hope for you, yet. That was really funny. :chuckle:
Stop following me around neg repping me cornball.
So you can't do it, you're just a loudmouth.
Tell ya what. Answer the questions honestly and i will throw you a posrep.
Would cha?! Would cha do me a good rep one more again?!
You really didn't add any new information that isn't answered by previous posts, or a simple basic reading of the New Testament.
Acts 24:47- the Gospel of repentance is to be preached to ALL the nations, beginning in Jerusalem. Same Gospel to all nations.
How can you explain these things?
:blabla:Jerry I am not mistaken. You have been bewitched, hoodwinked, bamboozled. I have answered these questions well enough for you to know the truth if you want to know it. I won't talk in circles if the Holy Spirit doesn't authorize it. I have been here many times over the years and you have read my answers long before I reregistered.
Jerry I am not mistaken. You have been bewitched, hoodwinked, bamboozled. I have answered these questions well enough for you to know the truth if you want to know it. I won't talk in circles if the Holy Spirit doesn't authorize it. I have been here many times over the years and you have read my answers long before I reregistered.
Contrary to your assertion that I have read your answers before you reregistered I say that I never read any such answers.
Quit trying to change the topic, troll.You have been posting since 2001, 13,233 posts.
If you want to be dogmatic about something that is designed to support/prop up OSAS so that people can be comfortable in sin (Rev 3:14-22) that is up to you. So let me ask you this, do you believe in OSAS?
Yeah, there is that bonding thing I commented on again. :angel:
You have been posting since 2001, 13,233 posts.
If you want to be dogmatic about something that is designed to support/prop up OSAS so that people can be comfortable in sin (Rev 3:14-22) that is up to you. So let me ask you this, do you believe in OSAS?
No, "that bonding" is in your imagination.
I saw a moment when you seemed to have a sense of humour, which is a plus.
The fact that you seem unwilling to listen, and your refusal to say what you believe means you will be kept outside my interest. Hopefully, you will decide to engage like a regular person.
What does that have to do with the points that I raised. I will answer your question and in return I will expect you to answer mine.
I say that the following words of the Lord Jesus proves beyond any doubt that the believer enjoys eternal security--OSAS:
"I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" (Jn.11:25-26).
The following verse also proves that OSAS is true:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"(Jn.3:16).
Since I have acted in good faith by answering you please return the favor and answer my questions.
Oh knock it off it is okay to be kind. You don't have to quickly be mean again so no one knows.
1. Don't tell me what to do.
2. I read some more of your posts.
3. You will reap what you sow.
So I was correct in my understanding of what is going on here? Since propping up that belief is why this elaborate manipulation of Scripture was invented, that is where I will have the debate with you. I will post a fresh post on OSAS soon.
Now that I answered your question now it is your turn to answer my questions. if you don't then I can only conclude that you can't think of a logical answer and since I have one you lose the argument. Your silence on this matter speaks volumes!