Direct assault on Satan (Evil's.<(I)> Naughty List)


Well-known member
Jesus spiritualized the law on the mount! By preaching that "sin" is still an issue, you deny the ONE who became sin, though He knew no Sin! He cried out "Father, why have you forsaken Me?"... when He was never forsook and He understood this!

You see seeds of doubt. James 2:10 shows that we are guilty at every second of every day. You are telling little children that Jesus is a phone!
You don't speak the truth, you seem to just want to live by the will of your flesh and have Jesus do it all for you and you do nothing. Well you're wrong, the gospel isn't a just believe and do nothing gospel, those who truly follow Jesus are doers of the word and not hearers only.

You're being deceived and you're allowing yourself to do so, as I quoted earlier, all scripture is written by the inspiration of God so that we are fully furnished unto good works. If your want to ignore that and live by your own will and not Gods, then that's between you and God.

But you are a false teacher, teaching that it's ok to sin and still be saved. Only Satan teaches this and you are listening to the wrong spirit. Listen to your conscience a deny your flesh, bare your cross and follow Jesus.

Jesus said that those who are not willing to bare their cross, are not worthy of him!

By the way, I said I still sin, but hopefully not wilfully, if I do, I know I will face the consequences. God won't be mocked!


You don't speak the truth, you seem to just want to live by the will of your flesh and have Jesus do it all for you and you do nothing. Well you're wrong, the gospel isn't a just believe and do nothing gospel, those who truly follow Jesus are doers of the word and not hearers only.

You're being deceived and you're allowing yourself to do so, as I quoted earlier, all scripture is written by the inspiration of God so that we are fully furnished unto good works. If your want to ignore that and live by your own will and not Gods, then that's between you and God.

But you are a false teacher, teaching that it's ok to sin and still be saved. Only Satan teaches this and you are listening to the wrong spirit. Listen to your conscience a deny your flesh, bare your cross and follow Jesus.

Jesus said that those who are not willing to bare their cross, are not worthy of him!

By the way, I said I still sin, but hopefully not wilfully, if I do, I know I will face the consequences. God won't be mocked!

I Proclaim THE TRUTH. JESUS IS THE TRUTH! (Php. 2:9f) !!!

You are in the darkness of your flesh and refuse to admit your utter need for His righteousness!


Well-known member
I Proclaim THE YRUTH. JESUS IS THE TRUTH! (Php. 2:9f) !!!
You just be careful how you judge others, because you don't know their hearts.

And yes Jesus is the truth, and if we are of the truth then we will bare witness to the truth and live it out!


You just be careful how you judge others, because you don't know their hearts.

And yes Jesus is the truth, and if we are of the truth then we will bare witness to the truth and live it out!

Lk. 6:45

Your mouth proclaims your wickedness! I do not judge the flesh... nor do I judge. You are alive in your flesh, but I am dead in mine. You have set yourself up for what you receive.

If HE is the TRUTH, than what does this mean?

John 6:63

63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

Who's flesh profits nothing?


Well-known member
Lk. 6:45

Your mouth proclaims your wickedness! I do not judge the flesh... nor do I judge. You are alive in your flesh, but I am dead in mine. You have set yourself up for what you receive.

I think you do!

And as you judge me, God judges you. If you were dead to your flesh, you would agree that we are to live by the will of God. But you don't.

We have to be dead to our old life in the flesh, and dying daily to do Gods will and for Christ to live through us. I hope that you will understand this one day and God opens your eyes. But until you come come down off your pedestal and stop condemning others and writing false posts about them, whilst setting yourself up as above them and seeing yourself as full of knowledge then that's not going to happen!

By the way, I don't know how you've come to that conclusion, my mouth is full of wickedness for saying that we have to obey God and do his will, but you're full of righteousness and right by saying we can still wilfully sin before God and still be saved!

Talk about twisting the truth!

Jesus said that people like you are in danger of him saying depart from me your workers of iniquity, so maybe you do need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling as so far, you're believeing a lie!

Right I'm off, I'll answer anymore later.


I think you do!

And as you judge me, God judges you. If you were dead to your flesh, you would agree that we are to live by the will of God. But you don't.

We have to be dead to our old life in the flesh, and dying daily to do Gods will and for Christ to live through us. I hope that you will understand this one day and God opens your eyes. But until you come come down off your pedestal and stop condemning others and writing false posts about them, whilst setting yourself up as above them and seeing yourself as full of knowledge then that's not going to happen!

