The derogatory tone comes from you acting like you don't understand clear English. You said, "I'm not sure how science becomes failed science when it contradicts your understanding of the Bible." I gave you a clear definition of what failed science was that had nothing to do with my understanding of the Bible. I even provided an example that was not from the Bible.
Yet you showed no interest in an honest conversation. If you were honest, even you would have to admit you deserved an answer with a derogatory tone at the very least.
You just learned the evidence for a worldwide flood is overwhelming.

Dude, a continent sized sediment layer is not a regional flood.
From your blunder above, you clearly have no concept of how the flood happened. You should listen to science instead of imagining that it rained from clouds until the water was above mt Everest.
I have looked at and appraised everything that has been put in front of me regarding the Flood. Now you may try to emoji me to death, but it simply is not evidence of the Flood of Noah. It's evidence of something, but when you apply a Creation prejudice to the evidence you come up with a wrong conclusion.
No evidence exists for a global flood. Significant evidence exists for catastrophic regional floods, especially the Black Sea about 7,500 years ago. We just had a massive flood in NSW Australia that covered major towns up to the second story.
Honest, to you is me accepting what you say, I'm sorry I can't because you are misguided and influenced by a closed minded belief in a literal Genesis. That's your problem, not mine, nor is it a problem with God, the Bible, Judaism from which this story comes, or Christianity that can't leave the Scripture of Judaism alone. The literal belief is your problem and no amount of carry-on on your part will make fake evidence real.
My concept of the Flood is symbolic, I have no intension of trying to shoehorn real science into a literal belief that has absolutely no bearing on the Word of God or Biblical teachings.
Noah received a Revelation from God over a 40 year period, 40 days and nights of rain from God being 40 in human terms. He then established a covenant with God and those who also entered into that covenant it was as if they were protected from a great flood of self and passion.
And this is the least contradictory aspect of this story in a literal context. You then have 8 people inbreeding to produce Pygmies, Zulu, Australian Aboriginals, NZ Maoris, red-headed Vikings, American First Nations peoples, Indians, Anglo Saxons, Arabic peoples, etc, etc, all with extensive cultures that goes back tens-of thousands of years.
Then you have a planet rebounding from total devastation to flourishing in the blink of an eye.
Then you have genetics that tell us that humans and animals were not throttles back to two of each, or 8 in the case for humans.
Then you have animals for all the islands of the world, unique species of marsupial and monotreme from Australia, how did they get of the Ark? Then you have animals that are bound to very specific environments, how did they survive away from their absolutely required ecosystems?
Then you have a wooden boat that would have broken its own back so impossibly large was it. One end would have rotted by the time they got to the other end. Boat building, engineering experts have said that such an Ark could not be built.
Then you have all the animals requiring very specific diets, many needing living creatures to eat. The elephants alone, there are 4 species, but we can say African and Asian, there had to be at least 4 elephants because they are so far apart. 4 elephants eating 300 lb each a day.
Now how long was Noah and the elephants on that Ark? Some say 370 days x 300 x 4 = 84 tons of vegetation. Now let's move on to the giraffes and the hypos and the rhinos and the water buffalo and the bison and the moose and the musk ox and the, well, I'm sure you get the point.
Now there is an honest conversation, sediment is the least of your worries.
It is not a literal story, it is a symbolic teaching of how God protects those who entering into a loving covenant with Him.