My thoughts about the role of science
My thoughts about the role of science
I have to get my son ready for school this morning, but I want to make one point that has gotten lost in this discussion about the details of wording choices and of calculations, and that point concerns the role of science. I admit right up front that these are my personal beliefs, and that not all scientists agree with me.
We know a whole lot about stars and rocks, bacteria and trees, crystals and molecules. There's even more that we don't know. This knowledge helps make our lives longer and more fulfilling through antibiotics and computers and jet planes and so forth, and I don't want to minimize the importance of making lives longer and more fulfilling. But there's another dimension that's easy to miss:
Everything scientists discover -- what we discover about biogeography and evolution, about crystals and clouds, about atoms and galaxies, about black holes and quantum mechanics -- demonstrates the glory of God. If I had been creator of the universe, it would have been a much more prosaic, much more humble, and much less interesting place. Our scientific discoveries of course are now and will remain forever incomplete, but what we do know shows us a universe more arresting, more magnificent, more sublime than anything a human could have created.