By the way, I don't know how you've come to that conclusion, my mouth is full of wickedness for saying that we have to obey God and do his will, but you're full of righteousness and right by saying we can still wilfully sin before God and still be saved!

Talk about twisting the truth!

Jesus said that people like you are in danger of him saying depart from me your workers of iniquity, so maybe you do need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling as so far, you're believeing a lie!

Right I'm off, I'll answer anymore later.

You judge with every word of "self righteousness" and denial of the TRUE title of the King of Kings. My Lord, God and Is. 43:11 that you speak.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All the oldest manuscripts and coices are Uncial, .........................................

Quite irrelevant. Pay attention, to her argument, expressed in words:

"As I've said before, there was no punctuation in the original scriptures,"-marhig

Sit down.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Please pay better attention: she is correct and you are clueless. :)

You/she have/has "the original scriptures," you bible correcting idiot?

Go ahead, tell us you/she do/does, punk. Go ahead.

And, while you are at it, punk:

1. How would you know that you had "the original scriptures," even if they were alleged to be such, in your lap?

You: Well, uh, urr,...this website said, you see, uh, urr...

2. Define bible believer, bible corrector.

You can't touch me, re. the scriptures.

You: What is scriptures?....


Well-known member
You have "the original scriptures," you bible correcting idiot?

Go ahead, tell us you do, punk. Go ahead.

And, while you are at it, punk:

1. How would you know that you had "the original scriptures," even if they were alleged to be such, in your lap?

You: Well, uh, urr,...this website said, you see, uh, urr...

2. Define bible believer, bible corrector.

You can't touch me, re. the scriptures.

You: What is scriptures?....

So this is you and the OP's "Direct assault on Satan"?
What a sad joke you two birds of a feather are playing on yourselves. :zakath: :shut: :nono:


So this is you and the OP's "Direct assault on Satan"?
What a sad joke you two birds of a feather are playing on yourselves. :zakath: :shut: :nono:

St. [MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION]. (The Rock Rifleman) Looks back at those that embrace Jesus as their Lord, God and Savior... then...


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So this is you and the OP's "Direct assault on Satan"?
What a sad joke you two birds of a feather are playing on yourselves. :zakath: :shut: :nono:

Did our hero answer my questions, posed to him, by his own "argument?"

No. Just more "Oprah/The View" opinion, about opinions, about opinions of opinions, of opinions......stock cliches.....and....

View attachment 25426


Well-known member
Quite irrelevant. Pay attention, to her argument, expressed in words:

"As I've said before, there was no punctuation in the original scriptures,"-marhig

Sit down.

You are such a nit picker, I meant the scriptures that they translated the Bible from!

Was there punctuation in the scriptures that they translated the Bible from? No there wasn't!

You need to calm down a bit, your starting to sound a bit insane the way your acting.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are such a nit picker, I meant the scriptures that they translated the Bible from!

Was there punctuation in the scriptures that they translated the Bible from? No there wasn't!

You need to calm down a bit, your starting to sound a bit insane the way your acting.
Catch that deception, folks? "nit picker."

A lost person to you: There are many paths to God, not just through this "Jesus!!"

You: Right on!!! I'm no nit picker!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


As I've said before, there was no punctuation in the original scriptures,



You are such a nit picker, I meant the scriptures that they translated the Bible from!

Was there punctuation in the scriptures that they translated the Bible from? No there wasn't!

You need to calm down a bit, your starting to sound a bit insane the way your acting.



Well-known member
Catch that deception, folks? "nit picker."

A lost person to you: There are many paths to God, not just through this "Jesus!!"

You: Right on!!! I'm no nit picker!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


As I said, your starting to act like you're going insane!


Well-known member
Take a good look at that, because he who that actor portrays is he that has control of you if you believe that you can carry on wilfully sinning and God will be ok about it and you'll still be saved!

He deceived Eve in the same way tempting her to sin against God saying you shall not surely die..... Yes you will! Those who know the truth and carry on wilfully sinning are turning away from God and denying him and they are in danger of being twice dead plucked up by the roots!

Jesus said this regarding those whose who don't do the will of God!

Matthew 7

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.*Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?*And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.